The question of responsibility
5th October is celebrated
as World Teachers` Day all over the world (in about hundred countries). The
same is celebrated in India on 5th September every year on the birth
anniversary of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan a great teacher, philosopher and statesman.
The teachers have always been the backbone of the society and were given
highest possible stature and the respect by the pupil, parents and the age old civilization.
In the last few years, there seems to be some doubt in the minds of people and
also there is a receding level of confidence in the teachers. There are many
factors responsible for the same and we need to address the issue far more
seriously than before and find a way so that the trust imposed by the society
in teachers’ ability to mould their students is restored. The last few years
have been more turbulent due to which there has been a setback to even those
teachers who have been doing so well and were appreciated by all. I am of the
firm belief that any relationship stands strong if there is faith, without
which it tends to loosen. This is true that change is inevitable but all
changes are not necessarily good for the society. Certain things are permanent
and if disturbed, result in disastrous repercussions.
For the present situation about
the faith in teaching community, both teachers and society are almost equally
responsible. The teachers in today’s world are an integral part of the society
and they do not live in Gurkuls and Ashrams as in earlier days in India and
boarding schools in other countries. The teachers do get influenced by the
incidents taking place around them. I am not justifying anything done by
teachers’ which is not expected from them but it happens in some cases. The
problem comes when one odd incident is generalized for all teachers and even
the good and innocent ones are seen with doubt and at times accused of
something which they were not at all involved in. Recent incidents shown on TV
channels and newspapers have had very negative impact on the children and the
teachers both. There have been a few black sheep’s in this profession also but
it does not mean all are like that. Sometimes it is through media which is the
voice of the people that these issues get a highlight and an image is formed.
But, the teachers, as individuals are also to be blamed for the present
situation because some of them forgot the basic ethics of a teacher and the
motto of the teaching profession. They perhaps do not realize their strength
and influence on the children because the students otherwise look up to them as
their mentor. If the teachers build a mindset and take this profession as a mere
profession to earn money and livelihood, then the very pious motive of teaching
is destroyed by such thoughts. The teacher is certainly not the one who sells
knowledge, but must be the one to be a social reformer and if that is true then
he/she must reform self first and then expect others to follow. This is not as
easy as said or written but then no good comes easily. If somebody decides to
work for good then should be ready to work hard and face difficulties and even
the blames for the failures. Nobody is perfect in this world and so is the case
with teachers also but they can at least try to be the best and be a role model
for others.
The parents should also
realize that the knowledge and values cannot be purchased. Though they may be
able to do so but the basic values of life can surely not be bought by money
like may be the other certificates or degrees. The teachers should not be looked
down upon because they do not own big bungalows or the resorts and luxury cars
etc., but should be given credit for kindling the flame of knowledge and be the
guiding light of the society. The parents being rational can also ensure that
they do not speak anything negative about a teacher in the presence of the
children because that plays a negative role in the relationship between the
students and the teachers. There is always something more than what meets the
eye, hence, parents can think twice before reacting to any situation of
difference between school and home. There is a possibility that the parents
might get influenced by the incident narrated to them by the child and that may
be true also but shouting, using foul language and creating scene does not make
any sense, rather at times aggravates the situation. First we as parents should
try to resolve by talking to the individual and put our point of view with no ambiguity.
In most of the cases, the problem will be solved. In rest of the cases some
legal means are available to all of us and we should take advantage of that.
But in all such cases the idea should be to correct someone who is wrong or has
done wrong and not be personal with an attitude for revenge. Parents are
integral stakeholders and should realize that when at times, they are not able
to manage two children at home then how difficult it may be for the teachers in
the present situation to administer the heterogeneous group of forty. We all
must admit that discipline is not only the key to the success but also an
important factor to run and manage the society in a proper and dignified
manner. Individual rights are important but sensitivity towards the dignity and
respect of the others is also equally important.
The society and the media
can play a constructive role in this aspect. Reports by media should also be
flashed as discretely as possible as news and not as hot news. The concern of
the children, parents and the teachers need to be highlighted but in a manner
which helps all to do better. Those who indulge in wrong doing should be
punished but that should not be the choice but as per the law of the land. Some
of the teachers do share it in private that there is nobody to safeguard the
interest of the teachers and they are at times isolated to defend for
themselves without any support from anywhere because they are considered to be
guilty even without any evidence of such a thinking. Such cases are raised and
blame put on one party but nobody comes to know the ultimate decision in them
because that goes unreported. We need to strike a balance and keep in mind the
consequences of our reporting an incident. The nation seems to be driven by mob
mentality today which is very dangerous. It has been observed that a number of
people will collect if some property of an organization is to be destroyed but
very few people will stop to help a person lying on the road because of
accident or some other eventuality. The society as a whole will have to think
rationally and respond responsibly and without reacting.
The students also need to
understand that without discipline life becomes imbalanced and unorganized.
They must understand that as students they own a lot of responsibility for
themselves, their parents, teachers and the peer group. So called small
incidents and actions lead to certain predicaments. In the last few years many
concerned organizations have spoken about the problems faced by the children
particularly in the schools. They are right and we all need to be careful that
our students do not suffer and they get quality education but at the same time
the children who do not behave properly should also be made aware that they supposedly
will have to face the consequences of their actions. The most important thing
is that they do not have the right to insult their parents and the teachers
just in the name of the freedom of speech. If everybody abuses the freedom of
speech then this will result in a chaotic society not worth living. Majority of
the students are disciplined, have an aim, are focused, want to learn the best
and do something good for their family and the society. There may be a few
cases which are to be handled little firmly and corrected in their interest and
in the interest of the society. The students should ensure that they are
properly dressed while coming to the school and are punctual and regular. They
should ensure that other children are not disturbed because of their reckless actions.
If all the stakeholders
give space to each other and respect each other, then most of the problems will
be solved. The teachers’ day celebrations will gain some relevance if they work
as per the expectations of the society and society in turn gives them all the
due respect, recognizing their services towards the future of the nation. Just
by talking about the importance of the teachers on one particular day will not
change the situation. If the society has to live a quality life then we need to
have quality teachers and that will be possible only when the teachers really
live up to the demands of their profession which should be a noble mission for
them. Somebody has to take an imitative and let it be the proficient teachers.
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