Learn From Mistakes And Commit To Improve

 “A teachable spirit and a humbleness to admit your ignorance or your mistake will save you a lot of pain. However, if you're a person who knows it all, then you've got a lot of heavy-hearted experiences coming your way.”
With the advancement in technology and availability of all kinds of information on the internet the role of teachers have become more challenging. Many a times you,, as a teacher,  might have faced a situation in the classroom where a child is aware of a certain topic or argument as he has already gone through it on the internet( this is something we should be proud of in spite of taking it as a challenge). But this is also true that your role and importance as a teacher and guide is facing the test of modern times. It leaves almost no scope for you to commit mistakes (the same was true before also but now children have exposure to the variety of sources of both good and bad. The teacher of “today” has a huge responsibility to compete with himself/herself and indulge in serious self-analysis and self-improvement. This article aims at throwing light on the mistakes which should be avoided and how.
Lack of well-defined aims and objectives:
All teachers are professionally qualified and they know the importance of lesson plan teachers often make the mistake of taking the aims and learning objectives of a particular lesson lightly. This leads to a mediocre execution and presentation of the lesson.
They need to understand that the basis of a successful delivery of a lecture is a well planned lesson.
Being stuck in a rut:
Some teachers do not believe in evolving with time. They teach a course two or three times, feel satisfied with their lecture notes and PowerPoint slides and assignments, and don’t change a thing for the rest of their careers except maybe to update a couple of references. This brings monotony in their presentation.
Teachers need to update their methods and material with time to maintain a sense of newness in their methods and resources.
Same approach for different intelligence:
This is common mistake committed on the part of the teachers as they do not bring variety in their explanation and assessments according to the multiple intelligence present in the class.
Projects and activities catering to multiple intelligence should be prepared for every lesson so that all the students can be benefited.
Refuse to get critically analysed:
Some teachers assume that their profession gives them a position beyond criticism. They forget that regular check and scrutiny is a part and parcel of every profession. They take it personally when given a critical feedback and often tend to get offended. A class observation becomes a matter of concern for them.
They need to understand that speculation, evaluation and criticism makes one perform better in future. They should readily accept the feedback given by their seniors or even by the students.
Avoid the necessary phone call:
Some teachers avoid interacting with parents and often fail to connect with them. Such teachers don’t consider it important to discuss their child’s behavioral problems and academic issues with the parents.
They must realize that parents and teachers must work in tandem so that the children get best of both home and school. Therefore, regular interaction between parents and teachers is a must. Through this effort a child will act more responsibly.
Expect perfection:
Some teachers expect the students to be perfect everywhere. If this expectation is not met, students are often scolded and punished.
Perfection isn’t a criterion of success. Every child is different and has a different field where he/she can excel. It is the responsibility of teachers to understand this and let the child bloom at his/her own pace at his/her field of interest.
Turn class into a PPT show:
For some teachers smart education has become all about PPTs and showing videos. This disconnects a child from the teacher and the class becomes monotonous after a point of time.
PPTs and videos should just be used as teaching aids, making the process of teaching smooth and engaging. Teachers should avoid totally depending on them for explaining the entire concept.
Indulge in gossip and judgment:
It is very disappointing to observe that some teachers have the habit of indulging in gossips and rash judgments. They participate in discussions about the personal matters of their colleagues and even the students.
Teachers are supposed to be the ideals to be followed. What will a child learn from them if they involve in such actions? They should have a balanced, unbiased and non-judgmental perspective on all the matters.
Focus too much on means than end:
Whether it is a practical subject or a theoretical one, a few teachers often focus on correct answers and encourage the children to reach it instead of focusing on the concept and the methods involved. Because of such approach the very basic of real education is defeated and the children fail to develop interest in the subject due to which do not understand even the basics.
It should be the priority of the teachers to encourage the children to understand the method and procedure well. With this, the child will automatically work hard to get the correct answer, taking keen interest in the topic.
Lack of class management:
This is one of the most important issue and even if a teacher is well versed in his/her topic, if he/she doesn’t possess the flair to manage the class properly, the beauty of his/her teaching is lost. For this they must connect with the students and ensure proper physical setup and start in a manner that children get attracted to their interaction. This is often done by great teachers who understand the child psychology so well.
Fail to establish connection:
Some teachers just focus on giving lectures, dictating notes and leave. They fail to establish a rapport with their students. This leaves children without anything gained and they tend to ignore the teacher in the class because in today`s time they can get such notes from anywhere.
It is very important for teachers to make a connection with their students on an emotional level so that the students can confide in you and it becomes easier to deal with them in the changing times.
Ineffective assessments:
Some teachers limit exams to just a monotonous drill of random question and answers and label students pass or fail. Many a times the assessments lack proper division of questions based on the standard taxonomy and blue print.
It is necessary to have proper assessments so that the weak areas of the students can be diagnosed and effective remedial teaching can be implemented accordingly.
Disrespect towards students:
It is disappointing to mention that some teachers commit the blunder of casually disrespecting the students using informal language. A few of them expect students to follow their instructions without any question but they themselves often take instructions of their seniors casually. This shows sheer lack of professionalism and raises questions on their credibility.
This should be strictly avoided in any condition. Teachers are the epitome of knowledge and behavior for students and they are an asset to any school.
Being unprepared for the class:
Some teachers make the mistake of taking their daily lessons casually. They also do not follow a routine for collection of notebooks and corrections. This disorganized attitude raises questions on their merits and competence.
They should prepare and adhere to a proper unit plan as well as daily lesson plan which will make their lessons smooth and effective. Check assignment and home work on time and give effective feedback to the students so that they are excited to completing their work.
Lack of charisma and enthusiasm:
When teachers commit the above mentioned mistakes they end up losing their charisma and subsequently their enthusiasm fades away. This results in making their class boring and less effective.
To maintain this charisma, teachers need to avoid these mistakes and continue to evaluate themselves and rate themselves time to time to keep up with the changing times and increasing expectations from the teaching fraternity.
David Geurin remarked,
“Parents are sending us their very best. They are trusting us with the most valuable gift they have in the world. Every child and family deserves our best in return. Teach from your heart and offer hope through relationships, learning and growth.”
Yes, we as teachers need to grow, learn and work towards excellence leaving no stones upturned because what we carry on our shoulders is a heavy responsibility, the responsibility of shaping the future of our nation and such a responsibility leaves no scope for mistakes.
We are approaching Teachers Day (5 Sep 2018) and fondly remember great soul, a teacher and philosopher, Dr.S RadhaKrishnan and also commit our self for the cause of the future of the nation. I salute all those teachers who sacrificed their comfort for making us better human beings and also bow to those who are presently doing their best for their students despite facing many odds


  1. Very true "parents are sending us their very best.They are trusting us " now when they are giving us our most valuable asset ..it is our duty being a teacher that we should not break their trust. It would be possible when we will treat our each and every student as if he is my own child. Emotional attachment with your student is the first condition to become an effective teacher ..other things will automatically come in to you..because your attachment with your student will compel you to do best for him.Thanku once again for writing such a nice article sir.

  2. Mai aapki baat se puri tarah se sehmat hu, ek adhyapak hi vidhyathri jesi kachi mittai ko sahi aakar de kar bahviysa banane m sabse badi bhumika nibhata h...

  3. I am totally agree with you sir. Now a days teaching is not just giving lecture but it is beyond it. Involment with the kids is more important and giving them knowledge with new innovative methods is required.


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