Accountability -Difficult But Essential
“ जीवन की एक बड़ी विडम्बना यह है कि हम सदा दूसरो के कार्यों को देखते है , उनकी समालोचना करते हैं । कभी न अपने विचारों और कार्यों पर दृष्टि डालते हैं , न उनका आकलन करते है , बल्कि हम हमेशा स्वयं को सही मानते हैं । अपने इस अहंकार की मार हम पूरे उम्र खाते हैं । ” – Shri Gulab Kothari Ji in Raj Patrika (One of the greatest ironies of life is we always look at the actions of others and criticize them. We never introspect nor do we assess our actions and thoughts and always consider ourselves right. And this arrogance holds us back, all our life) A student at the Ambedkar University Delhi was recently stopped from taking her final semester exams till she paid fine for derogatory remarks posted by her against the CM and state Education Minister during the university’s online convocation ceremony. Following which, the Education Minister reached out to the university to cancel the fine, stating that ‘no student should be punished for exercising their right to free speech within the unive...