Instructional Coach- A Friend Indeed

A few years back I had written about the concept of a critical friend. Every individual needs some input and insight to become better in some specific area or in general. The concept of a critical friend is to have someone very close to oneself who tells about one’s strengths and weaknesses. You all would be aware of SWOT- strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats at a workplace. We also talk a lot about teamwork and its advantages. Whether it is the development of the team or an individual, there is a need for a coach, because critical friends can help us in knowing about our weaknesses, but how to overcome them can be advised and suggested by a coach. A coach is someone who would help an individual grow and do better in a specific skill or field. Though in our country we do have an idea about the importance of coaching that is mostly in the field of sports and lately seen in the trend of cracking entrance examinations. The corporates have a culture of mentors who help the newc...