Every one is basically a child

Dear all,
I wish you and all the children a happy and prosperous year 2011. May we all work for the betterment of every human being and look after wonderful gift of God in the form of children.
Let me share with you  my personal experience of the last week. A group of about 33 teachers went to visit a few places like Goa and Mumbai.The idea was to get together and understand each other in a better way because when you you are at your  work  place, profession becomes more important which at times acts as barrier  to personal life. After a day only we all were so comfortable with each other which cannot be described in words but can be felt only.The  important thing I want to share with you  is that most of the times,we all were behaving like children.This made me to realise that within a grown person also there lives a child who is not allowed to come out due to compulsive reasons. We do enjoy when we work in the capacity of an adult but the most enjoyment is when we are a child. I have been writing that let us not spoil the child hood of our children to make them adult before time.They will enjoy their life when grown up if allowed the proper childhood.
I would advise all concerned to create an environment which allows children to grow naturally and exploit their latent talent. Let new year be taken as a programme to save childrens` childhood.
Thank you


  1. Well sir we really appreciate you for writing on this untalked and such an important topic.
    As adults we are taught to behave in a typical manner so the child inside us doesnt come out . we always fear of being laughed upon but when given a chance this child inside us peeps out and breaks free all compulsions imposed on it. And then we enjoy as we use to ...
    We would be happy sir if you write more on this topic giving parents and teachers an insight as to how to let children grow up naturally.



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