Children`s day celebrations

The birthday of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru is celebrated as the children`s day also and on this day every year many programmes are organized in the schools and competitions are held at different places. The children are made to understand that they are the most important entity in the life of the parents and the schools. The future of the country lies in their future. This is very true but the question which comes to the mind of many people is that what role such celebrations play in the improvement of the life of the children. If we try to understand the change from the day in the year 2010 and 2011, not much improvement can be noticed. I do not think the number of the children involved in child labour has reduced. Though we do not have any scientific data or survey done during the said period but there seems to be no improvement in the condition of the children specially the ones from rural and economically poor background. Most of our children do not have access to healthy food, good education and proper sanitation etc. But there have been quite a discussion in the newspapers and on TV channels regarding right to education act. This was considered to be one very effective way of improving the life of our children but last two years have not been witness to the desired result or the progress. This is true that initial inertia does play negative role in not letting the progress fast but the plan of the future also does not show happy path except that the private schools will be forced to admit twenty five percent children from the economically poor background. We hope that the private schools will take this responsibility willingly and not as a punishment because any work done willingly will yield better result. In this case the schools deal with the future of the children hence it becomes very important that they participate in this noble cause voluntarily and the government is not forced to use force to get the act implemented. At the same time the government agency should also act proactively and do everything possible to improve the facility in the government schools.  Only providing mid day meal will not help children and the parents but the real pleasure of coming to the schools. The teachers and the schools should be welcoming to the children so that they feel happy and come to the school willingly to learn and not to eat one time food. The teachers should be evenly distributed and the culture of "Sifarish and the desire should be done away immediately so that all children get access to quality teachers whether they belong to village schools or urban schools. The teachers also should understand that they are required by all kinds of the children and by good ones only. The children in the villages are equally intelligent as the children from the urban areas. The only problem is that they do not those opportunities which are available the other group of the children. The country cannot progress by having two opposite way of caring for our children. As per the right to education act also schools should have minimum infrastructure by the year 2013. That means very short time is at our disposal and task is quite big. Next fourteen months will decide the real intent of all concerned and whether we really care for our children or not. This has been made compulsory that all parents must send their children to schools so that they complete elementary education. This should not remain in papers only but should be ensured that all children go to schools. In some cases the parents want their children help in their agriculture task also. This may be required in some cases and to cater to such cases we should introduce the concept of the flexible schools. What I mean by flexible schools is that there can be two shifts run one in the morning and the second in the evening. In most cases the agriculture work is done in the morning hours and even if the children are required to help their parents in that then they can join the school in the second shift. Those children who are not able to go to schools can be provided some basic education in the evenings or whenever they have time as per their convenience. If they are treated and taught properly some of them would definitely join regular schools. This may seem to be ideal situation but if implemented will prove to be a success. Other important thing which should be done by the parents, teachers and the society is to have positive attitude towards our children. We must remember that even so called worst of the child has pure heart and degree of creativity to do good for the society. The degree of creativity and so called disciplined may differ from individual to individual but they all are capable of doing well for the parents and the society. The children should not be condemned for the sake satisfying one`s ego or prove self better than them but even while saying harsh words to the child we should have positive feelings for him/her. They are innocent souls which can be moulded for the good and if by chance exposed to negative would become like that not because of their fault but some problem on the part of the adults. We would be happy if this day is observed on daily basis and not only once in a year. That will be real tribute to our beloved first prime minister of the country who loved the children always and not only on his birthday. He had tremendous belief in the intelligence and innocence of the children of the country which is very proved but his habit of writing to his daughter Indiara JiPandit Nehru always thought that his daughter was intelligent and very good in many areas. The countries where the children are paid maximum attention have progressed faster than others and china and Japan are two examples. This does not mean we do not expose our children to hard work and provide them all things without efforts. What I mean to say that let them be exposed to difficult tasks but we should have faith in their potential. They should also be heard and not to be dictated all the time. We may be hard from outside but from inside should always be soft so that no negative thought are radiated which might harm our children. Let us consider that our children are goo even if at times they behave in a manner which may not be as per the norms of the society but they can be counseled and guided what is expected of them. Let all of us work so that no child indulged in child labour and due to which is deprived of the place where he/ she should be every day. The celebrations will have some meaning when we are able to provide all our children food .clothing and proper education so that they can make full use of the creativity possessed by them.          


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