Preventing violence in students

There is growing concern among the people regarding the cases of violence and intolerance among the school going children. This seems to have been on rise in the recent past and our policy makers seem to have no clue about the same or they deliberately ignore that.  Their promptness can be seen when some case is reported in the newspaper, and the blame game starts but fades in the background of noise of some other incident.
The recent incident reported regarding a child of Std-I, who had a fight with II Std. child of a school and one of them succumbed to death as a consequence of the injuries sustained by him due to the fight, is alarming. They must be of age of 5-7 years and that kind of violence? But should it surprise us? Have we not been anticipating that to happen and if yes, what precautions & preventive measures have been taken?  One day or one week debate in the newspapers or the articles of the child psychologists is not going to be of much use but we must make sustained efforts for improving the life of our children.  These children are born innocent but this world makes them to behave in a manner which is condemned by the same world. A question is always asked after such incidents. Are the parents responsible for this or the schools?  I am sure no school would be teaching violence to the kids but the same is true for parents also because no parents would like his/her child to be violent or intolerant.  The real problem is that our children are expected to learn values without seeing values.  The societies’ role is also very important and media can plan such a big role but expecting everything from media is not fair.
I did mention in my previous articles that someone or some agency will have to take responsibility of these children and for this, to me,  schools and teachers are the ones who can make a lot of difference in their lives. There are issues on the part of parents also but the teachers should own the responsibility for providing congenial environment and make them learn values by which are bequeathed by teachers.
One suggestion given by many people is that the moral teaching should be done in the schools. {This is not new but the problem is that the same cannot be achieved by giving lectures}. The teacher would have to transform self to Guru who burns self to enlighten the path of children. The teachers should keep themselves away from the impact of the society or rather be capable of impacting the society through their influence on the children who will be their torch bearers in the future. When I began this article, I did not have clue of the shape of the article, but I realise that the role of teachers is most important. They will have to own the responsibility and ignore the financial status which affects almost the entire society. I do not say that financial safety is not important but then teachers can put a limit to how much is much enough.  They cannot place themselves in the race of the other people and forget the responsibility which is on their shoulders. The teachers will have also to act as the protective layer over the children so that menace of violence which we see all around us does not impact them. The parents can help the school & teachers by avoiding the exposure of impressionable minds to the violence being shown on TV channels of any other media specially the social media. They must follow the guideline and advisory issued before the start of such programme. For example, recently there was a lot of controversy about a film. The matter was settled in the High Court and the film was given Adult Certification which nobody less than 18 years can go to watch in the theatre. But as per the media reports, there were number of minors with the parents in almost all shows of that film exposing the kids to certain abuses, who in turn would get disturbed and some of them might pick those abuses and use in daily life. The teachers and parents cannot stop the TV serials aired which show the violence (verbal as well as physical) but they can ensure that our children are not exposed to them. The teachers will have to reach out to parents and do not react to any of the actions of the parents because for them, the welfare of children should be of prime importance.  My experience is that sometimes some parents might behave in a manner which may not be appropriate (this might be in the fit of anger due to something wrong been done to his/her child) but for this, the child may not necessarily be responsible, so the teachers should not react to such issues and always focus on the welfare of child. No action of the teachers should harm the child in any way. The parents also do not intend to disrespect the teachers but that just happens.  But yes, there is a request to the parents also, please do not always try to realise your dreams through your children. Let them enjoy their childhood in the fresh air (which is becoming polluted everyday) and not in the coaching centres or the tuition classes. Let the children explore the world by doing things themselves and commit mistakes because that will make their learning enduring.
Some teachers and schools might argue about why should they only be responsible for taking care of the behaviour of the children and not the parents and other agencies also?  This is true, but the fact is that the teachers have the power of transforming the children more than anybody else and also Guru is the one who shows the path not only to the children but also to the society.  Teachers’ understand the child psychology better and it can be of great help to them in times of crisis.  It has been proved that the children do have more faith in their teachers than anybody else. My intention of putting more onus on the teachers is not to relieve others (including parents) from their responsibility but to avoid shrugging the responsibility as has been the case in recent past.  So think positive and start working with enthusiasm and positive frame of mind.  I have some suggestions for parents and teachers;
·        The teachers must treat every child as an individual who gets influenced by the environment he/she lives in.
·        Try to understand them and take corrective & preventive measures.
·        Motivate the children to share their problems, if they have any and help them to come out of those problems.
·        Be the role model for them. It has been observed that teachers criticise their colleagues in front of the students or reach late to the class themselves.
·        The parents should avoid exposing their children to serials & movies showing violence etc.
·        They should avoid fighting with others in front of the children.
·        The parents are said to be the first teachers so they should also be the role model for the children.
·        Be the part of all their activities but also give them some space wherever required.   
·        The most important for them would be to talk to their children about the great personalities of the present and past and the hard work put in by them.
·        Work for the overall growth of the children (physical, psychological & emotional) and do not make them the machines for earning money.
·        The most important of all that parents & teachers must work in tandem so that children do not get confused.
·        Understanding the potential & attitude of the children is very important and after that help them to develop the same.
·        Do not make contradictory statements which will erode their faith in teachers/parents.
Let all teachers know that the good & positive things are not achieved easily but for that a lot of hard work and dedication is required. The teachers will have to unite with the child and prepare him/her to become strong to face all the challenges of life.


