Importance of Feedback-giving critical feedback

 I would like to thank all my readers for their responses and comments on the topic `Feedback`. As promised, the new article will focus on giving critical feedback. One thing was great in the comments that were in agreement with the feedback for the improvement in the performance of an individual and the institution. But the question is ` What is the better way of delivering bad news? ‘The answer has been given in chapter 4 of the book` Delivering Effective Feedback. ` This is the summary of a full-length HBR article by Jean-Francois Manzoni.

Remember a situation in which the conversation between you and your teammate (to whom you gave critical feedback) turns out to be bad despite your best efforts. The tempers flare up and no one is listening to the other and you end up in a worse situation than what you started with. Would you place the entire blame on the person being given feedback or shoulder responsibility on yourself because you could not convey bad news appropriately? There would be no absolute answer to it, but you being in the driving seat need to introspect. Why did that happen and how could you have avoided that situation to go out of control? In the previous article, I did mention rehearsing and practising the feedback but sometimes this might limit your approach as the one giving feedback. As the writer suggests, the person giving feedback would have engaged in restrictive framing- a narrow, binary and frozen approach to feedback. You would have assumed certain things and rigidly followed the same which unknowingly created a win or lose condition, a binary approach. The writer says that delivering corrective feedback should not be difficult- if one uses a more open-minded approach.

He explains in with idea in practice. While preparing to give feedback you may visualize events, decide which incidents to discuss and define a solution all before the conversation. This sets the platform for trouble. An example, suppose as head of school, I am told that the Vice-Principal or the HMs are not delegating enough. I might assume that VP and HMs are too controlling- this is narrow. Because this has indirectly excluded other possibilities. Due to this framing, I might have a binary approach/conclusion that VP and HMs must delegate otherwise some teachers might leave. If the conversation of the head begins with this framing, neither he/she will address the objections of the VP and HMs nor address their queries. The end result is that none of them learns from each other.

But why do we frame feedback narrowly- despite being aware that it will produce poor results? The writer mentions two biases which are:

Fundamental attribution error. We often attribute/blame problems to subordinates` dispositions rather than the circumstances. For example, the VP/HM is trying to delegate but the teachers have some other axe to grind or they are not ready to take responsibility or the VP/HM does not know how to delegate and how much to delegate.

False consensus effect. We assume others see situations exactly the same way as we do, due to which we fail to revise our framing during the feedback sessions.

The writer mentions that in an ideal world, a subordinate would accept feedback with an open mind. He /she might ask some clarifying questions, promise to work on the issues discussed and improve over time but that does not happen most of the time. The head of a school, as cited above would have had the conversation with VP or HM in the following manner:

Head: “I would like to discuss with you some importaissuessue related to your work. As VP/ HM you are doing a good job but I feel you do so much yourself. You have some wonderful teachers in your team, why should you not delegate more?”

VP/HM:” I do not know why…but I delegate when I think it is appropriate, but management expects a lot of good work done by my group of people, so I need to stay involved.”

Head:” Yes and all appreciate your efforts but your job is also to help your teachers grow in their roles and take on more responsibility. Also when you remain so much involved in every detail, you are likely to miss on strategic thinking and future plans.”

VP/HM:” That is not right to say. I always think of the future.”

Head:” I am just saying, you would have more time for strategic thinking if not too much involved in the day-to-day stuff.”

VP/HM:” Are you saying that I am not a strategic thinker?”

Head:” You are so much involved in day-to-day work and I do not know what kind of thinking you are capable of?”

This type of conversation is quite common in which each side pushes his point of view more aggressively and the conversation escalates until a small dialogue becomes much more dramatic. In such conversations, one or the other person unintentionally says something which is exceedingly critical. In some cases, it may escalate much more, but both parties, due to frustration, give in rather than continue arguing.

When faced with such situations managers tend to ease out the issue which has its dangers. In the above conversation, the head was addressing the concerns of the VP/ HM in a manner which did not yield the desired result, because of the restrictive framing of the situation.

The head would have approached differently. Despite directly saying that VP/ HM was not delegating, he/she could have started the conversation by saying whether VP/HM felt or was aware of the feeling of some of his/her teachers and what did he/she think about the same. Were there some problems why was he/she not able to delegate and was there anything VP/HM expects from the head? The most important thing is to go into the session with an open mind and have no biases and boundaries.

But the important question why is it so hard? 

