Understand the difference/relationship between 'needs satisfied' and 'needs felt'
My previous article on the topic ‘Preventing violence in students’ attracted so many comments and
most of the people specially the teachers by & large agreed that teachers
will have to own greater responsibility to help children to learn values and
save them from being trapped in a negative situation. But at the same time,
some people did mention that the role of the family in ‘Indian context’ cannot
be ignored and I fully agree with them. The social support system and the ‘needs’
satisfaction of the children has been fulfilled by the family from the ancient
times. The family has always played a key role in the growth of the children in
a manner that they become competent to face the challenges of life. The family here
becomes the axis which is most important to achieve this mission. The children,
particularly up to the age of adolescents are largely impressed by the way
family fulfills their needs to develop core competencies. Even in the disadvantaged groups (like SC, ST
and BPL) the warm, close and healthy parent-child relationship and healthy
family support help these children develop well. The parents become the most effective source
of support (especially emotional support) to the children & adolescent.
They are real shock absorbers of the normal & natural jerks (stress) the
children face in their life. But when parents
are unable to provide such support then the children tend to suffer and are
deprived of the shock absorbers they need from time to time and are not able to
develop the competencies required in the life.
This is a well known fact (proved by studies & surveys) that the
families in which exchange of thoughts and ideas take place their children
develop proficiency faster than in a case where it does not happen. The life
stresses in the children can be reduced simply by providing the shock absorbers
in the form of proper communication between the family & children.
(Chowdhury & Baral, 1999, say that family is always considered the
potential source of supportive relationship and represents the basic protective
system in child’s development).
Though the India family is considered to be a homogeneous unit,
but the country of this size (in
terms of population) and diversified magnitude may have variables in the family
unit also. It may change from region to region, caste to
caste, religion to religion and also on economic background. The article by Aprajita Chowdhury in the book
‘The Childhoods in South Asia’ reveals that Indian families play a significant
role in shaping the development of individuals , as it is a big support for
nurturing, emotional bonding and socialization. I do come across the question
that “we, as parents try our level best to support our children but they never
follow what is important for their development”. We know that in family, we
have mother, father, brother/sister and other members like uncle, aunt,
grandfather/ grandmother and other close relatives. And the influence of other family members cannot
be ignored. If we talk of the geographical
areas, then in case of Jodhpur, the families are more closely knit than in other
parts of Rajasthan. The South India has
different set of family system than north or north-east part of the
country. But the impact of the family
unit on the children can never be neglected or ignored. The joint family always
provide better support to the children in times of adversity than the nuclear
family. Some people do deliberate upon the changing facets of the new
generation, that they are never satisfied with what they are provided or they
do not behave as the older generation behaved. All of us should understand that
post liberalization the social fabric and family dynamics have changed. The
people have moved from their own native place to serve other part of the
country or even outside the country and the impact of that cannot be avoided on
the children. The economic and social dependency dynamics have also undergone a
sea change. Earlier the sole bread
earner used to be father but last few decades have seen the progress and growth
made by women and that has also contributed to the change in family dynamics along
with a change in the inter relationship among family members.
Though I have not come across any study among the children from
disadvantaged group where they were asked to know what makes them learn things
easily & what not, but a case of disadvantaged adolescents in Berhrapur,
Orissa can be an example (Aprajita Chowdhury). According to Dash (2000),
‘disadvantaged adolescents’ are those whose basic needs and internal
necessities are not fulfilled. Their rights are denied or violated. This
results in their not reaching to the optimum level of growth and they suffer
due to no fault of theirs. Till I read
this article, I always thought that family support to such children was less
than the ones coming from advantaged group. Though I am still not in a position
to say what is right but after working so long with the advantaged group of
children, I think both the groups are at the same level in terms of family
support, rather disadvantaged group is at advantage. Before I dwell upon this for the children from
advantaged group, let us try to understand the study done in Berharpur on disadvantaged
children & try to understand who contributed the most for the need satisfaction
& how that lead to the
development of competencies.
