Impact of cce on students

Dear friends,
From the time of independence we have been working towards making our country better place not only for our people but also for all on this planet.The thrust has been on economic,scientific and industrial growth. Education and agriculture did get attention of our policy makers but I think more could have been done in that direction.All will agree that education is the key to the sustained growth of a nation and agriculture is the key sector to provide healthy food to the citizens.
Many attempts were made in the past to make our education system child friendly which improves the learning without adding  stress.Here I am talking about the school education which should be in tune with nation`s requirement. Learning and stress should not be allowed to become directly proportional but we should ensure that learning  reduces the stress. All the recommendations made by different commissions were an attempt in that direction but unfortunately no serious action was taken to implement them in right spirit due to some compulsive reasons.
We should appreciate the initiative taken by present HRD Minister who introduced new system of evaluation(CCE) which is less stressful than the traditional one. Though initially we were apprehensive. Was it a right step  taken in haste? But I think he was right in his approach that  we had been discussing  the changes for years without taking action and now was the time to implement.
Some of us have yet not realised the positive side of CCE because we may not have fully understood it or fear  some challenges faced in its implementation. Many parents  and also teachers are struggling to go along with the change but let us try see  the positive results in future.
We have observed positive side of this and the same must have been the experience of most of you.
When children were to appear in board exam not  much attention was paid  towards the personality development of the child and academics was the focus for every one because the reputation of the school and the family was at stake. They were rarely allowed to take part in co-curricular and extra curricular activities once promoted to class X. Now, as that pressure is off, the children are able to explore other areas and not only having focus on academics only. In the past one year, our experience is that performance of the children in other fields has improved . I can cite many examples from their class room activities to the morning assembly, organising events in the school and many other areas.
This will take some time before the real fruits are visible to all of us. To me, this seems to be homeopathic medicine which might take  little longer to cure but has no side effect.
Thanks to our policy makers for this wonderful gift to our children.


  1. Absolutely correct sir.The Indian education system had been more focused on academics rather than over all personality development.With cce children will definitely get an oppurtunity to develop other faculties of their personality along with academics.
    cce covers does the child sing ,draw,play,behaves...his attitude to wards his country,school,friends,teachers,society and environment....And thats how education should be.
    It looked difficult in the begining that how would a teacher really observe and record all these details. But as you have written these all aprehensions were discarded once the positive aspects of cce were seen
    Its really praiseworthy that you have appreciated and supported cce and the way it has been implemented.
    Thanks for sharing your positive experiences of cce.

  2. सर मेने कोशिश की हैं समझने की ।आपका आर्टिकल पढ़ा हैं।धन्यवाद सर ।


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