Focus On Present And Future Efforts

It is that time of the year again when school students and their parents across India are all set for the Board /annual examination. The Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi interacted with the students, teachers and parents on 27 January 2023, Pariksha Pe Charcha. In the last few years, it has been a regular feature when the Prime Minister speaks to the children directly and answers their questions on exams and how they can perform better in the forthcoming exam. The word examination in itself is a bit scary and it is quite natural for all to get stressed while going through the ritual because of the unrealistic expectations from self and expectations of others from the individual. Unfortunately, in our country, the meaning of examination has been considered synonymous with scoring marks and qualifying for various entrance tests. For this, the drill starts at the beginning of the academic year (and in most cases many years before). Hence concluded, the exam is a way to recall whatever you were fed with during the year. Honestly speaking amidst all this the concept of learning is completely lost somewhere. So the stress (indirect) is to fill the vessel with knowledge and empty it in three hours at the end of the year. Sadly but true, education’s entire focus today is on the goal without paying heed to the enjoyment of the process which is eventually lost. In my previously penned articles, I have always mentioned that setting goals is very important but the process to achieve the same is equally important. Education in schools is not meant only to qualify for an exam but learn to live life and make things better for self and all.


A German proverb says that there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes. So remember you cannot follow the same routine or the path which you should/would have from the beginning of the session. Now you have limited time so change the approach accordingly. Adapt a new approach and have the confidence that you can still do very well. I would not agree with anyone that you did not learn anything at all in the last few months, though your pre-board result might be suggesting that. Teachers and parents, I request you that children need you and your support now more than ever before. So please do not utter any word/ sentence which hinders the positivity. As I said at the beginning examination, three hours standardised test is the most crucial time for all three (students, teachers and parents) hence it becomes all the more important to work in tandem and bring out the best in our children. There are a few points to remember for all the three (students, teachers and parents).

  • Plan the time to focus on your strengths and ignore the topics you find difficult. Solve/ revise subjects/topics by writing than just reading from the book/notebook. Solve sample papers.
  • Stay away from digital gadgets and social media sites because these are the real culprit to drift you away from the serious task at hand.
  • Some of you might not have done well in pre-board exams and your parents and teachers might have expressed unhappiness on the same. This may put more stress on you but please remember that you still can perform much better. So do not worry about past performance and focus on future efforts. Whatever time is at your disposal before the exam, focus more on the topics which you can do very well than the ones you feel uncomfortable with.
  • Take the help of your teachers whenever you need it.
  • Do not worry now if you are not able to solve certain problems.
  • Follow the guidelines issued by CBSE/ICSE/ other Boards and schools like carrying your Admit Card, and School I-Card, wearing proper school uniform, reaching the centre at least half an hour before the scheduled time and visiting the centre a day prior to avoid any hustle on the exam day.
  • On the day of the exam: be confident, read the instructions given on the question paper, reading time should be utilized to the maximum, follow the section-wise sequence, write neatly, draw margins, leave line after every answer, leave those questions about which you aren’t confident and come back to them later, manage those three hours effectively.
  • You may find one or more questions difficult and may not understand them in the first reading, do not worry at all you will be able to solve it in the second attempt.
  • After the paper is over, try not to discuss how did you perform with your friends (parents and teachers should also encourage the children to prepare for the next exam).
  • Please carry all needed stationery items (only those are allowed) to the examination centre.
  • As per direction from the CBSE you should carry your admit card, and school identity card and be in school uniform, otherwise there might be a problem.
  • Ensure to visit the examination centre a day prior so that you have an idea of the time required to reach there.
  • I would request parents that as far as possible please drop and pick up the children to and from the centre and do not allow them to travel on their own.
  • Utilize the gap you get between two papers because that is the most productive time.
  • Prepare the units/ chapters that carry high weightage in order to consolidate your score by studying one portion in continuity.
  • Time is vital and so does its management while writing the paper. Practice for your speed & accuracy with the help of a timer, considering them as mocks.
  • Keep yourself hydrated and nourished. This will not only help in good focus but also better retention.
  • However, taking breaks in between is also important, so get up, avoid long sitting and breathe in fresh air to the mind fresh and active.
  • Remember nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that you may fear less.
  • Do not think now about the life after board exams but focus to do well in this exam.
  • Parents should make the next one month of their children happy and let them have the real taste of happiness of being with you and seeing you as their greatest comfort. We must remember that no amount of luxuries and riches can provide the cosiness that a few soothing words can.
  • It is the moral duty of parents and teachers to guide them to devote themselves to creating something that gives them purpose and meaning. Once they find purpose and meaning they will never want to go back but will always strive to go forward.
  • There is no such thing as ‘too late’ in life. Whenever you decide to do your best you are on time, such words said by teachers will be both motivating and encouraging to them.
  • Students should be suggested some practical and feasible ways through which they can do better. Express love and concern, without the love of one’s family they are like birds with broken wings.
  • Remember to focus exclusively on what is in your power as it magnifies and enhances your output.
  • For this, teachers and parents need to try hard and help to make a difference. 
  • Children should be given the much-needed confidence by them before, during and after the exams because they need it the most.
  • Never compare them with others or with society’s typical standard.
  • Parents must strive to provide a healthy and pleasant home environment to their children where they feel happy.
  • Constant motivation and counselling of teachers work as a magic for students.
  • Teachers may tell them the important topics that can be prepared in the nick of time and share notes, PPTs, and sample papers which can help them to score well.
  •  Teachers please don’t talk to them about their performance in the previous exam rather encourage them to focus.
  • Parent and teacher collaboration at this time is like a panacea. You both can together help the children to identify their potential and reach the desired goal.
  • Teachers can motivate the students through telephonic conversations at regular intervals and a surprise visit to a child’s place can also help a lot.
  • Those who have really prepared very well and are expected among the toppers, may also experience some anxiety. Have confidence in your ability and do not get stressed, you will definitely perform exceptionally well. 

