Importance Of Feedback

 If there is a perfect tool for growth, to motivate and improve,  effective and actionable feedback is the way to go. Recently I read a book titled, `Delivering Effective Feedback’ by Harvard Business Review Press’ a compilation of research papers and articles by different authors. Though the book I mentioned is for organizations and institutions, especially business organizations, I found it suitable for educational institutions as well. Not only that, even the approach discussed is applicable in every walk of life, be it family or social groups. Feedback can be understood as the process of letting somebody know the progress and the way forward, meaning thereby, to help an individual or a team by providing your observations. Though this seems to be simple but is a difficult and delicate task. Every organization has a system of annual appraisal wherein the head of the team comments on the performance of the team members. Feedback can be ongoing and formal. Ongoing feedback is when you convey to the person or the team on the spot so that either they reinforce the efforts or amend the ways if needed. Formal feedback is what I mentioned, in which all evaluations during the year or a fixed period are put on paper and then conveyed to the concern. To me, this seems to be similar to formative assessment and summative assessment. The ongoing feedback gives you the opportunity to improve before it is late and formal feedback is the level of performance at the end of a particular period or completion of a task. Both have their advantages and we need to employ each as per the need.

You must have heard a statement from many people that positive feedback(comment) should be given publicly and not so positive ones in private. This really makes sense to me but this may not be true in all situations. For example, if an employee did something wrong and the Head feels that all members in the organization are supposed to complete a similar task, it would be better if the feedback is in the presence of all so that the problem is NOT repeated by others. If you follow the rule of giving such feedback in private only then you leave an opportunity for others to commit the same mistake. But at the same time, if the problem is related to an individual, in that case, feedback in private is the best option. But here, I would like to mention that if there is trust among the Head of the team and members then things are almost the same public or private.

The purpose of the feedback should be very clear to all, especially the Head (the one who is supposed to give feedback) and the members of the team. And the purpose is to enable them to give their best and contribute to the growth of the team and the organization. But the word feedback most of the time is taken as a threat by the team members. Chapter 3 of the book refers to giving feedback that sticks. All would have experienced that the moment one asks, “Can I give you a feedback?”, there is a tension, the BP would shoot up and there would be other signs of stress. This is known as the threat response. The writer Ed Batista calls it fight or flight which he also writes as the cascade of neurological and physiological events that impair the ability to think rationally. When people are in this state of mind they are not capable of processing and implementing your observations. If this is the situation, then there would not be much advantage of the feedback. Then, what to do? Let us explore a few strategies/ methods for the same (courtesy Ed Batista).


Cultivate the relationship

To avoid threat response, it is important that a cordial relationship is cultivated and nurtured. When team members feel connected with the person responsible for giving feedback, even difficult conversations take place well and are less likely to trigger stress. Gottman cites examples to develop quality relationship.

1. Make the other person feel known: Making the team members feel important individuals and not only the employee or the worker is the key to building relationships. Try to connect with everyone whenever you can.

2. Respond to even small bids for attention: Gottman writes in the book “Relationship cure”, a bid can be a question, a gesture, a look, a touch- any single expression that says, “I want to feel connected to you”. Dacher Keltner says not to miss the efforts made by the employee to get connected to you.

Asking about their personal achievements or the family issues makes the employee happy and they feel connected not only with the senior but also with other team members.

3. Regularly express Appreciation: Some of us are miser in appreciating the team members. To build relationships it is important to appreciate whenever you get an opportunity. Gottman research shows that the ratio of positive to negative interactions in a successful relationship is 5:1. This is just an idea but does not mean that we always have to give five positive comments for one negative.


Set the stage

Once you have the base with your employees for quality relationship, now is the time to start(giving feedback), but the following details will be more productive:

Timing: Timing for feedback session is very important. It should be scheduled casually but with a sincere thought so that you and the team members have a positive frame of mind.  The feedback session is of utmost importance and should be given its due.

Duration: Each interaction with different team members or even with the same member would require different duration of time. Some may be short and some may require longer time. Additionally, how many times you are going to discuss will differ from person to person and issue to issue.

