Inspiration and the ideal

We have been discussing the role played by the parents in the life of their children and all agree that they influence the most particularly in the early years of the life of the children. The people have also been discussing about the degree of influence and the difference between the influence of the father and the mother. Some people think that the mother remains close to the children more than the father so her influence is more. Some people think that it will depend upon the family fabric of the child born in. There are some people who say that father impresses children more than the mother. Some people are of the opinion that the female child is influenced more by father and the male child gets influenced more by mother than father. But the truth seems to be in the statement that the children get influenced by both mother as well as father. While discussing the same a few days back it was realized that the both influence but the manner and degree may differ. It was also said that earlier the father was not that much approachable to the children as the mother was and the children used to convey their feelings and the wishes through the mother. They were happy with whatever response was given by the father. Not many questions were raised whether their request was accepted or not. If something was to be told to the father that again was done through the mother most of the times. Now the things have changed. The mother and the father both are approachable to the children in terms of having conversation and the discussion directly with them. The children can convey their thoughts to the parents more easily and comfortably now than before especially to the father. Earlier the children would follow whatever was told by father even if they were not happy with that.But the things have changed now and the role of the mother has also changed up to some extent because of the financial independence. The mother is able to fulfill the desire of her children even if the father may not be willing to provide what the children had asked for. The joint family system is becoming the thing of past and that has also made parents and the children interact with each other more than before. The parents are now more concerned about the well being of their children because the support of the other family members is not so readily available to them. The children seem to be more focused to achieve better than what their parents could do and the parents are also trying their level best to help their children. In the process of earning more to make the future of the family better secured the mothers are also working outside their home. This has taken away some of their time which was due for the children. Though this might not have been realized earlier but now the people have started experiencing that the mothers are getting tired of the dual responsibility and that is the reason the father has to play more effective role in the upbringing of the children. The children need to get unconditional love and affection of both the parents. In this it is not only the child who enjoys but also the parents. The affection and the quality time given by the parents to the children are much more important than the things of the material gains.
Earlier the children were not to search for their ideals and the role models outside the family because the parents and the grandparents were the role models for them. Now as the focus has shifted more towards materialistic gains so the relationship also seems to be having some difference than before. But the most important thing remains the same and that is the influence of the parents on their children. It may be positive or otherwise but it was their and will always be there. Mrs. Sangeeta Yadav mentioned it very rightly to me that if the father is the ideal for the children then the mother is the inspiration for them. This is universal truth and should be realized by all. This was the case in the past and the same is true now as well. That is the reason that the role of the parents has been considered to be the most important in the development of the children. The ideal and the inspiration should work in unison and make the life the children worthy of living not only for the family but for the society also. The role of the mother and the father will continue to be as important as it was before even if the things seem to be having been changing. The basics of the life will remain same and we all know that parents are the most basic to their children because they are the ones because of whom all come in this world. So what I feel is that the mother and the father are those who can influence their children more than anybody else because the most important and basic things can be provided by them only. The children should also realize that the inspiration and the ideal are always with them and only thing they have to do is realize and recognize them. We all should remember the truth of the life that the mother is the inspiration and the father is the ideal for the children.


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