As parents, you should be with them as their biggest solace and see how they make you proud not just in this exam but also in all the tests that life offers to them. Teachers are magicians with words but without wands. Cast a spell on your students with your words of experience and cheer. Boost their confidence and see your children scaling new heights. Children whatever you face, you have a choice: it is on you to decide whether you want to be blocked by obstacles or advance through and over them. In all situations, remember it is no good or bad, there is only perception. Perceptions can be a source of strength or great weakness. Our perceptions determine, to an incredibly large degree, what we are and are capable of. In many ways, they determine reality itself. It largely depends on you how you make all the obstacles in your life the way to achieve your goals. The best example to quote here can be Arjun, a great archer of his time, who saw only the bird’s eye and nothing else during his lessons on archery. We all have to be the Arjun now and learn to only see with our observing eye: what is there and not the obstacle. The only secret to getting ahead is getting started. The time has arrived for you to take action. Your action and moves define you. Therefore you must be sure to act with strong will, deliberation, self-assurance and resolve. Action is the solution and the cure to all your dilemmas. Cultivate the will to act and combine it with humility, resilience and flexibility. For this, the need is to learn the art of acquiescence (the act of accepting willingly) and practice cheerfulness even in dark times. It is quite obvious that during this time everyone whom you meet will give you valuable advice and suggestion intending to help you. Listen to them if you have time but let not your focus get off the target you have set for yourself and that is to perform well which you can do in the time at your hand.

As said by the PM be an exam warrior and not an exam worrier. The only worry you can have is to making best use of the time and the learning which you had before.



Summing up my thoughts with the famous quote of Henry Ford- One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn’t do. So be positive, realise your self-belief and potential and enjoy the Karma without worrying about the result. Wishing you all best of the performance in your forthcoming exams. May you perform to the best of your ability.



  1. Superb sir, well explained.

  2. Once again reaching out to a wonderful and relevant topic. I agree with all the suggestions you've given to teachers or parents along with the students. Let's hope the examinations become festive rather than a fearsome event. Wishing Good Luck to all the stakeholders.

  3. Very nice sir !!!
    The bullet points mentioned in purple color are really good piece of advice for students , parents and teachers.
    Thanks 🙏
    Keep enlightening us

  4. Very well said sir. The need of the hour is to not take undue stress, but staying focussed without worrying about the future.

  5. अत्युत्तम ! सर आपने जो बातें बिंदुवार कहीं हैं, वे विद्यार्थियों की परीक्षा के श्रेष्ठतम परिणाम का आधार बनेंगी

  6. Respected Sir ,this article once again shows your concern and care for your kids .Your suggestions and encouragement is the need of the hour . It is definitely going to help all the students , teachers and parents.

  7. Thanks sir for taking up very relevant topic. Spreading positivity all around in this exam time is what is the need ofbthe hour right now.
    One tag line to remember is that if you understand the fear, you have overpowered it and confident.!!!

  8. Sir
    These golden tips will definnitely help the stakeholders to deal with the examinations process as well as real life situations.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Very nice sir...I hope students, teachers and parents will take care of all the important points which you have mentioned....

