Desire and greed

The reports in the newspapers related to the suicides being committed by number of the people which appears to be on rise every year is serious cause of concern to all and something must be done so that this trend is slowed down if not completely stopped. When we see it in context of the school going children there also it seems to have gone up though the government has tries its level best by reducing the stress of the studies whether it is related to examination pattern or the teaching learning pattern. But this seems to have made little difference because the expectations of the people are going up day by day. There is competition everywhere and the parents start worrying about the future of their children right from their birth. We do not have figures related to the proportion of the people of different age groups who resort to extremes steps of taking their life. Whatever information is available does not make us feel happy because suicide cannot be justified for any age group. The stress and the tension is the part and parcel of life and in addition to reducing the same the people should also learn how to cope with that. There is no one who can say that he/she has not encountered stress ever in life. The real cause as found by many psychologists and psychiatrists is our running behind the materialistic gains. Everybody is trying to earn more than others or achieve better position than anybody else. It is good to try to be at the top but this may not be possible for all. That is why this is very important to learn  how to face the failures. The people should feel happy what they have in spite of feeling bad for something they could not get. We should try to understand the difference between greed and the desire. That will help us to be happier and let others also feel good. The desire can be controlled but greed is like fission reaction which keeps multiplying exponentially. Also we should remember that all cannot be at the same level of achievement because God has also not made all exactly the same. Somebody`s gain should not be considered as your loss. If thought and done that way many of the problems will be solved. Increase in the suicidal tendencies is not the only cause of worry but the increase in the number of diseases is also serious danger for the people. The reports show that the certain ailments which used to affect the people at the age of fifty or sixty have stated affecting them at the age of thirty. Take the cases related to heart disease or diabetic this is found ruining the life of our youth as early as twenty five. The people may other reasons also of not wanting to live more but as mentioned before also no cause or reason can be a justification for ending the life and this has to be learnt by everyone. If we cannot do that then no progress is worth being happy. The development and the growth which makes larger number of the people feel left out or worthless cannot be considered of any worth. Our children learn what they see around them and if the number of people around them are stressed then they are going to be affected accordingly. The children have already been deprived of their childhood due to so many factors known to all and now they are exposed to so many negatives around.  Everybody is aware of the problem but they find themselves inadequate to handle it. I have come across many cases where the parents admit that they at times pass on their stress to their children but unable to control that. They are not happy doing so but the work pressure is so much that force them to act that way. The nuclear family system does not give the people opportunity to share their problems with the relative and near and dear ones because all live away from each other. This all has happened in the name of development and the progress. Somebody rightly said that in the name of going ahead we have gone away from our own people. This again seems to be following Hubble’s law which is in context of the galaxies getting away from each other. The speed of separation is considered to be directly proportional to the distance between them and exactly the same is happening with the human beings also. Not only this the human race is getting away from the nature also rather destroying the nature for the sake of becoming happy though the fact is that the same is proving suicidal. The race for material gains will not let the people live happily and the same can be seen when we visit the history of the world. Nobody has been happy by gaining materialistic things only rather those who gained the same realized later on that it was the foolishness on their to have been running to get all that and they renounced all that for the sake of peace and happiness. I do not mean to undermine the will or the desire of the people to progress but this desire should not get changed into greed.    The disturbing trend of the suicides should be addressed immediately by taking concrete steps.
The lesson taught by Lord Krishna will always be guiding light for all where He says that believe in the Karma and leave rest to the Almighty.


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