Try Getting Better
MARKS CAN NEVER EQUATE LEARNING I hope all are well and finding ways to fight this unprecedented time and situation which forced all of us to change our approach towards many things in life. There are many people who are finding it difficult to cope up but majority of us have been able to face this challenge successfully. The word successfully does not mean we are through this pandemic but finding different ways and solutions to either live with the virus or avoid the virus till vaccines are available. This sort of problem was not at all thought or predicted by anybody hence we did not know how to solve it. However, this period has given opportunity to people to learn from books, movies and webinars etc. While reading a book titled “Get better at getting better” by Sh. Chandramoli Venkatesan, I came across an analogy related to the education system of our country. As the results of many public examinations conduced by different examination bodies have been dec...