In their speeches, all our leaders talk about the development of the nation. Our present Prime Minister Mr. Modi once said “I have a vision of a Modern India. I have embarked on a huge mission to convert that vision into reality. My mantra is Development.” The concept of development is almost as old as civilization; it has been the driving force behind all progress in the history of mankind. And although in the current modern times, it finds the most amount of mention while describing economic and monetary state of affairs, it is pertinent to all walks of human life, whether social, technological, psychological or personal. Development is a phenomenon, so holistic and fundamental that if understood closely it would help define the very purpose of our lives, but how often do we see it that way? The book that I am currently reading, ‘Small is Beautiful – A Study of Economics as if People Mattered’ by E F Schumacher has touched my heart indescribably and helped me see things in a ...