Be proud being a teacher

The teachers` day was celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm in the schools and the colleges. The great teacher who gave this special day to the teachers was remembered and many of us tried to understand him in a better way and imbibe some of his qualities so that we can prove to better teacher and a guide to our children.On this very auspicious day, different organisations  honour the teachers who have contributed to the best of their ability for the good of the students under their charge.This day makes you feel nostalgic and very emotional because even those children who did not pay much attention to your instructions in the class and advise make you feel that though they may not have done what you expected but they care for you and respect you. This is a very important fact that the children do respect their teachers particularly the ones who really care for them.
Every year on this day, I feel so honoured and satisfied which can not be described in words and I often say that had I not become a teacher, I would have missed something great in the life.This day is more important to me than celebrating the birthday.This day makes me to introspect and rededicate myself for the cause of my students because of whom I could become what I am today.The children are really a great source of knowledge and understanding if nurtured in the right perspective.It is because of these children only that I could understand the adults in a better way.They are so much full of energy and enthusiasm that you do not feel any monotony in their company and they really drive you to do more and in the process you learn as well.I do not really feel comfortable when the children are not treated with dignity and respect by any of the adult may it be the parent or the teacher.I do not mean that the children are not to be corrected if they are not following the right path but the feeling behind the correction(even if some harsh words are spoken by the adults) should be to help the children and not to satisfy your ego.The children do understand your feelings though they may not be showing it because of many reasons.I know a number of teachers who have been considered very strict in the class and the school but are still liked by the students and also there are teachers who try to be very friendly with the children but do not earn that respect which a teacher deserve.I am reminded of an incident in this regard and that probably will make my thoughts more clear.When I joined one of the schools during early years of my teaching career and this was a boarding school and as per my nature, I tried to understand what the children expected from me other than teaching the subject.During the informal discussion about the qualities of the teachers the students appreciated one of the teachers and told that they used to respect a particular teacher though he was very strict in case of discipline and punctuality etc and the other teacher never impressed them though he was very soft towards the children. The reason told by the children for this difference was that the first teacher cared for them whereas the second one was more concerned about his own reputation and image.What I mean here is that the real teachers were respected , are respected and will have the same respect in future also, but they should prove to be the real teachers.
I would like to cite another example .One teacher who has been looking after the children of special needs was very happy and satisfied with the improvement of her students and just to share and acknowledge the efforts of the parents also she gave a call to the mother and conveyed her that the child was doing well now and she appreciated the contribution made by the parents.The mother was so happy because this was the first time that she was appreciated by a teacher for her role played in the improvement of the child. This proves that a great teacher does not take the credit for the improvement in the performance of the children but acknowledges the efforts made by the parents and the students as well.A real teacher does not work for the appreciation but does not feel shy of appreciating others.So on this day, let all teachers rededicate themselves for the noble cause of making the children able to exploit their potential to the optimum.
Once again, I salute all great teachers and wish them a very happy teachers` day.


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