All would be able to make out what went wrong between the head and VP/HM. Most of the managers and leaders, in present times, are well trained and well-intended but still cannot see what is wrong that they were doing in feedback sessions, especially critical ones. Few things which research shows are:

As mentioned earlier, when analyzing others’ behaviour, most people tend to overestimate the effect of a person`s stable characteristics-disposition and capabilities and underestimate the effect of the specific conditions under which that person is functioning (fundamental attribution error). This happens more often when they operate under demanding conditions (which is so common nowadays). Everybody is working under a lot of stress and time-bound results are expected of all.

Please be assured: I am not suggesting that heads/ managers are not capable or do not foresee the problem and analyse the same without bias due to which they misdiagnose the causes of their team member/members’ performance problems. Most of the time, the early diagnoses are fine but the biases due to those experiences might put blind spots sometimes. We should also be clear that even if the feedback discussion has been productive, it would not necessarily improve the performance of the subordinates magically. But this situation is always better than the one in which the feedback session turns out to be bad. To ensure some success the head (the one responsible for the feedback) should not have a restrictive frame but should go to the session with an open frame of mind. Whenever you hear some complaint about your team members, do not let previous experiences interfere with your approach to the present one.

Making feedback more acceptable: Feedback sessions would always have a sort of stressful environment but research shows that people tend to be more comfortable and receptive when they have the feelings as mentioned:

The person offering the feedback is reliable and has a good intention to really help and improve.

The feedback development process is fair- that is, the person giving feedback collects all relevant information and pays attention to the subordinate`s concern and clarifies any doubt shared.

The feedback communication is fair and respectful- The person giving feedback respects the other person and does not summarily reject the response and clarifications. Allows the other person his/her say even if they are not in agreement on certain points.

There can be many more approaches which will help you to get rid of restrictive framing and you would not focus only on the areas which you felt important but accommodate subordinate`s concerns also. Please remember that subordinates may have not understood the processes properly and hence not delivered the result as expected by the boss.

In the end, I would like to suggest that the head should remember that all his/her team members may not be always strong performers. Some of them would underperform in some situations and better in others, hence feedback sessions should be planned in such a conducive environment that the individuals improve and if that happens in both cases, strong performance and underperformance, the feedback sessions after a period would become enjoyable and learning experiences than the threatening or stressful exercise. Another point of caution- Despite your best efforts and good intention, there may be a few team members who would not improve as desired. But this should not be heartbreaking for you and the impact of the same should not affect your approach towards other members. So start on a positive note and stay positive irrespective of the outcome of your feedback sessions.

 I hope the discussion on the mentioned book will help all of us who give feedback in one way or the other, be it principal, head of the department, class teacher, academic in charge, VP, HM, parents or anyone in a position to suggest the other person in the family or at the workplace.


  1. Dear Sir
    By now I've totally understood what exactly is the subtle art of giving a Feedback. Like many other important tasks, this also can't be be taken in absolute manner.
    The acceptance of the feedback will definitely depend on the circumstances and the premonition of the the receiver but in my opinion the reputation of the feedback giver plays a crucial role. If I have deep respect for my senior or even a child I'll be more open to the feedback.
    Thanks a lot for a wonderful blog Sir. Definitely, more awaited.

  2. Connectivity of the one who gives feedback plays an important..role..also it should be reflected that the feedback is to improve the individual and not to make him / her feel low.
    This would avoid any odd situation

  3. It is totally depends upon the person who is giving feedback must be free from the emotions and prejudices.
    If the person giving feedback is having rapport than the task become easier.

  4. आदरणीय सर
    सुसायम आपके द्वारा प्रकाशित लेख अत्यंत रोचक और ज्ञानानुगामी है जिसमे फीडबैक यानि प्रतिपुष्टि प्रतिक्रिया भी कह सकते है , के बारे मैं स्पष्ट रूप से बताया गया है / प्रतिपुष्टि लेने वाला हो या देने वाला निश्चित रूप से कतिपय बातों का ध्यान रखते हुए फीडबैक प्रक्रिया मैं भाग ले तो एक स्वस्थ प्रतिपुष्टि का स्फुटन होगा यथा सकारात्मकसोच ,पूर्वाग्रह से ग्रसित न होना, स्वतंत्र दृष्टिकोण, सुधारात्मक प्रतिक्रिया , सामंजस्यपूर्ण विचारधारा आदि/ धन्यवाद