Physical location: When you have the feedback meeting in your office/chamber, that will reinforce hierarchical roles while during these sessions we should be at the same level to avoid threat response. So the location can be a conference room, an outdoor location or wherever you both would be comfortable (the issue on which interaction would take place should also be taken into consideration while deciding the location)

Proximity: While you are trying to create a connection, in spite of sitting across the table (which again reinforces distance), try to sit closer and avoid having any obstacles in between. You may even do walk the talk.

Another essential aspect of effective feedback is that you should focus on facts, not on assumptions: David Bradford of Stanford graduate school of Business suggests, “Staying on our side of the net”, that is focusing feedback on our observations and feelings about the behavior and avoiding reference to other person’s motive. For example, when feedback is given to a habitual late-comer, you might say, “You do not value my time, and it is a disrespect.”

In this case you are assuming that the person is disrespectful which may not be the case, because there may be some other reason. A more effective way can be to say, “When you are late, I feel devalued and disrespected.”  As other person`s motives are unclear to us, so avoid assuming and base feedback on facts.


Manage emotions: Extensive neuroscience research in recent times tells that emotions are essential to our reasoning process (this is not true in the  case of strong emotions). You may like to avoid threat response, but do not remove all your emotions in your discussion. That can impair the effectiveness of the feedback. Use just enough emotions to engage the team member/members but not too much to provoke the other person with a hostile or defensive reaction. Now the quantum of emotions to be affected will also depend upon our relationship with other person and differ on issues and even on days, so it is always good to rehearse beforehand.

Rehearse and repeat: With some practice, the points mentioned below will improve your feedback skills: -

1. Have feedback conversations more often. Do not wait for the task to end, rather debrief the member even when small steps are taken.

2. Role play difficult conversations: Role play is an important exercise which allows you to learn beforehand, the possible reaction/response. This can be done with a colleague as the recipient, which can allow you to try different approaches. Then you can change the role, you become the recipient and your colleague gives the feedback.

3. Ask for feedback yourself: You should ask your employees to give feedback on your effectiveness as a leader. You will get valuable feedback because as leaders we tend to ignore the impact of our interaction and its response with regard to the employees. When they see you taking the feedback in a positive way then they would be more receptive to your feedback.

There can be many more points added to this but I shall leave it here only to work upon and use effective feedback as a process for improvement rather threat or basis for promotion or an increase in wages.

This is an excellent book containing a number of chapters researched and written by learned people in the field of effective feedback. In my next article, I shall take up a few more topics, like a better way to deliver bad news (negative feedback), how to give feedback that helps people grow etc.

In the end, I would like you to design your feedback based on the expertise of the recipient person or the group. Finkelstein and Fishbach found that in a class of students learning French; when the students were asked what kind of instructor they would like, the one who focuses on the areas in which they are weak or the one who focuses on their positive aspects. They found that the students who were good at French wanted the one who would tell them about their weaknesses and the ones who were new to the language wanted the instructor who would give them positive feedback. This makes clear that the novices in a field would expect and get motivated by positive feedback while the experts would want to be given critical feedback on areas of concern. When you plan feedback, this should be kept in mind because if done the other way round, then the effectiveness of the feedback would be compromised. So, try making your feedback – Goal oriented, candid & constructive and focused on the futuristic vision of self and organization, which is good for the professional growth and growth of the institution.



  1. Really a good article......i actually felt that i learnt something very important aspect of teaching - learning process after reading this Thank you sir!!!!
    Keep enlightening Us .

  2. Good evening Sir
    Thank you for guiding us through your valuable articles 🙏
    After reading your wonderful aricle, I would like to quote Elon Musk,"I think it's very important to have a feedback loop,where you're constantly thinking about what you've done and how you could be doing it better."

  3. Very enlightening topic Sir. Learnt many good points will surely use .Everyone should learn to give feedback. I feel if we want our whole team members to learn from the mistake of one person and shouldn't commit the same. The name of the individual shouldn't not be revealed publically as it is human nature that no one likes to be criticised in public at the parallel side that individual must know it's about whom. (Individual feedback)
    For me, giving negative feedback is one of the most difficult task.I will wait for your next article sir.