  1. Dear sir
    I think such incidents are increasing now a days due over exposure by media of such violent incidents. Media or news channels are presenting it as a story with masala to increase their so called TRPs. This can be prevented. Yes i agree with role of teachers and schools along with parents to mitigate the violence among the children. Suggetions are really good. Teachers have to take this responsibility because if we would not than in future we would have situation for all of us or better i i say for whole society.

  2. I agree with you Sir and teachers can make all the difference.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Respected Sir
    This is the real problem most of us are facing as parents and as teachers that the children are becoming intolerant. This is not only the problem of children rather our own problem as well which we are not ready to accept and that is flowing in children. This is the fact that such things can not be taught in the classroom, this can only be learnt by seeing. Here the role of teachers and parents is very important. We need to have a very balanced behaviour not just to show children but from within.
    Earlier children use to learn values from Grand parents, but now because of the culture of nuclear family that thing is not happening. Parents needs to give quality time to children, also need to listen the problems a child is sharing patiently. Money can never be replacement of quality time of parents. We need to understand so many things as parents and teachers before coming to this conclusion that children are intolerant or violent.
    Mind opener article which remind us our duties as parents and teachers.

  5. Very true Sir.....Schools are considered to be the second home of the children and it the duty of the teachers to train them and groom them in a proper and effective manner

  6. Yes Sir, I agree with your article and the best part of this article was to have a talk with the children about the hard work of great personalities not only great personalities but also about their parents who are putting their extreme hard work to make their child a good human being and that too without any cost. This can also be realized by making them into the habit of reading good books.I know reading will definitely solve most of the problems not only of any child but also of teachers and parents.

  7. Yes Sir, I agree with your article and the best part of this article was to have a talk with the children about the hard work of great personalities not only great personalities but also about their parents who are putting their extreme hard work to make their child a good human being and that too without any cost. This can also be realized by making them into the habit of reading good books.I know reading will definitely solve most of the problems not only of any child but also of teachers and parents.

  8. I agree with you sir teachers have to become a role model for the students.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Growing intolerance among children is really a significant matter of concern for all of us. I too believe that a change can be brought only when we that is both teachers and parents keep a close watch on our behaviour. Thank you sir for enlightening us on such an important topic.
    Neelima Mehta.

  11. Really admiring article which is throwing light on very concerned issue that who is responsible for increasing violence and intolerance among children.I am agree with all the suggestions given in the article and concluding that it is the joint responsibility of parents and teachers to solve the problem.But personally i think that maximum problems of our society can be resolved by following one simple step by the parents that is give as much as possible your time to your children talk with them , play with them, eat with them .Today most of the parents do not have time to spend with their children thats why the innocent children are passing their time by playing violent games on computer and watching nonsense things on television. I request you sir to write an article on this topic how the things will go right by giving the time to child by the parents..Thanku sir

  12. Really admiring article which is throwing light on very concerned issue that who is responsible for increasing violence and intolerance among children.I am agree with all the suggestions given in the article and concluding that it is the joint responsibility of parents and teachers to solve the problem.But personally i think that maximum problems of our society can be resolved by following one simple step by the parents that is give as much as possible your time to your children talk with them , play with them, eat with them .Today most of the parents do not have time to spend with their children thats why the innocent children are passing their time by playing violent games on computer and watching nonsense things on television. I request you sir to write an article on this topic how the things will go right by giving the time to child by the parents..Thanku sir

  13. Sir

    Its true in todays time that we expect values from our children without following.We know that Teachers and Parents are role model of the students and they will learn and follow the actions of parents and teachers but now teachers have to own more responsibilty because a teacher is also a parent.

    Sanjeev Vyas

  14. Respect sir
    It's an eye opener article for us it is indeed a great boost to solve the crisis in the society.We are living in a world where values are fast changing .With mass of information in science and technology and the use of IT in all sphere of life,society is in new paradigm.The values has to be inculcated from childhood to make a permanent impression on the minds.
    Pradeep Purohit

  15. The thoughts in the article are challanges to the people who have mind set of playing the blame game.....
    Sir your firm belief in taking the responsiblity and moving ahead can bring a great change in today's environment where a man becomes an enemy to another for his or her own selfish motive...
    We being in teaching feternity must take a charge to bring the desired changes to the world we often talk of...
    Great inspiring and eye opener thoughts.....
    Dr Meenal Singhvi

  16. Respected Sir,
    This article can be a great guideline for the teachers and parents who must be facing challanges to handle kids and also help them to understand kids in a better way with different angle.Yes,its true today's child is confused as the morals and values taught to them are actually not followed by their elders at times.We as elders have a huge responsibility to check that our actions should be in harmony with our words.This article is an eye opener for all of us.
    Anju Sharma

  17. Sir,

    I think the teacher has to play the role of a parent as well as the counselor to help the children. Also they have to prove themselves to be the role model for the children.

