Rethinking- Education And Educators

The annual examinations of almost all the schools/boards in India are going on or would start/ finish in a few days. The children and parents of the school-going children know nothing else to do but prepare and appear to perform to the best in their respective exams. We talk a lot about the stress caused due to examinations of the children especially the board exams, which is true to a great extent. The parents are found taking off from their work and trying to be with the kids as much as possible. This is a ritual which is followed every year. In this, the teachers' stress, especially those teaching board classes, is sometimes ignored. They have to perform multiple tasks and play multiple roles. They are not only expected to take care of the academic part of their students but also the emotional and psychological issues are to be given proper attention. The examination in India and probably in other countries is highlighted so much that the real aim of education is lost somewhere. I do not dispute the place of the exam but focusing on this only does not make sense because there is a difference between learning and recalling. The exams in our country still tend to focus more on recalling than really knowing and helping the learners to learn. I was reading a book having 100 ideas for doing activities to learn outside the classroom but do we give that much time and that type of training to our teachers? NEP lays the path for the future but what about the implementation? Why do we always dictate terms top-down and not have a system involving the ones responsible for implementing the great ideas? Education should focus on learning than too much emphasis on examination. If we try to analyse the time spent on this unavoidable activity of formal examination, then we find that very little time is left for the real learning process. This I am saying mainly in the context of India. Do those sitting at the top have an idea about the ground realities? As per RTE act 2009, the schools should have at least 220 working days. Considering the summer break, winter break, gazetted holidays and Sundays the schools are barely left with these many working days (that too when there is no early closure of schools due to severe heat in summer or extended closure due to severe cold in winter). Then you have some local holidays declared or closure of schools due to excessive rains etc., leaves the teachers very tight in their schedule. This forces them to focus more on completing the syllabus than really doing some innovative teaching work in the school. Further, the number of scheduled tests/examinations eats up the working days expected to be utilised for learning, especially in secondary classes.  The children are to appear in periodical tests/Half-yearly/ Annual exams and in between SEA in classes IX and X. This must require nearly thirty to forty days a year on an average. I have not yet added the days utilised for the cultural, games and sports activities (like sports day) and annual function/founder`s day celebrations etc., which are and should be an integral part of school education.

The teachers in this entire process are the most important human resource responsible not only for the learning of the students but also to assess the progress made by their students in different areas and based on that designing the lesson plan in a manner to fill the gaps. For this, they need time and resources both but the key is time. Let’s take into consideration the public examination conducted by the CBSE (which are classes X & XII) and analyse the schedule throughout the year and especially from January onwards. The teachers who teach these classes normally teach classes IX and XI also. These teachers are expected to conduct practical examinations in their own schools for their own children and are put on duty as external examiners in other schools as well. So right from January when they have the pre-board exams in their schools they are also busy conducting practical exams. Just after they finish with this assignment, the theory exams start and they are supposed to be invigilators and thereafter evaluate the answer sheets. It takes a minimum of 10 to 12 days for them to complete this. We must not forget simultaneously the schools` internal examinations are also conducted and they have to do the evaluation of the sheets of the children they have taught during the year and prepare the results, attend the PTMs when the parents visit the school to discuss and collect the result of their children. These are major responsibilities and tasks which almost all of them have to fulfil/ perform. Now, look at the students of classes IX and XI who may not have been looked after by their teachers with the focus they needed and deserved. Though the teachers try their best to look after them as well, can we realise the stress and the pressure which it brings on them? I have been through this myself and very well can realise the plight of the teachers. I would like to emphasise that evaluation work is equally important as the teaching-learning process in the class and no one can take it lightly. Nonetheless, we should not forget the ultimate reality that the teachers need to have time for reflecting and preparing the lesson and their interaction in the class so as that enhances the value of learning the concepts and reduce the gap between the level of achievement and the learning outcomes.

