Concentrate on your strengths

This is the month of December which is known to us not with the help of the calendar but evidently by giving a close look at the faces of the school going students, specially the students who will appear in class XII board and other competitive examination. The faces have become slightly stressed and this is likely to escalate in the days and the months to come.The reason certainly is the fast approaching board exams that they write in the month of march. The parents of the children studying in class XII have restricted their outings for the functions of even close relatives because they feel that their child`s studies will get disturbed. The mothers always want to be with the child and motivate him /her to study hard. Every statement of advice has some impression in the mind of the child that this is the most important examination and if he /she performs well in that, then the life ahead will be very easy. Not only the parents, the school teachers are also giving the same kind of understanding to the children which seems to be alright in this world of competition. Not only this, the near and distant relatives also come and take part in this important and serious discussion that the child has to appear in the board examination and the future will depend upon the performance in this examination. All those who are concerned  for the children are getting stressed and this stress keeps on increasing every day.
At the same time, we come across those children also who despite being in the same situation are quite relaxed but focused. They are taking their studies seriously but at the same time not letting studies overpower them. Though the parents of such children are by and large happy with the efforts of their children but some of them also behave exactly in the same manner as the parents of the children discussed before. The difference between these two groups of the students is one and that is – those who are not much stressed have been studying well throughout the year while the other group has started feeling the burden of studies because they were not serious about the same till now. Those who were not regular and did not work as per the schedule will find themselves tensed and this tension may not do any good to them but further disturb and disrupt their studies. So this is very important for the teachers and the parents that the children are given positive environment at school and also at home. They should be guided and counselled so that they realize and understand their strengths because there is no fun in highlighting what went wrong in the past. That will further add to the already increasing stress. Some parents force their children to compensate for the loss of time in the past by increasing the study hours. This is genuine till it is done as per the potential of the child but if pressurized too much then it might prove counterproductive. So, the parents should take the things in such a manner so that the children do not feel let down though the same is because of their own fault for not having studied well from the beginning of the session.
The children still have about three months and all should try their level best so that they make proper use of the time left at their disposal. The time to talk about the shortcomings in the children or their pattern of studies is past and now all must concentrate only on the strengths of the children as per their individual potential. There should be no comparison with the performance of other children because that at times might have a negative effect. Individual child should be treated and handled individually and should be encouraged that he/she can do better. The most important thing is to build up the confidence of the children. Some people might find it difficult to apply in it all cases because still few students do not realize that they should study well. But the teachers and the parents should also realize that after all they are children and should be treated accordingly. They may not perceive the things as the teachers and parents do. I am happy to note many of the students are quite clear about their goals and they work accordingly to achieve the same. This could be possible due to the career counselling facility available to them. I always feel that career is important but at the same time the real learning related to the subject and also regarding life is equally important. There is no fun in choosing a career which gives you the materialistic gains and not the happiness. And happiness not only in the field of work which is applicable to all aspects of the life. The same applies to the learning process in the schools also. Some children feel that they are interested in one or more than one subject and hence they ignore them. This is not the right approach and they should understand that they will be examined in all the subjects. So they are advised to study those subjects also and with a positive frame of mind because if you want to develop interests in a subject, then first you have to force yourself to develop liking a few aspects and chapters of the same. This is true that all topics of a subject cannot be disliked by anybody though in totality the child might feel not interested in a particular subject. In this case, think and select those topics which you may like and learn more about them. Once you develop some interest in that topic you will find a change in your attitude towards that subject. Take a simple example from daily life. A doctor told the patient that he should stop having food which he liked the most and should eat something which he did not like at all. Initially, the patient was very uncomfortable with the same. He could manage not to eat something that he liked but had some problems in starting to eat the other food item. After a few months he was very comfortable with the food item he had started eating because of the doctor`s advice. Initially it might be difficult for some of the students but they will develop liking and interest in those subjects also by which they were by and large repelled. This is also understood that all topics of the same subjects may not be done so well as the other topic are read and comprehended.But,there has to be a beginning that will initiate an interested in a subject.
I would like to advise all the students that they should allow the stress to overpower them and their determination to do well (most of them are now determined to do well) and have faith and confidence in their ability. They must persevere hard (no substitute and escape from that) but should enjoy that hard work also. If done so they will definitely be able to learn and perform better than even their own expectations. Prepare a schedule for yourself and follow that religiously and not just for a show off to anybody at home or in the school. The parents and teachers can play a significant role in helping the children to exploit their potential up to optimum.Remember that yesterday is not ours to recover,but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.If you want the come out with the rainbow colours,you have to put-up with the rain and storm. So,work hard to design a better tomorrow,I wish all the children happy learning days ahead.


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