  18. sir,
    I find this post to be extremely useful. Especially the part about role of teachers is most important by making Discipline more effective if children have been involved in establishing the rules and, oftentimes, in deciding the consequences. Communicate with your child's parent throughout the school year, not just when problems arise

  19. Very true sir and the article is well written.I do agree with you and surely believe that there are innumerous factors which encourage students to be violent and indulge in crime but by believing this we can not get away with our duty and responsibility.We being the antibiotics i.e.teachers and parents have to work wholeheartedly and automatically the role of society will be taken care of.The need of hour is to have lot of patience,tolerance and concern towards those students who somehow get into this vicious circle and pull them out of it.We ourselves have to be the role model to them in our day to day life and make a difference in the life of atleast few of the students

  20. Its a nice article .Its the teachers and parents what they want to give to their society.

  21. Respected Sir
    I completely acquiesce to your views about the problem of the teenagers becoming intolerant these days and getting involved in violent activities. Teachers and parents definitely need to take a foot forward and work in unison for the betterment of the children. Actions speak louder than words. Mere preaching of moral values would not be of any use; instead, we need to practice the same, thus becoming the role models for our children. Elders ought to be more tolerant, learn to understand the importance of cordial relationships and respect for others, only then can we paint a world of peace and harmony in the young minds and shape them into better individuals.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Respected Sir,
    This article echoes the present need for pragmatic and revolutionary adherence to the idea of 'setting an example',by the teachers for the students to follow. I find solace in the concept of reverse psychology while facing such a situation i.e, When a child turns aggressive he/she finds it bewildering if we respond with deep understanding and patience and an immediate change is observed in their behaviour. Your thoughts have exposed the urge that lies in the core of the hearts of these kids, their ardent desire to emulate the ideal example.As if they are calling out:
    Be my inspiration, not mere instructions
    I no longer want to see the world you paint with words and name it as 'Ideal'
    I yearn to see, in your actions, this Utopia turning 'Real'.

  24. Respected Sir,
    Congratulations for selecting such an important issue. It was hammering my mind with the incidents of Hyderabad, Chennai, USA and so many other places where cruelty of children had been exposed by the media. I personally feel introduction of Moral Science as a subject up to class VIII would be fruitful which we had as students. At the same time I agree with your statement that teachers must act as role models for students. It is very important to make understand our students that there are so many things which we cannot buy even with a lot of money. Hence, they should have patience.

  25. Yes sir i am totally agree with you that with collaboration of parents and teachers can bring change in society.

  26. Respected sir
    I do agree with this thought tht we teachers have to play an important role to sow the seeds of value in our kids but the parents and society needs to join hand together for a better future.

  27. Respected sir
    I do agree with this thought tht we teachers have to play an important role to sow the seeds of value in our kids but the parents and society needs to join hand together for a better future.

  28. Very true sir that the children are intolerant now days but tell me who is not ? This is definitely a learnt behaviour. The two major pillars in a child's life that is the parents and the teachers need to think seriously before they react in front of their children.

  29. Jairaj
    Sir it is true that it is happening , we see and blame others. I agree of your thoughts but I think why are we blaming others ? If we know what are our responsibilities whether he is a teacher or a parent. Both of us have our own role in new paradigm and these are very important to give moral values to children. So we should shoulder our duties and accept it as a challenge. We should believe in changing ourselves inspite others than that day we will be able to give true education to our children.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Rightly written.
    I believe
    When someone dies, he/she will be just remembered by the next two generations . Beyond that no one remembers. You are born average,die as any other being.You will be remembered only when you have brought difference in someone's life. That would be a purposeful living

    Property,gold,valuable assets or handsome bank balance are all exhaustible and temporary.So leave behind you something great which is far beyond than these materialistic things. And teaching is the only profession where you get the opportunity to shape the future of the country.So be the role model and let others follow you....

  32. Respected sir
    I do agree with your opinion that teachers should play a vital role to motivate and influence students in positive direction and it is possible only when teachers show them values and morals and guide them.It is true that action speaks more than words and if we realize our responsibilities as a teacher and hold it also than we can reach to every child and inspire them for positive thinking and inculcate values.I personally feel meditation and yoga can change the mindset of our children up to some extent,it should be introduced in the schools.
    I strongly feel that Media should also learn how to react to the situations.Blame game is not the solution to any problem.