  4. Feedback is in most of the cases most reliable mechanism of self improvement by the members of an organisation,in absence of which they may feel lost or unmotivated. There's another term getting very famous these days called FEED FORWARDING that in a way is futuristic approach to improve the performance by taking an insight from the past performance.
    Keep sharing your valuable knowledge with us Sir.

  5. Good morning sir
    Really very enlightening topic. Yes timing for feedback is very important so that it's impact on team or member is in positive frame of mind. We should learn from the Feedback and should not take it on our heart. Time to time feedback gives chance to work upon self and improve or do better. Thanks for sharing valuable thoughts through this article. Keep enlightening us.

  6. you have shown that sir every word of your article in your writing has always been the best of your leadership ability in difficult situations, your thoughts and guidance And the feedback has been useful for us, your valuable feedback has always been given by you, thank you from the heart for that🙏🏻

  7. Sir,
    I am trying to give my feed back keeping in mind all that you have discussed in this blog.
    Pin P and Cin P - 'Praise in public and Criticize in private' is a thumb rule. Rules however have exceptions. Generally speaking negative feed back given in public has a negative impact. Even if the team leader wants all his team mates to learn not to repeat the referred mistake. he may preferably avoid it. Or he may motivate others by quoting the mistake without mentioning the name of the person who committed. The person will get the message any way.
    If the team leader develops a habit of frequently compliment his team mates at appropriate time publicly, talk to them personally about their personal issues (of course taking the caution not to appear to be intimidating), and get them connected (rather related) to him then an occasional critical feed back will be received by the team mate with positive frame of mind. Again exceptions are there and strategy may be changed depending on the PRAKRITI of the person who the leader wants to improve ( so the motto of negative feed back should always be for the betterment of the person being criticized).
    Proximity plays a very vital role in any conversation. A SMILE, Forward Leaning, Nodding, an affectionate Eye Contact and a little TOUCH ( depending on relationship and social protocols, of course), can create miracles.
    While giving feed back or for that matter during any conversation, one must care not to intimidate the intimate zone of the other person. The senior may however emit signal to the juniors that he / she may come closure to express him/her. Though it is very sensitive matter hence a lot of caution is required.
    The sentence," When you are late I feel devalued" is an excellent example of designing the sentences while providing negative feed back.
    Thanks for such interesting and educative blog.
    Arvind Bhatt

  8. Sir
    It's true that feedback plays an important role for personality development.

  9. It is really a knowledgeable article. I would like to mention Daniel Kanheman's quote “True intuitive expertise is learned from prolonged experience with good feedback on mistakes.”
    Thank you Sir for always enriching us with such words of wisdom.


    1. नमस्कार सर
      वैसे तो आपके लिखे सभी लेख पढ़ने में आनंद की अनुभूति के साथ ही साथ ज्ञानवर्धक बातें भी सीखने को मिलती है परंतु मैंने कभी सोचा नहीं था कि फीडबैक जैसे विषय पर भी ऐसा लेख लिखा जा सकता है। इस लेख से प्राप्त ज्ञान को हम जरूर अपने विद्यार्थियों तक पहुँचाने का प्रयास करेंगे एवं अपने जीवन में किस प्रकार किसी को अपनी प्रतिक्रिया से अवगत करवा सकते है ,ये सीखने का प्रयास करेंगे।

  10. I think one must correct a lot but one must not correct too much. Again I think personal experience is an irreplaceable asset when deciding about what feedback is to be given, how it is to be given and why it needs to be given.

    1. Respected Principal Sir
      Feedback is very important for a growth of an individual.It gives chance to work upon self and to improve to do better.There is a very good line in the blog that a negative feedback should always given privately .It helps a person that not to repeat the same mistake again.As well as also motivate the person for doing better for himself/herself and for the institution.
      Thank you so much sir for sharing valuable words with us.

