Pursuing Passion
When it comes to career advice, ‘follow your passion’ or do ‘what you are interested in’, seems to be the order of the day. And while this slogan may be as popular as the sun - splashed across books and magazines, heard in speeches and pep talks and vouched for by coaches and experts, it may actually, in my opinion, not be a very sound notion. Uncertainty and ambiguity that children, as also their parents face when it comes to making decisions about ‘choosing the most befitting and right career option’ is not an unusual phenomenon, most of us experience it. And with the current overemphasis on ‘letting children follow their dreams’ making a choice that is both appropriate and practical can at times be tricky. The solution to this probably lies in understanding what ‘interest’ really is. Interest, as stated in the Merriam Webster dictionary is ‘a quality that attracts one’s attention and makes one want to learn more about something or to be involved in something.’ The next que...