Constantly changing educational policies
It is a popular notion that Education is a process through which knowledge, learning, skills and understanding is passed on to the next generation through interaction, sharing and teaching. It is not innate but acquired. In our country, education is passing through a transitional phase and all stake holders are trying to cope with the same. It started with the introduction of CCE by CBSE and since then many more steps have been taken to make things easy for the children and those aspiring to become engineers and doctors. I would like to emphasize on the word used ‘easy’ because it is very important for us to understand this and respond accordingly. Our great philosophers and educationists defined education in their own ways but one thing common is that this is the manifestation of the potential already possessed by an individual. As we know that all seeds grow into plants or trees if they are provided with a proper and conducive environment. They can grow anywhere whether it b...