Respect creation by helping others

A question was asked by somebody about not reacting to something wrong happening around us? But at the same time criticize a lot sitting in the drawing rooms or disparaging during the day. The question was more in reference to specific things happening in the city, state, country or the world. Many examples were cited by the concerned person like an old man wanting to cross the road and not many people bother about the same. Due to an accident somebody got injured and crying for the help and most of the people are in hurry so they do not extend any help. Some people fighting with some body and the onlookers do not intervene. There are thousands of such examples which should make us feel ashamed. This is more so in case of our country and the situation is getting worse day by day leading to rampant hooliganism. There can be a small crowd of 5-10 people and they can spread the ruckus in the area and nobody would react to the situation. We have celebrated 69th independence on 15th August 2015 and paid tribute to the forefathers who sacrificed their lives for the cause of the country. This has been 68 years since independence and the country has progressed a lot in almost all areas of life. The literacy rate has gone up, and in this the participation and contribution of the women has also been quite noteworthy. The number of schools, colleges and universities has gone up manifold. The green revolution and white revolution have helped improving the health of people. The hospitals and industries have grown quite significantly and the country is in the process of becoming the medical destination for the people of world. The roads, rail, air transport has also improved considerably in comparison to the state of affairs at the time of independence. The status of living has gone up for majority and the rate of improvement is picking every year. The youth of the country has got its presence registered and recognized all over the world. The individual contributions have also been significant. Our scientists, mathematicians and entrepreneurs are well known for their intelligence and acumen. Our teachers of the schools and colleges are still considered to be among the best. The people of Indian origin working in other countries are contributing for the country they are living in as well as for their own country. But one area where we seem to have lost track is our strength of togetherness. The concept of first feeding the person living in the neighborhood and then eating self is somewhere forgotten in the process of progressing in other areas. The concept of the people sharing their happiness and the sorrows is eluding now and probably this is the reason some people have realized that our people have become selfish due to which we tend to ignore to react to the problems faced by others.
Our children are born innocent and they imbibe the things happening around them. The adults will have to play a proactive role in changing the mindset and make all happy as far as possible. We all know it so well that if somebody in the family falls sick then he/she is looked after very well. The same should be extended to the people living in the neighborhood and city. If this happens then most of the problems of the society will be solved.
If we can think of ‘We’ and ‘Us’ instead of ‘I’ and ‘Me’ then nobody will be left on the road crying for the help and nobody will sleep hungry around us. Development and progress are vital and unavoidable but at the same time family, society and the nation cannot exist without a balanced blend between these sides of a coin. We must celebrate our progress but at the same time try to help those who need and bring the last person of the society forward so that we all could work together for the benefit of the people because even if one person is left behind that is also a grim facet on the progress sheet of the nation. Planet earth is the most beautiful and happening planet which has given birth to thousand of species and the human beings have been the most intelligent ones, who can think and act in the field of development.
If I talk in context of our country only, there are numerous examples in which it is proved that the people chose the path of pain to make others happy. If an individual feels pained due to some problem to his own then he would definitely react in the similar way in other situation. But the real problem is that many parents have assumed the progress of their kids of getting good marks or the grades in their academic performance. They push the children so much into it that the kids do not get time to interact with the parents, grandparents or any other family member. They are taught not to waste time in sitting with someone who might be sick and just concentrate on their work. The mothers would not let the daughter help her in the kitchen or household work because she wants her to top in the class or in some competitive examination. This may be right on their part because every parent wants his/her child to be relaxed and get more time for studies but they should understand that life skills are also equally important for the kids to learn and the same cannot be taught but imbibed in our day to day life. If the children sit with their grandparents and help them in some way then this makes them to empathize towards elders. One parent told that his son inculcated the habit of reading because in the childhood he used to read the stories to his grandfather who was not well and was not able to move. The child used to fetch glass of water or medicine for him and that made him learn to help the ones in the need of help. Hence, parents should not consider this as the waste of time but a great opportunity of learning the life skills.
Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi very rightly mentioned in his speech that the children have taken the cleanliness campaign more seriously than the adults. They are the ones who check the parents or other people in the family not to litter here and there. The children get confused when they find the adults fighting with each other on almost no issue. They want to be happy and friendly with everyone and we the adults unknowingly teach them something else. Let this planet earth be more beautiful not only with its nature and resources but also with the positive thoughts which we all possess. Let us seek freedom from negative thoughts towards others and that will be the real progress which will help all the people around us. Let the sorrow of my neighbour make me sad so that they do not feel alone when they need us the most. Let us try to think for the society then only for self which will make life more beautiful.


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