Time to awake and arise

The end of the year 2012 left all the countrymen troubled and concerned about the kind of society we witness in the present age. The heinous crime and foolish act on the part of a few mentally imbalanced people has shaken the faith of the people in the systems and when I say systems I mean all the agencies responsible for the welfare of all the citizens of the country. Though apparently it appears as to have touched the right chord in the rampant acts of corruption, particularly the crime against women but the reality speaks something else. The brave girl fought for her life and the people in position tried to fight for their own sake. My intention is not to cast shadow on the thinking of all but by and large people took it as an opportunity to be in limelight by making tall statements as and when they got an opportunity. The public feels helpless and the faith in the people in power and position is getting eroded fast. Our respected elected representatives are very good in diverting the attention of the people from the real issues and same appears to be happening now also. The way the whole issue has been dealt with leaves a lot to think and make corrections. The revelations made by the sole eyewitness must stir us all. What he told is the testimony to what happens every day on the streets and the homes and we do not bother to pay attention to that as this is not our concern. This has been reported many a times that many deaths and crimes can be stopped if the general public plays more active role than they usually do. The assailants had thrown the two victims on the road and they kept lying there for hours and if somebody had helped them in the dire need, probably the brave girl could have been saved. The police are giving its own version and trying to prove that they did their best but the issue is not one case or incident. The home secretary and the commissioner of police had a press conference a few days back and indulged in self-praise as if they had done something extraordinary. The police needs to introspect its working style and behavior with the public. This may not be liked by some but this is also true that it is difficult to lodge an FIR for an ordinary person and in this case also the women find it very difficult. The police reforms which are debated and discussed a lot but have never been seriously thought to be implemented should be brought in at the earliest. The police personnel may have their own issues and problems which should also be addressed by the people in government. The police personnel will have to amend their working style and attitude towards aam aadmi so that they do not feel disturbed and worried while going to a police station. Also the general public should be made to believe that if they help somebody injured on the road and take the person to the hospital then the concerned person would not face any inconvenience in the name of evidence etc. The law plays its own role nevertheless the acts on the part of the police and the aam aadmi is of paramount importance and that should be given all due importance in the perspective.
Even after so much of awareness and public outcry, the incidents of abuse against the women are taking place almost every day. On the one hand, there are people fighting for the justice to the brave girl (there are men in majority) and on the other hand, quite ironically people from the same gender are involved in the atrocities against the women. It means there is no fear in the mind of such people or they have no control over their emotions or desires. This makes many of us believe that there is an urgent need to address this issue from the society`s point of view. This is a fact that the male child is still given more importance than the female child at homes and in the families. We have not yet overcome the mentality of the name of the family to be carried forward by the male child only and the girl is still considered to be Praya Dhan. Not only this, the girls are still treated below the level of the boys and this is more so in the families in the villages and small towns but even the metros are also not untouched by such thinking. If we have to curb the crimes against the women, then the treatment at homes, in schools and the public places should be such that both the genders are given equal importance. The girls and the boys should be treated at par and all male members must be taught to respect the ladies as they would like their sisters and the mother to be treated by others. We must understand that the society in which women are not treated with respect, that society cannot survive for long and there will be no happiness around. It was very disturbing to read somewhere when a girl of age twenty says that it would have been better if she was killed even before she came to this dirty world, in spite of letting grow to face such crime, humiliation and dead feeling for life. The parents and other family members have also to play a significant role in changing the mindset of the male members so that the serious problem being faced by the society is addressed successfully. If we treat the children at home in a manner favoring our say so that there is no feeling disparity, then many of the problems will be taken care of.
This is one of those problems which have existed in the society for quite long but now the time has come that we change it and the women of our society get the place and position that they deserve. The people in responsible position should refrain of making wild statement and prove that the women themselves are responsible for the heinous crimes against them. This is absolutely absurd and such statements expressing male chauvinism should be condemned by all. Men should not pass the bug on to the women for their own misdeeds and wrong doings. The women of this country have proved self to be the one more mature, more responsible and they are the ones because of whom this society exists and progresses. The media should also censor all such statements which are derogatory to the image of the women. I would like to suggest and advise all concerned that they should not try to justify the acts of nonsense towards the women by giving lame excuses or reasons but try to awake the inner intelligence of male members that the female members are to be respected and thanked for all good they do for the society. The moment we would start respecting them then most of the problems against them will automatically recede. In this regard the parents of the children can help tremendously if they treat both the genders equally. The government and the public should work in tandem and find the solution to this problem at the earliest so that the Indians can live with their heads held high in the world society. The law makers, Police and the society should develop faith and help each other than seeing the other with suspicion. An equally important role can be played by the schools, to sensitize the youth about such issues. Though there are various programmes, like ‘Adult Education Programme’, ‘Growing up with Dignity’ etc; started by different organizations, yet the need of the hour is to train the youth to conquer passion, thus preventing wastage of energy in the direction of pleasurable desires, that may lead to undesirable consequences. Even all the religions teach us the same philosophy. The onus of this change is also onto teachers, to understand, discuss, talk and counsel the present day students to respect all the creations of god, for a ubiquitous uprising.
In the end I pray that the departed soul rest in peace and justice is done to other such cases which do not attract such public and media attention and also pray that the year 2013 will see better, safer and happier life for all especially the our mothers, sisters and daughters.     


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