The study collected information from a sample of students from two
groups of disadvantaged children from classes VI to IX. The peers from the
class selected two students who were vulnerable and who were non-vulnerable.
Then the same was confirmed from the teachers also & total 60 students were
shortlisted (30 from each group). Then approximately 35 needs which normally
happen in adolescents were identified & the children were asked the
following questions,
Whether they ever felt such a need?
When felt the need, whom did they approach?
What did these people do?
Were they happy with the action & response?
If not, what did they do after that?
Then in addition to many other interpretations the researches tried
to find what was the relationship between needs felt and needs satisfied.
The children in non-vulnerable group were found that the mean of needs
satisfied was higher than the mean of needs felt, whereas in case of vulnerable
group the needs satisfied were less than the needs felt. This implies that if
the ‘needs satisfied’ are more than the ‘needs felt’ children tend to develop more
competencies than in the other case.
When the graph was plotted for the needs satisfaction and the
agent (person or the unit) who fulfilled the need was indeed an interesting
one. In this case, it was found that
both the parents were most influential and in that too the mother was more
effective than the father. This has
following sources/agents in descending order;

This proves that in disadvantaged group, the teachers as source,
have less impact than the mother, father & brother/sister; so my concept
that teachers make a huge impact seems to be negated by this study. The role of
mother and father is the key in providing the support and help to the children
so that they become confident in facing challenges of life.
Though this study was conducted for a particular set of classes
and it might change in case of primary and secondary students but I think the
role of parents cannot be understood better than what is taught by this study.
Now I can correlate some cases of those family members whose
children would not have been able to do that well as expected. There have been
number of cases where the parents’ behaviour and approach was not worth
appreciating and they would shout on everyone around without understanding what
really happened. They would just react violently (not physically but shouting)
and the child would be listening. There are parents who do not encourage their
children to share things with others or help others. The children of advantaged group at times
suffer because of that as parents & family remain in hurry in consolidating
the wealth and position of power achieved. Such parents’ think that the need of these children
is money and materialistic things which they fulfil to the best of their
ability but forget the real needs of the children. They are not able to spend
quality time with them. They do not listen to their real problems of loneliness
because of the predicament that joint families are breaking and both the
parents working. The most important thing to remind all is that the children
are an important asset for us as well as society. They should not be considered
as only the achiever in life but also the human being who need emotional and
social support more than financial support.
Some parents genuinely do this but still their children do not
behave and learn then what should be done.
In such a case, the impact of the environment outside the family also
plays a noteworthy role. The relatives & the neighbourhood also impact the children. In these cases the duo of parents and
teachers together can nullify the negative impact of the external agencies.
The following is suggested to the parents
They should not always try to live their dreams through their children.
Balance between financial needs and emotional and social satisfaction
of the children.
Behave in a manner so that children learn the values of hard work
and honesty.
Remember what our former President, Late Shri APJ Abdul Kalam once
said, if this country is to be made corruption free then the mother, father
& teachers can make positive impact on their children. In this case also
the parents contribute to 66% of the impact on child’s progress.
Be their friend but do not forget that you are parents also &
the children follow you as their role model.
Let them learn the value of the money you would have earned.
Respect everyone around you if you want them to learn this most
important value.
Do not try to get more from them than what their potential is.
Let them pursue the area of their interest and not the one which interests
1. Appreciate
and motivate them to do better but not beyond their capacity.
Eye opener!!
ReplyDeleteParents actually try to fulfil their dreams through their kids,they don't consider them as a separate entity with different potentials ,likes and dislikes and there comes the problem.
ReplyDeleteRespected Sir,
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you.Some parents of advantaged section don't differentiate between needs felt and needs satisfied and this extra pampering leads to negative things.Here, the role of teachers become very important.Teachers should understand needs of students and work in coordination with parents after all every child is precious and is asset of the country.
Yes Sir your point of view is correct. I think some parents rather most of parents didn't know the difference between the need felt and need satisfied. Actually they want to give best to their children. They want to fulfill all needs of their children but sometimes this leads to over protection which spoils the kids. We as a teacher should understand this and if we find some case like this then we should do the counselling in a positive manner.
