Authentic Assessment
few years have seen new methods of assessment and evaluation being introduced
by Central Board of Secondary Education as per the objective of National
Curriculum Framework 2005. This includes the implementation of CCE and now open
book system in class X examination (summative II). Over the last two to three
years the focus has shifted from teaching learning process to examination and evaluation
process. When we try to analyze the reason behind the apparent sudden anxiety
of the authorities towards the examination pattern which has been followed by
the country in the last fifty -sixty years, we realize that is not something
which has come all of a sudden but there have been talks and discussions in
seminar and conferences that the country needs better ways of assessment and
evaluation of the learning of the children.
The educationists were concerned about the changes to be brought in our
education system so that schooling particularly does not remain a stressful
exercise for the students. Assessment is very important for better learning and
evaluation and is equally important to understand the level of the learning
achieved by the students. What I feel is that assessment is very important in
the life of every individual so this should be administered in a way that there
is no ambiguity which might not give the correct picture about the
competence. What I mean here that the
assessment should be valid and reliable. If this is not a valid and reliable
instrument, then it is an unnecessary burden on children and teachers both. When
I talk of validity, I mean that a test should measure what it is supposed to
measure. Reliability means the extent to which the test is free of any
measurement error. Measurement in any
field of study should possess an acceptable degree of validity and reliability.
For example, if we have to measure the length of an object then you take the
help of a meter scale. This meter scale gives valid and reliable result because
whoever measures the length and whatever number of times the measurement is
taken the result would be almost the same.
Though it is difficult to develop a test which is perfectly valid and
reliable but an invalid test is as useless as having no test. To increase the
validity and reliability, Central Board of Secondary Education kept on trying
the improvement in the question papers of classes X and XII for the last many
years. And now the situation has reached were most of the questions are one
word answer type or two to three lines answers. What I think that, in this
process, we missed on a very important aspect of education. We focused more on the information received
and retained by the child rather the understanding and application of the
knowledge. Now the teachers’ manual of CBSE for classes VI – X talks about
other ways of assessment also to improve assessment and making it more
authentic. The idea behind is that the poor test might assess memory only while
the better test would measure memory, understanding and application. The test
better than this would assess more important
skills as well which are; to solve open ended problems, working in
groups, new ideas, assessing self, using data available and making assumptions.
There can be many more skills which can be assessed and developed with the help
of better framed and executed assessment.
Scott Paris and colleagues explained an authentic assessment in the form of
portfolio. They defined the portfolio as selection of learners’ work reflecting
about the classroom interaction, classroom work and other evidences of their
performance in the class. This will make the children self assessors. Another innovation in assessment is
collaborative testing. Psychologist Phillip Zimbardo turned his attention
towards the anxiety and test among the students and he thought of how to reduce
it. He tried a new method in his psychology courses where in the students were
offered the option of choosing a partner of their choice from among their
classmates to write the test together. They were also given the option of
taking the test alone. Around forty percent students opted for the partner and
the rest were alone. When he tried to understand the reason for opting for
partner and otherwise he found that the ones who opted for working alone feared
that the partner do less work. The result showed that those who wrote test in
pairs scored higher than those who were alone, also they enjoyed the course
more, could share the knowledge more and were anxious about the test which were
administered later on. Zimbardo rightly says that collaborative stress reduces
the fear and that is more valuable in real world situation when we have to work
in groups. The third example of an authentic test can be rubrics. This has been
a new concept in our evaluation system courtesy introduction of CCE. I remember
when we were asked to write an essay in the examination on any topic and if the
maximum marks allotted were, say ten, then the examiners used to decide not to
award more than particular marks whatever was the quality of the essay
written. This did not help the learner
to understand the level of his/her competence based on the marks scored. Even
the teachers were not able to explain what would have been the quality of essay
so that the students would have been awarded full marks or close to that. Here
in this situation rubrics can play a very important role. For a situation of an
essay writing, we need to list out the criteria and these can be clarity, range
of issues, depth of understanding the topic, the language and you can add more.
Then different levels of performance on each criterion should be described in
words clearly. For example in case of clarity the levels may be;
1. Points
not made clearly, overall confused matter
2. A
few points made clearly rest mostly are confused.
3. Many
clear points but in a few there is confusion.
4. Almost
all points made clearly, overall clear essay.
similar thing can be done for the rest of the criteria also. This way the
teacher as well as the children would be able to understand their areas of
strength and weaknesses and follow up action can be taken so that the future
learning is better. Precisely, this is the purpose of assessment that we
improve our level of learning and competence.
the end, I would like to emphasis upon the fact that assessment and teaching
should be an enjoyable exercise for teachers and students both so that all are
better prepared to face real life situation. Teaching learning assessment
should be interwoven in such a manner that nobody feels that a lot of time is
wasted for preparation, administration and recovery from tests. The motivation
of teachers and students should not shift from process of learning to
performance only which may be the root cause of stress and anxiety among the
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