Teachers Make a Difference
Times have definitely changed but the young generations of all ages and times have always showcased an untamable passion towards achieving their goals. What has played the key role in their lives is that one power that patiently channelized this passion in the right direction. That power lies in the one who has ever taught you to overcome the hurdle of negatives and focus on the path of positives; that one person who has given us genuine advice and showed us the right path. Undoubtedly, learning is a lifelong process, and if we want to constantly learn then there is definitely a someone is needed to facilitate the same and he is a teacher. When teacher is so important in the life of all then why isn’t teaching considered a high-end profession and why does it not ever come in the top list of most sought after profession? Dear readers, how many of you ever aspired to be a teacher and would like your child to take up this most challenging and noble job? Well, there is this one stat...