ReplyDeleteSir, It is absolutely true that 'needs satisfied' and 'needs felt' have some relations with the development of competency of the children. As a teacher and parents we need to know clearly the difference between the two and its role in child's development. I feel that these two things will help understand the emotional level of the children from where we can guide and motivate them in better way.
ReplyDeleteSir, Even I feel this is really a problem for our society because as a mother knowingly or unknowingly, at times needs are fulfilled before its a felt and children do know understand the pain taken by parent to have that and they does not value it. It is not actually their fault, we should wait before need is to be fulfilled till it is felt and it will be good for everyone.
ReplyDeleteSome of the advantaged groups become non- vulnerable group as they have enough money, power, position and rule over the other group, gain importance in the society and also rule out the values to be present in the society from centuries till yet and will be presenting the same in the centuries to come. They are more interested in fulfilling needs satisfaction than needs felt.
Yes, we as teachers have more responsibility to help the children , to make them, and save them from being trapped in a negative situation.
ReplyDeleteI think parents should understand the quality needs of their kids. They should know the difference between their aspects and kids desire. To this they have to give time to their kids and should understand them.
As teachers we have more responsibilities towards children. we should help them in their development.
ReplyDeleteI think parents have more expectations from their children .so children are over burdened since the childhood.At the same time parents are busy in their life and are unable to give quality time to their children.Parents are providing all the facilities to their children without making them realize its importance.
As teachers we have more reponsibilities towards children to inculcate the values which they are lacking and make them realize the importance of each and every thing at right time.
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ReplyDeleteI liked the article very much and epically the suggestion part.
Parents and teachers need to work together for the betterment of the children. As a teacher, we can do our bit but how to involve parents in the same way? It is easy to mould young minds but who will guide the parents. Today , most of the children are living in the nuclear families. At times, parents behave in a way in which they should not (knowingly or unknowlingly) and that lasts long on young minds.
Can we have some orientation programmes or some counselling sessions for the parents where they can be reminded that how can they make big difference by being examplairy.
And when parents and teachers will work together on the same track, results are bound to be good.
ReplyDeleteI liked the article very much and especially the suggestion part.
Parents and teachers need to work together for the betterment of the children. As a teacher, we can do our bit but how to involve parents in the same way? It is easy to mould young minds but who will guide the parents. Today , most of the children are living in the nuclear families. At times, parents behave in a way in which they should not (knowingly or unknowlingly) and that lasts long on young minds.
Can we have some orientation programmes or some counselling sessions for the parents where they can be reminded that how can they make big difference by being examplairy.
And when parents and teachers will work together on the same track, results are bound to be good.
ReplyDeleteIt is true that there should be a balance between financial needs and emotional need of the children. Parents and teachers are required to give a poroper time to the children to listen their problems and should give them scope of expressing themselves.
Respected sir
ReplyDeleteFamily members and teachers have to understand needs of the children than satisfied needs. Parents should spent time with the children so understand needs of children. Its an eye opener for all of us. Case study makes it much clear that what kind of condition a family have. Obvioisly first role is of parent to mould a child but society also have an equal and important role to understand satisfied needs and needs fulfilled.
Respected Sir
ReplyDeletecommunication depends on how receptive we are as parents to listen as well as guide them at right time and in right amount.
If it done so it becomes good communication. Disadvantage adolescents category exists in all groups of society but how they overcome depends on life skill of the child and guidance by the parents.
A balance between financial, emotional, social need is required.
A good relation is that in which everyone is allowed to go to an healthy individual as per their potential (physically, financially, emotionally, socially).
Kanika vyas
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ReplyDeleteRespected Sir,
ReplyDeleteThe family plays a pivotal role in groooming a child's overall personality.
The child should understand the perspective of his/her parents and respect their suggestions and decisions.
The parents, on the other hand should also be keen in understanding the interest level of children.
The overall development of a parent-children relationship is first and the faith entrusted in this beautiful bond.