  11. Feedback definitely is a way to self improvement! It’s an opportunity to grow and develop in a positive way.
    Beautifully written.

  12. This article has proved as an effective tool to me .It has helped and guided Mr to convey my students their strengths and weaknesses in a very constructive way .Thank you sir for your guidance.

  13. unbiased, candid, constructive and goal oriented feedback is a feed forward to an enlightened growth...both on professional and personal frontiers.

  14. Wonderful Article it is very useful in understanding the teachings learning process and it helps us in Classroom management.

  15. It is true Sir for the getting the real picture and accordingly solution can be sort.

  16. Great topic Sir. Learnt many good perspective of feedback and I will personally try to imply in my life.Everyone should learn to give feedback.When the emotions are the main path to go into the world of art,
    For me, giving negative feedback is one of the difficult task as the emotions gets effected although we are careful about that perticular person.happy learning sir🙏

  17. Very informative and helpful article. Thanks for sharing valuable thoughts through this article. .

  18. This article has proved as an effective tool to me .It has helped and guided Mr to convey my students their strengths and weaknesses in a very constructive way .Thank you sir for your guidance.

  19. Positive Feedback is the food of motivation, but pointing out once weaknesses also- work like meducine. It's a continuous process so should be continue regular basis, monthly or quarterly but not anually.

  20. Again I think personal experience is an irreplaceable asset when deciding about what feedback is to be given

  21. Yes,i really agree with this article as continuous feedback,if taken positively will help to the concerned person to improve in all spheres of life and it will result in overall personality development.

  22. Pradeep Kumar PurohitAugust 6, 2022 at 1:10 PM

    This is a wonderful Article helpful in Classroom management and in teaching learning endeavours.

  23. Your article truly depicts that the best creative leaders are adept at offering both praise and constructive criticism.

  24. Good afternoon sir
    Thankyou for guiding us through your wonderful artical.

  25. Respected Sir
    I think the article has given us a better insight into the much-feared concept of feedback. It is rightly put that when the intent of the person giving the feedback for the feedback seeker is of bringing a positive change. It no more develpos a dread rather people approach you to seek feedback as they know how it has made a difference in their life. I think we all have explicitly understood how to give and seek a feedback.
    Thanks for enriching us!

  26. Feedback is helpful and effective.But the article highlights some important areas that makes Feedback an progressive action for teachers in teaching as well as learning process.

  27. It's a wonderful article. It's true that giving and receiving feedback in work place improves performance and productivity.

  28. This is really knowledgeable article sir ,because these lessons taught by you helped me more and more in the direction of making me a better teacher and a person as a whole.

  29. Sir
    It is very important to give feedback and I consider it very important for the improvement of an individual.

  30. Very true. Unbiased Feedback helps one to know the areas to improve which helps in future activities.

  31. Useful information! It will help to convey my thoughts to other in more positive way. Professionally as well as personally.
    Thank you sir for your guidance.

  32. Pramod Kishan ChhipaAugust 6, 2022 at 1:12 PM

    Feedback definitely is a way to self improvement! It’s an opportunity to grow and develop in a positive way. Nicely explained.

  33. Sir
    There is always a growth of improvement even if we are in such a profession since long. Feedback plays a very important part in one's life.
    Once said-" there is nothing Negative, it's just absence of positive"
    Same is with feedback.

  34. Thanks sir once again for enriching us and giving an insight into what is of our concern.

  35. It's true that feedback plays an important role for personality development.

  36. A very enlightening article sir. Feedback always helps us in self improvement and perform better. Thank you for a knowledgeable blog.

  37. Respected sir, you always enlighten us with words of wisdom. Yeah, certainly feedback plays a very important role in growth of professional life. Thank you so much sir.

  38. Well said, Feedback helps the students to do better than before .Its aproach might seem negative in the beginning but in the end desired results are achieved.