Now if we ponder upon their workload we find that they get very little time to focus on the real task. I have written before also that sometimes the examination in this country becomes more important than the real education. Every school management expects their children to be performing the best and that puts a lot of pressure not only on the children but also on the teachers. Then how do we balance this? I would like all to remember the time when the final examinations would be conducted in the month of April/May and the result would be declared by the end of May/ June first week. After the examination, the children would be on holiday and the teachers would focus on the evaluation work and thereafter prepare the result. The students would get around two months of summer break and the teachers around one month. The new session would begin in July and everyone would come with a lot of curiosity and enthusiasm. Due to certain reasons, the session by CBSE changed from April to March and it continues the same as today. You might wonder why should I be discussing this now. This was after we observed for a few years (since the time the practical exams have been introduced in class XII. Now almost every subject teacher, be it Hindi or English or Maths, have to conduct these exams in their own schools and in many other subjects as external examiners in other schools. So the time devoted to this exercise has increased and this is at the cost of the time to be spent with the students for academic progress. Through this article I seek the opinion of educators and parents on the following issues: -

Is it right to start the new session immediately after the declaration of the result of pre-primary classes to class XI?

Should the children not be given time to reflect upon their performance of the entire years’ of sincere and hard work?

Should they not have time to visit the places of their interest and liking without having the burden of summer vacation homework (which many schools give in plenty)?

Should the children not practice their hobbies during this time?

Should they not be visiting their relative’s places and learning a lot more about the extended family and from them lessons of life?

Should the teachers not be asked to focus on evaluation work at a time when they are free from their teaching work?

Should CBSE consider reverting to July to May session?

Should the internal and external examinations not be conducted at the same time/month?

Will the students be more excited about the new class after a break of one/two months than if they join new classes immediately after the session ends?

Should the system not focus more on 21st-century skills and sustainability in order to repurpose education (though the NEP says it but where is the time for such experiments as mentioned above)?

Should learning be not just examination driven and be more holistic, encapsulating the social, emotional and all other important quotients?

Can the system be not made more accommodating rather than intensely competitive (in order to reduce the number of suicidal cases in young students)?


Just for the information of my readers, I would like to share the session schedule in different countries. In the US, the session is from September until June with a summer break from July and August. The school year is divided into four semesters. The average class size is 23. In Australia, the session is from late Jan to mid-Dec. and summer break is from mid-Dec. to end Jan. (as it falls in Southern Hemisphere). In China, the session is from Sept. to mid-July, with school time from 7:30 am to 5:00 p.m. The class size is 30. In France the session is from August to June, having four to seven weeks’ terms having one/two weekly breaks in each term. In Japan, the session is from April to March with a system of tri-semester. South Korea, from March to Feb and school timings are from 8:00 am to 4:00 p.m. Russia, the session is from Sept. to late May. The approx. number of working days in these countries varies from 170 days to 200 days. In our country, as written before the mandate is 220 days but due to extended summer break and winter break this number is difficult to achieve. The average class size in our country is 40.


I would avoid putting forward my opinion on the schedule of the academic session, the number of working days and class strength because it might not allow some of you to be absolutely free of bias of my views. One thing I would like to clarify is that the workload of teachers and students during the months from Dec. to March forced me to write this article.  Because if the students are not excited to learn and the teachers are not equipped and motivated enough to be innovative and capable of getting the best out of their students, the entire purpose of education is compromised.  Looking forward to your constructive and critical input with a request to not be judgmental in any case - be it children or parents!


  1. There are many points which compelled us to think twice.Thank you for sharing sir. I did my schooling from Kendriya vidyalaya. After declaration of final result we used to get 2 months summer breaks and We start with new session from 1st of June.After meeting grandparents,relatives and visiting different tourist places. I still remember those two months were very refreshing .Our parents ensure to come back a week prior to purchase books and cover it nicely with brown papers, new bags,uniforms were addon things to our excitement .
    At the parallel side I noticed starting classes just after final exams gives opportunity to the slow learners to cope up their weak areas suggested by the teacher while giving final result .

