Every child is important

We all know that  life is a cycle and everyone has to pass through  and face many challenges and move on. I do not remember many things of my childhood so clearly but I am sure that environment I was exposed to in my early years have tremendous impact on my attitude and thinking towards life.As a child we may not react and people around may consider us ignorant but I think that the children imbibe and receive maximum up to the age of 10-11 years.As the child receives more and reacts less he/ she is mistaken of not understanding things or happenings around him/her.
The child becomes what he experiences during the years I have mentioned above and it is very important for us as parents and teachers that we provide our children best of the possible environment. This does not mean to gift costly things but the values of life.That can be best done by action and not necessarily by words.The children learn more by what they see is being done by the adults around them. I also had done certain things  and behaved in a manner which was not a good example for my children but fortunately I realised  my mistakes very early and tried to correct that.What I want to say is that there should be no difference between what we say and what we do specially in the presence of the children..
Every child is full of potential and will be an asset to the society if nurtured well and brought up with positive feelings. He should be treated as good human being and not as a human resource only.Let us try to bring the best out of a child  and give this society an adult who makes the life of the people around him comfortable and happy experience.
Let us see good in every child and make every child feel important and worthy of doing something great which they are and if one does not come up to one`s potential then the child has not failed but we adults/elders.
I shall talk more about it when I meet you next.


  1. the ease in life today is also one thing that is giving a casual attitude to the children. i thing tht is is also one factor that needs to be taken care of properly cuz if they keep getting everything so easily the zeal to fight and the zeal to excel or to struggle will die eventually.


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