Positive thoughts of parents- A boon to the child

Dear friends,
Yesterday I met a young couple who got married recently and now moving out to a place away from their parents.This made me to think that, will they have difficulty  in  starting a new life of their own without anyone`s support from the family? Also after few years when they will  plan of their  family, will they be  mature enough for taking care of their kid/kids. This forced  me to further think about the scenario of problems faced by today`s kids and their parents. I would like to focus on the stressful life of parents in the present scenario.
We all know it well  that during this period (Dec-Feb.) every year, many young parents anxiously wait for their child`s admission in a `Good` school. A lot of exercise of filling forms and waiting for call and then admission (not necessarily in the school of their voice). We know that the stress is not only during this period but has become an integral part of today`s life pattern.
 But why all this ? I understand that all parents want best of every thing for their kids including good formal education at school which, now a days start at a very early age.You can see small kids, who should be enjoying at home being forced to accompany parents to big buildings and meet the people who are supposed to shape their future. In some cases the stress of getting the child admitted to a good school starts when the child is two to three years years old but in many a cases, this has  been found that parents start worrying about child`s future even before the child is born. And my worry is that this stress of the parents has an impact on the child  which may not be  realized because in this age of cut throat competition and fast pace  life, there are many other factors which are the cause of severe stress to all,  especially young people. Their own ambitions of doing better than others and reasons like not having the moral support of  elders due to being away from home make situations not very good for them. But what I think is that whatever may be the cause of stress for young parents, that should not affect the child. We know that  nuclear family system has become very common which makes it increasingly difficult for the parents to cope up with this additional, but the most important responsibility, of bringing up a child. Earlier when joint family tradition was more prevalent than there would be mother in law and other elderly people at home and young mother used to learn about good parenting from them.She was  always advised to eat proper healthy food and exposed to stress free positive environment in and outside the home.
Our elders knew it well which has been prove now  by many research  that good food habits and positive thinking of would be mother will have an important impact on the child`s personality.As I mentioned earlier that more nuclear families are added every year because the people leave their native place for  better job opportunities available at some other place, due to which they are they are deprived of the education they could have got from their elders regarding good parenting.That is why it has become very important that some councellors are available to such people who may guide them and help them to cope up with this important responsibility.
I feel  it is good to plan for child`s future but it should not be forgotten that present is also very important this is the present which will shape the future of the child and not vice versa. The would be parents think positive and should have good foot habits if they want their child to have these habits. They should talk positive even if they are passing through difficult times. Watch good TV programmes not the ones which are full of violence or vulgarity. I would advise young parents to develop reading habits and should read good books and magazines.They  may visit the councellors in addition to regular doctor`s check up because along with the physical health  mental and emotional growth and health  is also equally important.
Whether the child gets admission in the school of your choice or not, it will not matter much but if he/she is exposed to a good environment before and after the birth. I am sure then the child is destined to do well in future for self and will be an asset to the family and the society because he/ she will radiate all positve thathas been absorbed by him/her.
All are advised to take parenting as the most important phase of their life and do not allow it to become a stressful exercise.


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