  33. Respected sir
    I do agree with your opinion that teachers should play a vital role to motivate and influence students in positive direction and it is possible only when teachers show them values and morals and guide them.It is true that action speaks more than words and if we realize our responsibilities as a teacher and hold it also than we can reach to every child and inspire them for positive thinking and inculcate values.I personally feel meditation and yoga can change the mindset of our children up to some extent,it should be introduced in the schools.
    I strongly feel that Media should also learn how to react to the situations.Blame game is not the solution to any problem.

  34. Sir
    I find the article to be extremely helpful for the teachers to transform themselves from teacher to guru which is the need of the hour.It is also an eye opener for those parents who always want to fulfill their dreams throughttheir children without acknowledgeing their potential and their dreams.

  35. Sir
    I find the article to be extremely helpful for the teachers to transform themselves from teacher to guru which is the need of the hour.It is also an eye opener for those parents who always want to fulfill their dreams throughttheir children without acknowledgeing their potential and their dreams.

  36. Sir
    I find the article to be extremely helpful for the teachers to transform themselves from teacher to guru which is the need of the hour.It is also an eye opener for those parents who always want to fulfill their dreams throughttheir children without acknowledgeing their potential and their dreams.

  37. Respected Sir,
    The article is very appropriate in today's scenario. Parents and teachers both have to take the responsibility to give moral values to students.

  38. Sir,
    I agree and deeply feel that growing intolerance is a burning issue in today's times. But to combat this menace everyone has to put in collective efforts. The children learn what they see and no amount of preaching can make them learn otherwise. We all teachers as well as parents have to be role models for them. I totally agree that teachers have the power of transforming the children more than anybody else. It is not an easy path but definitely the reward will be worth the hardships, pain and suffering.

  39. Really sir it is a mind blowing article. It is also a eye opener to all of us. I think teacher should be a role model to all students. Teachers and parents definitely need to take a foot forward and work togather for the betterment of the children

  40. Respected Sir,
    The sentence in this article "The teacher would have to transform self to Guru who burns self to enlighten the path of children". This is real essence of the article, even I agree with this, as a teacher we are the role models for the society. Parents, students look at us with lots of expectations.

    Shilpa Bafna

  41. It is a thoughtful piece of writing sir, touching a very significant issue. It's absolutely the the duty of the teachers to set an example of patience and tolerance that the students could follow.

  42. Sir
    It is being rightly written by you, the real problem is that our children are expected to learn values without seeing values.
    Nowadays, Trust is lacking on the part of parents towards school-Principal and their teachers day by day but we as teachers always work for the betterment of the students. Parents are not coming forward to the school in order to help the school and teachers in solving the problems of their children. Children imbibe very easily what they see in the movies and talk around. They always find easier ways to get success by any means.
    In my opinion, Guru always existed in every part of one’s life, in every generation but it depends upon the disciple could see him and rightfully trust him or not based on disciple’s ability to believe on the right path to do right things and work on that but it is very difficult to follow. If they do, only then violence and intolerance among students can be reduced to some extent.
    Purity of mind is required on both ends

  43. Respected Sir
    The article is an eye opener for all of us.I agree with the suggestions given by you Sir. It's right to comprehend that values are declining. It is up to the society to inculcate the basic values. The joint efforts of teachers and parents are must in this regard.

  44. This article has given me food for thought as it demands that as parents and teachers we all need to contribute and take the onus to bring a radical change in the behaviour of our children because our positive responses to their actions will certainly yield positive results.

  45. This article has given me food for thought as it demands that as parents and teachers we all need to contribute and take the onus to bring a radical change in the behaviour of our children because our positive responses to their actions will certainly yield positive results.

  46. Respected sir
    You have thrown light on such a grave issue which had lost its existence due bigger issues going around in societies these days. Small children fights are often ignored in casual way by considering them a "cute" act or an adorable act of childhood but you have made us to look at the other side of the coin. The concept of Guru is ancient and it holds the very foundation of indian aesthetics. There is no doubt that the time is changed, everything has transformed but with a new name only. Gurukuls are now modern school and the Guru's are now madam's and sir's but our objective still stands the same i.e to enlighten the younger minds and to guide them to correct path. We hold the major role and the responsibility for shaping of growing innocent minds which we must not back foot.

  47. Sir,remember you and your leadership qualities very fondly.Wish, could learn more by working with you.My good wishes to you,ma'am and the school.Have fond memories of the time spent with you all.Regards Meenakshi Mazumdar

  48. Sir,remember you and your leadership qualities very fondly.Wish, could learn more by working with you.My good wishes to you,ma'am and the school.Have fond memories of the time spent with you all.Regards Meenakshi Mazumdar


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