  11. Very well said Sir. It will definitely help the students,Parents and teachers.

  12. Solving sample papers is must. Equally important is solving them from 10.30am-1.30pm. This will give the students practice to stay awake and active during this duration as they have to write their board papers during this duration. It will also slowly and gradually develop in them the habit of not staying awake till late night hours.

  13. All the points taken here are very relevant. It's our duty to make our children feel comfortable and confident. We can also ask them for meditation just for half an hour or chanting of gayatri mantra can be helpful to release the stress of examinations.

  14. 1. Students solve test papers/question papers/sample papers honestly.
    Check your mistakes.
    2. Dont prepare from you tube channels.
    3. Notes to be used only for revision not for preparation i.e textbooks should be basis for preparation for good performance.

  15. Very well said sir.
    I really liked the point of pick and drop by parents during exam as I could recall my exam days. That was given me a moral support also.
    I would like to add the students should plan a short schedule of yoga/ exercise/ favourite sport with their parents, guardian or friends during exam to get mentally refreshed and would not feel stressed.

  16. This article gives detailed insight for the last minute planning for board/annual exams, which is surely going to help the students, teachers and parents.

  17. Its good, As Parent and teacher we need to be more cautious about the things and need to councel them

  18. Well said Sir follow 3P prepare practice and produce and be successful.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Everything is to the point sir.Don't expect the result without hard work.The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.

  21. Good afternoon Sir
    This is the time when students, teachers and parents all are worried for exams.At this time your blog is very much relevant and a big support to reduce stress.Too much of expectations are not good for parents as well as students.We should have to spread positivity to overcome the fear of exams.

  22. Respected Sir
    Preparing for exams can be a challenging task for students, but there are several things that they can do to maximize their chances of success. Here you covered most tips for students, teachers and parents to take care of and worth of practicing in real.
    One of best thing should do
    Stay focused:
    During the exam, stay focused on the questions and avoid distractions. Don't worry about other students finishing early or any noises in the room.
    Now a days one of issue is during study hours when students feel hungry or need a break tends to go out or order some outside food
    Which may be little bit risky so to avoid it and to get into best of mental and physical health student should practice
    Eating a balanced meal: Make sure these students have a healthy meal before the exam. This will help them stay energized and focused throughout the exam.
    Thank you sir for enlightenment on this mportant topic
    With regards

  23. Thank you sir for your words of wisdom during this crucial examination time. The article is not only helpful for the students, but also for teachers and parents.

    1. Solving the sample papers from 10:30-1:30 pm and taking the proper reading time is very important for students.
    2. Pick and drop should be done by parents as it boosts the morale of the child.
    All the best!

  24. Rightly said sir. A comforting hug, a few motivating words, a show of solidarity with the students will make them confident. A child must have a good assessment of his/ her capabilities and set target accordingly. Things first take shape in your brain/ mind and then they become reality. So if a child sets a target, he will definitely achieve it.

  25. Good afternoon sir
    I think this is really very relevant topic as exams are approaching, students started realising significance of suggestions , guidance of teachers and parents,as a teacher it is our responsibility to stand strongly behind them without keeping any type of negativity in our mind , words and actions
    Thank you sir for brushing up everytime with your thoughts through your blogs.

  26. Respected Sir
    I would like to add one line in the conclusion of this wonderful and motivating blog . That is Do your best and God will do the rest. After all His blessings are very much needed for fulfilling the dreams of ours and our parents .

  27. I would like to say that Parents should themselves remain away from social media and should wholeheartedly be with their kids.

  28. Sir, as a teacher we can also advise the slow learners to focus and practice the topics of high probability for the Exams, so that their stress can be reduced to some extent.

  29. A very needed topic at the moment. You have always been a source of knowledge and inspiration for everyone. This article is a complete package of all the tips and inspiring words to give the students the boost to do well.

  30. माननीय प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी द्वारा आयोजित परीक्षा पे चर्चा के बाद परीक्षा के भय से भ्रमित विद्यार्थियों के लिए आपका ये आलेख एक सराहनीय प्रयास है। शिक्षकों का उचित मार्गदर्शन और अभिभावकों का सहयोग विद्यार्थियों को अवश्य ही सफलता की ओर अग्रसर करेगा।
    शुभकामनाओं के साथ।

  31. Rightly said sir. A comforting hug, a few motivating words, a show of solidarity with the students will make them confident. A child must have a good assessment of his/ her capabilities and set target accordingly. Things first take shape in your brain/ mind and then they become reality. So if a child sets a target, he will definitely achieve it.