  5. नमस्कार महोदय
    प्रतिपुष्टि संबंधी आपके लेख पढ़ने का अवसर प्राप्त हुआ। पूर्व में भी इसी विषय पर आपके लेख पढ़ चुका हूँ। इन लेखों के लिए आपका बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद।
    इस लेख में आपकी यह प्रतिक्रिया कि"जब भी आप अपनी टीम के सदस्यों के बारे में कोई शिकायत सुनते हैं, तो पिछले अनुभवों को वर्तमान के प्रति अपने दृष्टिकोण में हस्तक्षेप न करने दें।" बहुत प्रभावशाली है।
    आपके द्वारा दिया गया यह सुझाव भी कि "मुखिया को यह याद रखना चाहिए कि उसकी टीम के सभी सदस्य हमेशा मजबूत प्रदर्शन करने वाले नहीं हो सकते हैं। उनमें से कुछ कुछ स्थितियों में बेहतर प्रदर्शन करेंगे और दूसरों में बेहतर, इसलिए प्रतिक्रिया सत्रों की योजना ऐसे अनुकूल वातावरण में बनाई जानी चाहिए कि व्यक्ति सुधार करें और यदि ऐसा दोनों मामलों में होता है, तो मजबूत प्रदर्शन और कम प्रदर्शन, एक अवधि के बाद प्रतिक्रिया सत्र आनंददायक हो जाएगा।" भी बहुत हद तक सही है।
    आपके अगले ब्लॉग की प्रतीक्षा में

  6. Hello Sir, the opportunity to read your articles related to Feedback In the past, I have read your article on this topic. Thank you very much for these articles. In this article, your response is that "Whenever you listen to any complaints about your team members, do not allow previous experiences to interfere in your attitude towards the present." Very impressive. It is also suggested that "the head should remember that all the members of his team can not always be a strong performance. Some of them will perform better in some situations and better in others, therefore the plan of reaction sessions should be made in such a friendly environment and if there is such a cases It is also very right. Waiting for your next blog

  7. sunitachoudhary@dpsjodhpur.inAugust 20, 2022 at 8:24 AM

    respected Sir article about feedback is very fruitful for us thank you so much sir your guidance is very useful and always blessed us.

  8. Thank you Sir for this wonderful article .
    It will definitely make us better person professionally as well as personally.
    We should always remember that the person who is giving us feedback wants to help us to grow and improve our performance.
    It’s important for us to be able to hear and take critical feedback without getting defensive. People who can take constructive criticism are able to make positive changes and they can start performing at a higher level.

  9. Thank you sir for your motivation. It helps to promote personal and professional growth. One should have trust and believe to the person giving feedback. To me feedback enhances better relationship. It often includes criticism which most people don't like. But when it is given in a right way it helps to evolve.

    Thank you sir . Waiting for more articles...

  10. Thank you Sir for such a wonderful blog. You have taken each & every aspect of feedback which is very useful for leaders as well as teams members for overall improvement.

  11. Dear Sir
    Giving or receiving feedback is an essential instrument for the growth of a team or an individual. Like, while playing any musical instrument right strokes at right time produces a melodious tune. Similarly, appropriate words used to give feedback at the right time will eventually push the recipient to next level of achievement. The critical feedback always acts as a communication tool, motivating for positive changes.
    Thankyou Sir for sharing the blog!

  12. Great Article Sir,

    By the example of conversation we understood it in a more simple manner.In our daily life we always face this type of conversation ,not only in school,but other places also.

    I believe,Krishna,who never fought the battle,made Paandav the kings only by giving the feedback on their actions.

    Thank you sir . Waiting for more articles that relates giving feedback related to mythology

  13. Thank you sir for highlighting importance of connectivity to get maximum results from feedback given and taken its really very well illustrated and underlined the situations where we can learn to deal with even with most difficult case to improve upon without leting some one feeling of negative about their doing different things and efforts but not getting out put as expected degree and effective.

  14. Thank you sir for highlighting importance of connectivity to get maximum results from feedback given and taken its really very well illustrated and underlined the situations where we can learn to deal with even with most difficult case to improve upon without leting some one feeling of negative about their doing different things and efforts but not getting out put as expected degree and effective.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Dear Sir,
    This article provides lots of helpful information regarding giving critical feedback which is essential for a teacher. Every teacher requires to give feedback to his/her students regarding their accomplishments time to time. A feedback might improve students performance but a critical feedback will definitely make the students perform better.
    Thank you for sharing this wonderful article with us.

  17. Excellent thought
    The person who is giving feedback must be having good rapport and knowledge about his past.

  18. Excellently explained Sir!
    Many times case studies are the best way to understand a difficult concept. The same has been proved through your article.
    Thank you for the insight! Looking forward to more such thoughtful topics .