  2. Those issues which are raised in the vlog is missed by current education system.
    Thank you for sharing.

  3. Thank you, Sir for raising this concern of the workload to the teachers and students together. It is my opinion that in place of conducting Periodic tests thrice, SEA twice and then calculating the 20 marks(Best out of 2/ 3 Exams) for internal assessment, it will be better if board should ask the school to conduct Periodic test, SEAs only once in the session then it will save time and teachers and students will be able to devote more time on teaching-learning process in place of devoting time in Preparing Questions Paper, Evaluation part etc.

  4. Dear Sir
    You've touched a very sensitive topic yet again. First of all I appreciate your firm belief in Educating the students in the best possible way specially in the most challenging time ever faced by us due to many things happening around and at the same time you've shown how empathetic you are for the teaching fraternity as well. I agree with you that the REFRESH time the students used to get has become a thing of past but the ever increasing competition has forced this to happen. I believe that very soon a huge reform is on its way and maybe this brings back the golden days of the teaching learning process.

  5. Sir,
    The article is very apt and well timed, as our students and we teachers are going through this phase at the moment. From January to March classes IX and XI do suffer, as they do not get required attention due to commencement of Board examination ( first practical and then theory), moreover the evaluation work of the internal and board goes simultaneously. I think reverting to July to May session will do some justification.
    Also it will be reinvigorating for students, if a summer break is given between two sessions.

  6. Respected Sir
    This article is completely appropriate in today’s scenario. As teachers we really face the problems to achieve our goals due to time constraints. We get focused in completing the syllabus on time and couldn’t get the desired outcome.
    Thank you so much sir.

  7. I completely agree with your view sir that our education system is more focused on result of examination rather than learning. You also touched the very relevant issue regarding starting of new session which our policy makers must rethink. Keep guiding us with your vision.

  8. Respected Sir
    I also agree that there should be a break after the completion of a session for the teachers and for the students as well for recreation and refreshing ourselves. Regarding working days ,can't be six working days for the students as teachers have, just a suggestion.
    Thanks a lot and keep guiding us.

  9. After reading the blog and the readers' comments, I am happily surprised that all have a consensus on all the issues raised in the blog. The YAKSH PRASHNA is who will make the LEARNED policy makers understand all this ?
    Who will remind them that the motto of education is not teaching but learning. Principally they seem agreeing to it but the schedule and the syllabus load does not permit it.
    Will some body dare to suggest some thing out of basket?
    May the school education be only up to class ten?
    May we have a junior college for(once it used to be 2 yrs) say 3 years where curriculum May be spreader to give space for a physically, mentally and emotionally healthy youth in the country!
    What is the utility of having the largest young population in the world with a frustrated or dissatisfied life?
    We talk of sports games and yoga, but our education system does not permit any space for this.
    May we ever think of the Happiness Index?
    Thanks for such an awakening blog but Sir NAKKAARKHAANE mein KAUN SUNEGAA?
    Kya kaheen koi hai policy makers mein jo youth aur children ke baare mein sochane kee neeyat rakhataa ho? Vo sab to kursi chhenene yaa bachaane mein hee lage hain. Durbhagya yuvaaon aur bachhon kaa

  10. The article is brief and to the point. It has come at the right moment, before starting the new session. I think more professionals should raise their voice to the Govt to improve upon the educational standards in country, with due treatment for teachers' fraternity as aptly mentioned by you so caringly. Thanks for the enlightenment, sir.

  11. This is truly a topic that should be pondered upon as this issue nobody focusses on. A very well thought topic.
    Thank you Sir

  12. Dear Sir
    One more thumps up for your highly attention-catcher article 👏
    Totally agree with what you have written regarding a healthy break before the beginning of a new session both for teachers and students . This break will help both to regain themselves after an interospection . It should be implemented asap.
    Thank you

  13. Dear Sir
    Totally agree with you whatever you have written regarding a healthy break.

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