  32. Sir
    Everything has been covered in detail regarding this topic. No doubt this is actually need of the hour now and every year during Exam time. The real takeaway is that you should be Exam warrior not Exam worrier.

  33. Another thing which can help maximising performance is
    Remain calm: If you feel nervous or anxious, take a few deep breaths and try to relax. Remember that you have prepared well, and you can do your best on the exam.

  34. Sir
    Thanks sir for taking up very relevant topic which is the need of hour. One should relax and prepare well to overcome exam phobia. Truly this article is going to help students and parents a lot to overcome from exam fear and stress. One thing I feel that just before one night students should have a look at the topics just for relaxation and to confirm that are well prepared for the exam.

  35. Excellent sir, this will surely helpful for the students and parents to come out from fear and anxiety. I would like to add one more line that students should know the strategies of learning the topics which are to be guided by the faculties.Thank you Sir

  36. Exam or test is really a scary word for most of the students. A few magical, motivating and comforting words by teacher as well as parents can bring a lot of difference.Teachers are magicians with words but without wands. They can cast a spell on their students with their words of experience and cheer. Boosting the confidence of children will help them scale new heights.'

  37. Rightly said sir.
    “Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.” Wishing good luck to all the stakeholders.

  38. Examination time is no doubt a period of worry, anxiety and stress even for those students who are otherwise well prepared. They need some comforting words as rightly mentioned. Sometimes they're not able to perform upto their expectations in the beginning exam and they start worrying rather than preparing for the future exams. Even after trying hard, they're unable to overcome the fear and haunting memories. In such a scenario, they require some motivational talk, meditation exercises to help them come out of it and be calm.

  39. Very relevant topic sir.
    To be positive and consistent in the preparation is need of hour . As being positive reduces tension and helps to Perform better.

  40. Thankyou Very much Sir, really very contemporary, vibrant & burning topic. Very important tips & suggestions to the parents & teachers are given to motivate students to face the exams smoothly, confidently & exceptionally well. All key points are functional & must be applied.

  41. Respected Sir
    Best motivation and information for preparation of examination.

    Your guidance will help all teachers parents and specially students.

    I would like to mention about the parents who should understand their child's strength and weakness and guide accordingly.

  42. Respected Sir
    Your valuable and motivational words as an advice not only put an impact on students but also to every individual to overcome our hurdles or obstacles of life.

  43. Exams are indeed a cause of stress leading to palpitations or mood swings. Students tend to forget whatever they would have prepared for the test. In order to avoid such situations,one needs to be into the subject rather than gulping down the content and later vomiting them out only for the sake of scoring.The points mentioned above should definitely be kept in mind but a child should preach studies as a religion which would certainly make him/her free from all odds waiting for them. As Modiji says, 'May our fortitude be stronger than any exam that life has in store for us.'

  44. Thank you, sir, for a wonderful and relevant topic. It will definitely help children during the examination time. it is really a very stressful time, particularly the last day before examination is very stressful. Students should consider it as extremely useful time and should be used wisely. 1) It is the day to revise the summary rather than the whole book. 2) Stay away from technology, no phone, no laptop etc. It will create distraction. 3) Avoid stress. Be calm. 4) Finally, think positively. A positive attitude will help the children to learn more. It is after all an examination, not the end of the world.

    Thank You Sir. Waiting for another inspiring blog...

  45. Sir
    Your exhortation motivates students and helps them to purge off exam fear besides this teachers and parents are immensely benefitted by this article, as it is motivating and inspiring. It urges everyone be it a teacher /student or parents to take exams in the right perspective, rather than making it a rat race for numbers. It has been not only thought-provoking but also a guideline for .we teacher.

  46. A very important article at the right time. I really love your writing voice because it’s engaging and approachable. All the points in bullets are very important and to be taken care. My favourite one is- be positive, realise your self-belief and potential and enjoy the Karma without worrying about the result.

  47. आदरणीय महोदय
    परीक्षा एक त्योहार है | जिस तरह हम त्योहार की तैयारी पहले से शुरू कर देते हैं ठीक उसी तरह परीक्षा की तैयारी भी हमें उसी उत्साह और आनंद के साथ करनी चाहिए | हम हर कार्यक्रम के लिए एक पोशाक निश्चित करते हैं वैसे ही हर विषय के पढ़ने का समय भी निर्धारित करें | यह बात बच्चों को अपने अध्ययन कक्ष में लिख लेनी चाहिए कि ...EXAM IS A FESTIVAL.


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