Skills of Parenting
Parenting has always been an important and sensitive issue and continues to be the same, rather is more relevant in today`s time than before. The society is more evolved and open now and also there is a sense of tough competition in all the fields of life, be it a student in school or college or an adult working as an employee or being self-employed. Everyone wants to be ahead of others. This way things do become better but in this race of going ahead of others we tend to leave something important behind and that very important thing to me is relationship with our own people. They may be the parents, friends, other close relatives or the children. In this, the most vulnerable human being happens to be the children. Though all want to do everything for their children but do not understand the right way of doing the same. They are unable to decide whether the material gains are important for the children or the teachings of life that will help the kids in future. Not only this, they ev...