Face to face or on facebook?
The wave of tech magic has swept each and every individual and has also broken down all the communication barriers.Computers,mobiles,cameras and other intelligent gizmos have influenced human beings more than anything else.They are designed to be so immersive and interactive that this generation does not need anything else around them except these gizmos.Moreover, the impact of these gadgets is certainly stricking and ultimate for the youngsters. Some people think that technology is good for the children but look at the result of the same and it will be realized that it is not so. We have discussed about the reason of the same. Controlled and appropriate use of the technology might be good, but the way it has influenced the life of our children is not doing any good to them. I am given to understand that the social networking site like the facebook has a condition that the user should be minimum eighteen years old. If this is true then no child studying in the school should be able to...