

"Distraction is the thief of concentration, robbing us of our ability to focus on what truly matters." We all want to do well in the task we undertake and many times we succeed but sometimes we do not. There can be multiple factors for the quality of the output but one which is common and of great importance is deep focus, to enhance one's productivity and creativity one must cultivate deep concentration. The article discusses the anecdotes from a book titled ''Hyperfocus'' by Chris Bailey. The author, after vigorous research and analysis, shares the importance of hyperfocus and how to develop this very much-required quality. My motive for taking up this topic is to make students as well as the elders aware of the ways to channel their energy into fruitful and right directions where their invested interest pays them back. Talking about "Hyperfocus" by Chris Bailey, it is a hard-earned work to explore the science behind focus and strategies to

Reforms In Indian Education

“Dive into the waves of change, for in its depths lies the treasures of opportunity.” During the ongoing nationwide examinations, significant reforms are currently underway in the education sector, driven by the changes outlined in the National Education Policy (NEP) of 2020. These reforms are being felt from the highest levels of policy-making down to the everyday workings of our schools. In recent weeks, much attention has been given to the rapid implementation of measures aimed at transforming our examination and assessment systems. This began with the introduction of the National Credit Framework (NCrF) following last year's National Curriculum Framework (NCF). Additionally, CBSE has proposed several changes, such as twice-a-year public examinations for classes X and XII and an expansion of subjects at secondary and senior secondary levels. You may recall that I explained concept and importance of NcrF in the previous article.   While these changes promise significant ben

NCF & NCrF- Innovative Approach

  It has been almost four years since the time NEP 2020 was launched by the honourable Prime Minister of India. Then onwards we have travelled a long way in terms of implementation of the same because the policy is made in such a manner that it has a balanced mix of the ancient Indian education system and modern-day education as desired due to the advancement of technology and different needs of the changing time. Any new policy requires a lot of diligence while being implemented and so is the case with this one as well. The focus on the foundational stage of skill development and entrepreneurship abilities and then innovation in all areas of life not only for the sake of an individual but also the global issues to be addressed is the very spirit of “Vasudhavaa Kutumbakam”. The most important is relevant emphasis on the Indian languages and the culture. I would avoid repeating the explanation as we all have gone through the same umpteen number of times in the last few years and would s