  39. Dr Laxman Singh AryaAugust 6, 2022 at 1:13 PM

    Positive feedback always gives us a positive energy to acheive the set goal. It is very fruitful if we have critical friends with us who always show us a right path.
    Many a times we get negative feedback also but we should not give importance to it. Because we must keep these lines in our mind while doing positive work..... आलोचको की परवाह मत करो, क्योकि आलोचको के स्मारक नहीं बनते.

  40. Prefect tool for growth is effective and actionable feedback. Thankyou so much sir for such words of wisdom.

  41. Yes Sir, Feedback is very important for someone’s professional growth. An effective feedback can be a turning point in someone’s life. Also while listening the feed back one must be open to find out the mistakes.

  42. Thanks sir once again for enriching us and giving an insight into what is of our concern.

  43. large number of people around the world that feedback is negative sometimes it is considered as speech or waste of tine. This article should reach maximum number of people veacause this will make our life easy.
    I want to add that emotional.managemeng is tough abd slow process for many. But if practiced well it will surely bring change.

    Thank you.

  44. Your blog always gives us the insight and knowledge. Feedback is an essential tool for the growth of any individual/organization.

  45. Very true sir .
    Feedback is an important aspect of the teaching/learning process.Feedback redirects and refocuses the action of learners. It is very helpful to achieve a goal(if one takes it positively), by aligning effort and activity with an outcome.

  46. I feel we should take our feedback positively and work upon it.

  47. Feedback is a useful tool but for improvement and it should be taken in a positive way. The article was very informative.

  48. Effective feedback is essential for the growth of a person. I believe the feedback gives a person a chance to reflect upon their actions and correct the mistakes. In my opinion the feedback should be on the actions of a person not on the characteristics so that it does not demotivate the person.

  49. Good Afternoon Sir
    It is so enlightening and as a teacher we must know how and when should give the appropriate feedback. I have learnt a lot from this.

  50. The blog is highly enriching. Feed back plays very important role in improving our ways of doing ant work.your thoughts and guidance has been always useful for us.keep sharing your knowledge and experience with us.

  51. Yes, it's truly right to say that the feedback must be given to improve ones ability. As in Physics, there is also a concept of feedback which can be applied with us.
    In Physics,
    If original input signal and feedback signal are in phase, the feedback type is known as positive feedback. *It tends to increase the output*.

    If original input signal and feedback signal are out of phase, the feedback type is known as negative feedback. *It tends to reduce the output*.
    So in last i must believe positive feedback always help to construct and maintain the professional growth (output).

  52. Its absolutely true that feedback plays an important role in anyone's life.It provides positive criticism and allows to see what everyone can change to improve their focus and results. It brings people together and creates a healthy communication flow which is very important for an organization. It helps you to grow in all spheres of life.

  53. Good afternoon sir
    आपका प्रत्येक आलेख प्रेरणादायी होता है। आलेख में लिखित हर शब्द स्वयं में अर्थवान है।प्रत्येक क्षेत्र में feedback ( प्रतिक्रिया) एक महत्वपूर्ण स्थान रखती है। कार्य की गति में निरंतरता और सकारात्मकता feedback से ही आती है।आपके आलेख मुझे ऊर्जावान बनाते हए अपने कार्य को और अधिक बेहतर करने के लिए प्रेरित करते है। आपके बताये आयामो को शिक्षा में क्रियान्वित करने का प्रयास करूँगी।मेरा ये feedback अवश्य ही आपके लेखन को गतिशील करेगा।

  54. The article is another feed for our mind. But as said in the article by you, it is more important to know the type, how, when, why, how much etc about the process so as to achieve the predicted target.
    The article is very lucid that even a layman will understand your thoughts. Thanks for enlightening us.

  55. Respected sir
    Really a wonderful topic. Feedback plays an important role in every one's life. Feedback is also important for personality development. Time to time feedback is very important.

  56. Sir, I think giving feedback is an art, which comes to some of us naturally and others have to learn. As a teacher we give feedback to the students as well as to their parents about the progress of the child. In the process we as a teacher,also receive it. Thanks for the article.

  57. Its absolutely true that feedback plays an important role in anyone's life.It provides positive criticism and allows to see what everyone can change to improve their focus and results. It brings people together and creates a healthy communication flow which is very important for an organization. It helps you to grow in all spheres of life.

