What are our children exposed to?

What has been happening in the last few years is not really in the interest of the country or its people. The incidents of the last few months have put this country in a situation which does not convey positive aspects or give a bright picture to the citizens of the country, particularly the children. On one side many attempts are being made to introduce reforms in the education system and on the other hand the actions and the behavior of the responsible people seem to be suggesting something different. All must understand that no education system will do any good if the elders do not behave the way they expect the future generations to behave. The system is important but following that is more important and this can not be proved by words but by actions only.
The people of the country saw a ray of hope in the voice raised by many citizens under the leadership of Sh. Anna Ji, but that is getting diluted as per the indication given in the last few days.The Satyagrah by Baba Ramdev and his followeres was given a lot of hype by the media and the government also responded in a manner that the issue of black money is between Baba Ramdev and the government which is not the case. In democracy the government is responsible for every citizen of the country and all should be heard by the people in power. The problems of the corruption and the black money can not be solved in the lounge of the airports or the hotels but in the supreme body of the nation and that is Parliament.The government should not play the blame game but take action to tackle these issues which are proving to be big hurdle in the progress and the development of the nation. The issue should not be made as a tussle between the government and the citizens but be paid desired attention and laws should be enacted so that the menace of corruption and the black money is tackled in an effective manner.
As a teacher, what worries us the most is the impact of all these incidents on the mind of our young children. They have started having a feeling that the two issues mentioned are the part and parcel of the life and it is not possible to get rid of them. The statement given by the prime minister (as reported by the media) does not send positive signal when he says that government does not have any magic stick to tackle these issues. This has hampered the spirit of the enthusiastic people who  want to see this country free of these evils. The recent incidents also make people feel that speaking for the right cause of the country does not make any sense because this does not please a particular caste or the religion and the political bosses will listen to the voice of those people or groups which matter to their vote bank.If this Satyagrah was for the cause of a caste or the religion then the government would not have behaved the way they did in the midnight of 4th and 5th June 2011. The citizens of the country are learning what they are being taught and behaving accordingly.
The government and the members of the society should stop the blame game and should be honest to themselves and also to the country. The government must also feel the mood of the nation against corruption and black money and any voice raised against should not be considered against the government or any minister or the ministry. The trust between the people of the country and the government is very important and that should not be allowed to be in deficit. The members  of the civil society are behaving responsibly and in a matured manner and so should be the response of the government. The time has come to take concrete steps to curb the two Cs before it is too late.


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