What is a priority: Nation or religion
The purpose of education is to enable
an individual to live life with a mission to enjoy the same and let others do
the same in the best possible manner. Education should help an individual to
know the world in a better way than narrowing the thinking and approach. The
other important lesson which should be learnt through education is the love for
the nation and the living beings. The world is advancing at a fast pace and the
individuals are finding it difficult to cope with the same. In this situation,
proper education only can help the people to become self reliant and a source
of positive energy for the country. The curriculum of the school and the
college education must include the teaching of various philosophies like service before self. The other important
aspect is the confidence and the belief in one`s ability and the potential of
doing better for humanity.
Education should have a long term goal and the
smaller problems of the day to day life should not be an element of hindrance or obstacle for
the policy makers. An individual cannot grow without the growth of the nation
and to achieve that a uniformity should be maintained. No country can be proud of its
GDP without making sure that all citizens are getting their due and also
contributing significantly for the growth of the nation. What I am trying to put across is that all
members of the community should have a respectable and evident share in the growth of the nation.
Religion may be of great importance to many people and it may not be of any
significance for some but it does not mean that we cannot exist in harmony and brotherhood.
There are so many things which are common in all human beings and let us try to
be happy with that in spite of having differences based on religion or the
caste. Our country has been suffering because of misuse of religion and the caste. The caste system is so
deep rooted that it is becoming increasingly difficult for the people to
control it or get it eroded from the society. There are many problems which are
the direct result of the castism in the society and this takes a bad shape when
the caste and the region or the religion becomes the identity for the
individuals. I would like mention one example here. As per the news report a
youth was mishandled by a government official without his mistake. The issue
was raised in media and rightly so, but the most disturbing fact was the
highlight that he belonged to a particular caste. What I think is that the
humiliation of any human being is to be condemned irrespective of the caste or
religion one belongs to. Our father of the nation always talked and worked for
the nation by advocating equal rights and opportunities for all the people. He
did not want that caste should be hurdle in the opportunities for the
individual to grow and live healthy life.
You all would remember the issue raised in the parliament of the country
and which was debated upon. It was decided to remove one particular cartoon
from the books published by the premier educational body of the country which
decides the direction of the education in the country. Again the issue should have been discussed
whether this is right to have such cartoon or not but then some people tried to
play the caste card here also. Let the nation debate, whether to continue to put
caste and religion ahead of the country is or not. The education system should be such that even
if we continue to identify an individual with a particular caste it should not
dilute our respect and the duty towards our nation. The nation always be
esteemed and the rest of the things and the factors should be secondary. When we
go out of our country, we are called as Indians and not as Hindu, Muslim or
Brahmins and schedule caste etc. Let our education be such that it teaches us
to be inclusive in our approach than being exclusive. We all know it very well
that integration joins and the differentiation breaks the things into pieces.
Education should help us to develop ourselves to grow as individuals as well as
a society. Education should not aim at producing just the earning machines but learning
human beings. This is possible when all concerned work together keeping in mind
the big picture of the growth of the country than individuals only.
Recently, I was out in a country
which is considered to be a super power and tried to understand what made that
country to have that elite a status in the world. The most important thing was
the respect for nation and the people who sacrificed for the cause of the
country. The second was the commitment towards the duty assigned to the
citizens of the country. The feeling of ` we ` was always over and above `I`.
In other words, we can say the national character and the work culture are the
most important factors which made this country what it is today. Even in that
country the father of our nation is given a lot of respect and they have the
statue of Gandhiji at a very prominent place.
When our guide was telling us about the place, he very proudly mentioned
about Gandhiji and took us near hie statue. There I had feeling, if we can get
rid of the caste system and identify ourselves as Indians only. The best way to
do that may be to suffix our first name by a common surname and why not we
identify ourselves as the descendent of Gandhiji and call ourselves as Ram
Gandhi, Gopal Gandhi, Akhtar Gandhi, Alex Gandhi or Harpreet Gandhi. These are
my views without any bias towards anybody as individual or as groups. This may appear to be ideal situation but can
we think of harbouring a change? Looking forward for your most valuable
feedback and response.
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