  58. Really very enlightening topic. Time to time feedback gives chance to work upon self and improve to do better.
    Thank you

  59. Yes I agree that feedback whether positive or negative must be shared with the employee sometimes publicly also for the improvement in individual as well group so that they can take care of such things in general.

  60. Exactly sir, feedback play a very important role in enhancing the performance on an individual and also to correct and motivate them

  61. Undoubtedly feedback is important to motivate and opportunities to learn more , grow & groom oneself.

  62. Respected Sir
    It's rightly said that feedback promotes professional and personal growth. It provides positive criticism and allows to see what everyone can change to improve their focus and the results.

  63. Thank you so much Sir for such enriching and educative blog.Feedback is the most important tool for learning process.

  64. It is a very interesting article that gave me food for thought and made me reconsider my perception towards giving proper and timely feedback... Thank you very much sir you are always inspiring.

  65. It's wonderful article, In this article 'Set the stage, Rehearse and repeat' , i like the most.

  66. Respected Sir
    Reading this article has truly helped me to realize the importance of feedback and also the appropriate method of delivering it and receiving it. It will definitely help to create a better understanding of students in the classroom environment. Thank you so much Sir for your guidance.

  67. It is very useful article for us because whenever we are dealing with children it is very important to give feedback to them and at what point of time we have to give what type of feedback that is very important.

  68. It's very important to give feedback and more important taking the feedback back. Both should be in a positive mood . Once the connection between both is happy and connected with each other. Even negative feedback gives positive result. And feedback can change personality and lead to better society and school.

  69. Greeting sir
    By the way, along with the feeling of pleasure in reading all your articles, one gets to learn informative things as well, but I never thought that such an article can be written on a topic like feedback. We will definitely try to pass the knowledge gained from this article to our students and try to learn how we can make someone aware of our reaction in our life.

  70. Sir
    Your articles are thought provoking and helpful for those people who don't read books on regularly. I think
    If the feedback is given after keeping so many perspectives in mind it is actually going to help a person in his/her development and it will serve the real purpose.
    Thank you Sir

  71. Sir

    Knowledgeable article as feedback plays an important role in the overall development of an individual's professional life.

  72. Very informative and adaptive article sir. The points mentioned are true guidelines to ponder upon and follow.

  73. Respected sir
    It is really a knowledgeable article .feedback is important for each and every profession for doing better from their side to reach the best.

  74. An eye opener
    As a person I will also implement it in my life irrespective to my job or in a society.

  75. A very knowledgeable article written by you as always. Feedback is indeed an important aspect and helps to improve both professionally and personally.

  76. Very true sir.
    Feedback is about telling people what we think of their performance and how they should do it better—whether they’re giving an effective presentation, leading a team, or creating a strategy.
    Thanks for sharing such knowledgeable articles with us.

  77. Rightly said Sir.
    Just as rain showers help the seeds germinate into new saplings and provide conducive environment for those seeds to grow into tall trees, goal - oriented, candid and constructive feedback paves way for our growth and progress in life .
    Thanks for sharing such an informative article.

  78. Worth reading article Sir! Feedback really plays an important role in one’s growth and success as it affords an opportunity for clarification of what is expected.

  79. Feedback always guide us to rethink on our work and deeds. While giving feedback for our students also we always deliver the right positive energy.

  80. Sir
    Very true. Feedback plays an important role for personality development.Previously I was also thinking like this' Praise in public and Criticize in private' .

    Thank you Sir for enriching us.

  81. Good morning Sir
    Your words have always enlightened our mind and thoughts. I would like to mention that feedback is very much important for our progress and it should be given timely so that the mistakes done by one is not repeated. Thank you Sir for sharing such beautiful thoughts.

  82. Feedback is important to know other's perspective.It plays important role but should be given in constructive way.
    Overdoing will hamper individuals originality.

  83. Respected Sir,
    Through this article I have learnt that frequent and effective feedback increases productivity and team harmony. Thank you sir for always giving such informative blogs.

