Understanding a child

I happened to read the hindi poem by great poet Sh.Gopal Das Neeraj Ji titled "Maa mat ho naraaz....." in which a daughter is explaining to the mother the reasons of her doing certain things for which she is unhappy. The complete poem is so good that you can keep  reading it again and again but  few lines say a lot.The lines are :-
" Jo kuch huva use bisra de,
Santee(stick) faik(throw) baal sahala de,
Teri mamata bhi naa mili to jaane fir kya kare gujariya!
Maa mat ho naraaz..."
And I found it so true for all the children of today. We must understand that they tend to get impressed by the happenings around them the most and if they do not get  proper attention and guidance of the parents and teachers they feel ignored and might indulge in some undesirable activities.As parents and teachers we should be fair and also clear in our approach towards our children but at the same be firm also.At times we ignore a serious mistake and at other times become angry and react negatively on very small things which confuse the children. As I mentioned in previous blog that the children learn and do what they observe their parents and other elders doing.
At the same time I would like to advise all parents and teachers  that children should be made to realise the importance of hard work and value every thing they possess by virtue of their parents hard work, because education should prepare children for life and life is not always bed of roses but full of challenges in future.
We should be that close to them so that they feel safe but at the same time provide them enough space to grow and learn  independently which require a lot of understanding on our part. Do not doubt them what they share with you but at the same time blind faith may also prove to be a problem and not good for the child.

The parents and teachers should have judicious balance between two situations.I think that first believe them and when they prove to be otherwise then counsel them and if need be deal firmly but with an intention to improve and not to punish. Make them realize that you care for them and are concerned about their betterment.If we shall not help them, who else will and this will never lead to a happy situation for children as well as us. So pay attention to child`s need to support him/her as desired by the daughter in the poem I mentioned above.


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