Understanding and Dealing With Concerning Behaviour
The topic I am going to touch upon is often discussed and still seems to be of great interest to many of us, especially the parents and the teachers. You might wonder as to why did I shift from education, coaching and school to taking care of the children with concerning behaviour. A friend of mine gifted me a book and the title of which may not be appealing to some but the content is worth reading and if we follow the advice given in the book, then most of the problems faced by the KIDS, parents and teachers can be taken care of. The book is titled, “The Explosive Child - A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children”, by Ross W. Greene. Though all of us would have come across some examples which I would quote from the book at times these seem to be too extreme but the solution suggested is of paramount importance. However, some can find it difficult to follow so we need to develop patience while applying these methods. The fir...