  84. Good afternoon Sir
    Every person needs a feedback to improve his overall personality.

  85. True,
    Feedback when given in a positive sense should not alienate the receiver but motivate them to perform better. Initially receiver might feel the feedback as unpleasant but in the due course after reviewing past work carefully, they will definitely improvise and help the society to develop in a better way as well as might be a role model for others to take up feedback positively.

  86. Good afternoon respected sir. Feed back is very important for a growth of an individual. It give chance to work upon self and to improve to be better. Thank u sir.

  87. Truly….. feedback on right time is very important for one’s growth. Feedback creates healthy communication flow in an organisation.

  88. Feedback is very important to rectify ourselves and to progress in upcoming feature

  89. Feedback plays a pivotal role in personality grooming. Definitely the relation between both the receiver and giver is of significance as far as it's impact is concerned. Its effectiveness depends on the receptiveness of the receiver and the intent of the one providing it.Personally, I feel the feedback should be a combination of positives and the areas of improvement, majority of the times. As far as the group performing similar tasks is concerned, public feedback would definitely be effective but in that case naming can be avoided. All in all, it's an exhaustive piece of writing and a food for thought.

  90. Feedback is helpful and effective. It plays important role in personality development.Thanks for enriching us.

  91. A genuine feedback is definitely the best way to make an individual understand and analyse his/her ways of working which in turn can lead to bring in the required improvisation in the working styles. At the same time appreciation and acknowledgement does lead to building a congenial environment at work place!

  92. Feedback is a vital aspect of any leader's skillset. Rightly said sir, positive feedback or constructive criticism can help one to formulate better decisions to improve and increase performance. When we receive feedback using positive language, it stimulates our brain and leaves us open to taking on new ways of learning thereby boosting engagement and achieving better results.

  93. Feedback is an important part while we are working...and a proper way of giving feedback is always important. The article gives an idea about giving proper feedback...Thank you sir

  94. Sir We are thankful to you for making us learn the importance of formal and ongoing feedback, here well mentioned is that Constructive feedback in the workplace is extremely important: workplaces need effective communication to succeed and thrive. As well as increasing staff morale, feedback helps us learn more about ourselves, our strengths and weaknesses, our behaviours, and how our actions affect others.

  95. This is really an informative article.No one can deny the power of positive feedback.Definitely it is an inevitable factor for any organisation to improve employees’ performance quickly and effectively and without confrontation.The same method can be applied on students to upgrade their performance.

  96. Respect sir,
    It is a very informative article. Essential aspects of feedback mentioned in the article are true guidelines. It is always a blessing for us being in your aura.
    Thank you sir and keep guiding us

  97. It is worth reading. Feedback plays an important role in the growth of an individual. At the same time giving a constrictive feedback makes it all the more effective.

  98. Respected Sir
    It is such an illuminating and an engrossing article which made us realise the usage of FEEDBACK in building a progressive organisation like ours. Indeed, feedbacks are and will always be the core tools for ones growth and development thus should be taken in a good spirit.

  99. आदरणीय सर
    एक सकारात्मक प्रतिपुष्टि निसंदेह व्यक्ति के आमूलचूल परिवर्तन के लिए उत्तरदायी हो सकता है।प्रतिपुष्टि विषय पर आपका लेख ज्ञानवर्धक के साथ आत्म चिंतन हेतु भी तत्पर करता है। धन्यवाद

  100. To me this blog has given a finer insight into the concept of feedback.Relation between the feedback giver and receiver is very important. Feedback given in a constructive way allows to improve and grow further.
    Thanks for an interesting and enlightening blog.

  101. Yes sir, I am agree with you. Feedback is very very important for someone's carrier but it should be unbiased.

  102. Sir
    Thank you so much for guiding us through such insightful, motivational and adaptive article. "Feedback should not based on assumptions otherwise its effectiveness would be compromised" is really impressive as good feedback is key to improvement. It takes wisdom to understand even a negative feedback and appropriately act upon it and that's how we grow.


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