Session break:Necessity or luxury

Most of the schools have commenced with the new session and the children and the teaching staff must have set some new goals for themselves.  The children got some time to relax and refresh in between the final examination and the new session. We tried to find from the students and some teachers about the excitement and the enthusiasm for the next class and the session. The response was mixed. But the majority of the students and the teachers felt that the gap between the two sessions should be more than what it is presently. Some state boards conduct the final examination in the most of April or May and then the schools are closed and the new session starts in the month of July every year. The teachers are able to complete their evaluation work properly and then the schools declare the result. Many children want this system to be adopted by all boards. The reason mentioned for this is that they get enough time to relax and get ready for the next class. They feel that the children who join the next class after a gap of one or one and a half months enjoy the next class more than the ones joining the new class at the shorter duration of interval. At the same time, the other group of the children feel that it is good to start with the new class before the long break so that they could remain touch with the studies they have done and will continue with after the break. The other group argues that as per the saying, “well begun is half done”, the beginning of the session should be in a delightful and jubilant mood and not as you have to carry out the work for another year. The students should have the curiosity and the desire to learn more things. If they get a little more break after working really hard for a year then they will be better prepared to learn more in the following year. Also, they will get some time to pursue the activities and tasks of their interest which may be different than what they do during the year. The children who argue for the long break before the new session also feel that if they do not have the set of the books for the next session and no home work in the name of projects etc is given by the schools then they will be able to relax better and also visit their relatives in different cities without bothering about the assignment given by the teachers to be completed. I tend to agree with them because the bonding between members of the family who may not be staying in the same city will strengthen when the children and the elders visit each other quite often. It is heartening to read in the newspapers that the cities which had become the centre of nuclear families are seeing the reverse trend. The days which the children spend together without any formal education and the restrictions are really the most important in their life. I can remember well when we used to be together during the months of May and June. The number of the children of the same group and the others also would enjoy the afternoon and evenings playing and enjoying together. Those days when TV was not available for twenty four hours and also other electronic gadgets were used to a minimum, there certainly was a better understanding and sharing, even between cousins. The fight to procure the best first and then forgetting everything was an excellent opportunity to learn the lesson of the life which are equally important. We used to share the things with each other and at times tease each other for having got more or less than the others. We used to share the experience of the previous year`s achievement in and outside the class. If we look at the schedule of the children of the day, then it is usually found that they are more concerned about the level of achievement and the desire to achieve more. In the process they are likely to miss on one of the very important aspects and that is learning, but without stress. If we can make a child learn without letting him/her feel that he/she is being taught or forced to learn then this will really be great in the life of the child. Some might think, what is the relation between the short break and the long break as far as two sessions are concerned. This I took up because until I feel a desire to eat I do not relish the food. The same is the case with doing something new or not necessarily new. If the children do not have the desire of and motivation to come to the school they would not be able to learn the things the way this is supposed to be learnt rather they will take it as the burden put on them by the teachers and the parents. Not many people will be able to perform well if they do not feel doing the same from within. I also tend to agree with the people having the views that this long break between the two sessions gives much needed push and impetuous to the children and the teachers specially  the ones who might not have been able to do very well in the previous class. This break gives them time to overcome the negative feelings and they will start the new session with positive attitude. Some teachers also agreed to this and they did talk about themselves as they also need some time to prepare themselves for the new class and new group of the children. As on today what happens that the final examination is over by the third week of March and the new session begins from first April. In between the teachers will have to evaluate the answer books and prepare the result and meet the parent at the time of giving the results. Though the teachers and parents might suggest certain things which would benefit the child but they get very little to think and reflect upon that. The teachers rarely get time to prepare themselves for the next session which is not good. The teachers should have enough time to prepare themselves for the next class. They should know well in advance about the classes and the children to be taught in the next session. If it is so then they would be able to interact (informally with their new students). If they would know about the students well in advance they will be better prepared to help all children as per the individual`s requirement and also will come back totally rejuvenated,fresh and better prepared for the new session.
Let us debate on this and try to understand which is better for the children and the teachers. In any situation the interest of the children is most important and that should not be compromised for any reason. I would be grateful to all those who will be kind enough to share their views with me so that the same could be discussed with the students and the teachers for better action in future.


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