Seven billion mark

The world population has reached the mark of seven billion. There is confusion all over the world who is the seven billionth child, Nargis from India or somebody from Russia or Philippines? Many people are trying to understand the reason behind so much of the talk for the seven million mark. We did not know much when the population reached four billion or five billion mark. So much hype for the last few days makes us to understand whether it is an achievement or sign of future problems?  The china is still number one in terms of the population in the world and we are very closely following that country which has taken some concrete steps to reduce the rate of population growth. Our government also talks sometimes about the need of the population control but the efforts made in that direction do not convey the same. Though the rate of population growth has gone down but this has not been so because of the efforts of the government but many other reasons known to most of us. If we see the number in our country this should be around 1.25 billion which comes out to be approximately eighteen percent of the world population. Out of this number approximately thirty five percent are in that age group who might be responsible for adding to the number of more people of the country. The rate of population increase might have gone down but absolute number of the people adding to the already existing number is increasing. We are likely to become number one by the year 2025. We do not know whether it is something we should be proud of or try to do something so that the population growth is controlled so that the economic growth does not crumble under the number of the people to be fed or provided things of daily need. Many people see well in the human resource available to the country but we should not forget that we need other resources also for keeping the human resource worth doing that. The natural resources are limited and the human resource increasing will disturb the equilibrium and consequent to that all will suffer. So if we have to balance then we should control the population growth. Our country has progressed very well in the past sixty years and the life of the people has become better than before. We know that many people in the list of the richest people in the world. This all could be possible due to the efforts of politicians, scientists, farmers, industrialists, soldiers, teachers, technocrats, all the people working in different area like fields, factories and in other countries also. Everyone has contributed in the growth and the progress of the country. The road network and other facilities which have been taken even to the remotest places are worth appreciating and to be acknowledged by all of us. The world community is seen our country as potential world power of the future in terms of its economic growth. But then why are we not able to make everyone in the country happy and provide him/ the things required as the basic needs namely food, clothing and the housing facilities. There are large numbers of the citizens of the country who find it difficult to send their children to the school because the child is required to go to work so that some amount can be earned for the family. There is still large number of children working as the child labour in the factories or domestic help because they need to do the same for helping their parents to earn two ends meals. The government is taking some corrective measures by providing them free education along with midday meals but hat has not attracted many children to come to the schools. The corruption, as reported in the media. has become serious problem and such schemes may not be helping the ones for whom launched but other people do get benefited by that and sue this reason only correct picture is not brought to the notice of the state or the central government. Some people argue that citizens should be made capable of proving to an asset to the nation and not the liability. If we provide them everything without hard work then that may not do much good. This may be a short term remedy but in long term it will be to be a disaster.
This can be realized if the number of the people to be fed is more hence there is going to be a problem in handling them because the natural resources are limited. We are not able to provide education to all because not adequate number of schools and other educational institutes are available. If we need one hundred schools today and the government is able to create fifty only then by the time they think of more number of schools the requirement will grow further because of the increase in the population. We are seeing that the gap between the rich and the poor is growing day by day and if it is not controlled it will take us to a dangerous situation. The government will have to fight on two fronts, one to slow the population growth and second reduce the gap between rich and the poor. The other thing which should be kept in mind is that never try to make poor as rich at the cost of the rich. This will be as we are trying to make two lines equal by reducing the length of the longer line. Better idea would be if we can help the smaller line to become equal to the bigger line without really disturbing the bigger line. If done otherwise that will cause friction in the society and we all understand that will not be good for the country because if the country has to grow then the contribution from everyone is required. We should try to make all the citizens worth contributing to the development of the nation and then enjoy the fruits of this development. The government must realize that providing facility without hard work does not do well to any. All the citizens of the country must get education and opportunity to work so that they not only get to eat and live but also contribute in the growth of the nation.
Let seven billion mark be taken as the warning signal by us and do something which will to control the population growth so that we are able to after the welfare of the people of the country. We should concentrate towards proper utilization of the natural resources so that the future generation can live in peace and do not fight with each other over little things left for them.


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