  19. Excellent thoughts. It is helpful for all creative personality

  20. Thank you sir for explaining this topic in such a excellent way

  21. Thank you sir,
    For diverging our mind to think about about giving feedback as teachers. Your thoughts are very helpful.

  22. Thank you sir, This will help for all the creative thinkers.

  23. Great article sir
    Feedback always plays an important role in everyones life.

  24. Very well explained. Both the person should be positive and open in their thoughts. There should be the strong connection between the feedback giver and taker. Then only the feedback will help in bringing the students and school to a higher level. Beautifully explained sir.👌

  25. Very nicely put sir. A feedback without the intention of improvement is a gift paper without a gift. Though not many people are in the habit of praising honest feedbacks, it is feedback only that can set us on the path of self improvement

  26. Thank you sir for this wonderful article which really helps to understand that really feedback requires good skill on the part of a person who is giving it,at the same time the person who is receiving it,as it will help to polish their overall personality.

  27. Thank you sir for such an excellent article.One should have trust and believe in the person giving feedback. I strongly believe feedback enhances better relationship and helps you to grow professionally if given in a right way and right place.... Shilpa S

  28. Sir
    This article has brought more clarity about how to give and receive a critical feedback so that it serves its actual pupose and is effective.

  29. Truly said sir, feedback plays very important role in development of the individual and also in development of an institution.

  30. Great article sir,
    Feedbacks are very important part of any individuals improvement and you explained every aspects of it wonderfully.

  31. A very insightful article which helps one to beware of the pitfalls in giving proper feedback. As always you are a great inspiration and a trove of knowledge.

  32. Thank you Sir for such an insightful article. Truly said that a constructive and honest feedback may bring positive changes in an individual and flourish his/her personality while a feedback not delivered properly may mar his/her personality.
    Looking forward to more such enriching articles.

  33. Thank you Sir for such an insightful article. Truly said that a constructive and honest feedback may bring positive changes in an individual and flourish his/her personality while a feedback not delivered properly may mar his/her personality.
    Looking forward to more such enriching articles.

  34. Thank you sir for such a great article. Truly said a positive feedback always plays an important factor in enhancing a person's personality.

  35. Good evening sir The purpose of constructive feedback is to improve and individual. This is important, as it enhance personal and professional growth in individuals and it brings people together and creates a healthy communication flow.

  36. Truly said, 'Critical feedback is that which is a good part of our self-image is based on how others view us.' Any kind of feedback given by anyone should be taken positively .

  37. Thank you so much for your wonderful blog. It is totally depends upon the person to person who is giving feedback must be free from the emotions and prejudices.

  38. Very truly said sir, " Feedback whether it is positive or negative play an important role in enhancing individuals professional as well as personal growth. Thank you sir for such an insightful article.

  39. Feedback is a key driver of performance and leadership effectiveness. Negative feedback in particular can be valuable because it allows us to monitor our performance and alerts us to improtant changes we need to make. But processing and acting on negative feedback is not always easy. Thank you so much sir for your excellent guidance regarding giving critical feedback. Looking forward to such insightful articles.

  40. Respected Sir
    The topic 'Feedback' in itself very important one now a days. Wether it is negative or positive , plays vital role in everyone's growth. As you above mentioned feedback should be given in such a way ,so that it helps a person to actual work upon his /her performance.It should not be given in harsh words or
    by thinking some past grudges in mind . According to me, It should be that effective which helps a person to really think upon and work on it. Thank you sir for sharing such an important topic with all of us.This topic is actually , needs to be discussed in present scenario and everyone should think seriously on it before giving it to others.Once again thank you sir for sharing your valuable thought with us.

  41. ज्ञानात्मक आलेख के लिए आभार 🙏
    परिस्थिति के अनुरूप दी गयी प्रतिपुष्टि निःसंदेह सकारात्मक परिणाम को बाध्य करती है...विवेकपूर्ण निर्णय के साथ कक्षा में इस आयाम का प्रयोग किया जाए तो अधिगम अवश्य ही प्रभावपूर्ण होगा और साथ ही विद्यार्थियों की कार्यक्षमता भी निरंतर उच्च होगी।
    नवीन रचना की प्रतीक्षा में...

  42. Excellently explained Sir, Thank You for insight. Looking forward for more such thoughtful topics.

  43. Thank you sir for clearing so many doubts in single article.It's worth reading. Keep writing on such topic and
    keep enlightening us.


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