Dilemma of a sincere teacher

The moment the word teacher comes to your mind, the picture of someone like Guru Dronacharya, Prof.S Radhakrishnan,Guru Vashisth,Shri Bandhuji and many more like them come to the mind of many of us.The status of the teacher in our country has been bigger than any other person.Even Kabirji also mentioned that teacher is to be remembered before you remember God and the reason given by him for the same was that this is the teacher who gave the disciple knowledge about God.This has been the tradition and the culture in our country that the parents would believe the teacher first than their own child.The teachers also lived up to that reputation.I remember my own example.During my graduation, I had some problems in one of the topics in mathematics.I approached the teacher and he told me, if possible I should go to his house at five in the morning, which I did and my respected teacher was so kind that within a week the doubts were cleared.The most important thing was that it was all done without any extra money paid to him because he never believed in tuition etc.When I asked about the timings his answer was that as I was considered to be good in mathematics, so he never wanted that other people should come to know about the extra help I needed.This is one example, but I am sure there are many more like this in the life everyone of us.
But now it appears as if the things have changed in the last few years.The parents and the teachers have started thinking differently.The role of the teacher was to be a mentor for the children and encourage them to do good and learn values in addition to the subject knowledge.Unfortunately in the last ten twelve years the money factor has polluted the pious relationship between the teacher and the taught.Some parents have the feeling that because they pay for the services of the teacher hence it is the responsibility of the teacher to give at least ninety percent in return.The relation between the teacher,parent and the child cannot be based on the money or monetary gains.
When I write this,I do not mean it for all the parents or all the teachers.There are many teachers who are ready to do everything for their students and also there are many parents who express full faith in the teachers and do not ever complain against them.Another important aspect is that everybody in the society expects the teacher to show the right path to the children and be the role model for them.The teacher is expected to be like a parent also.So, my worry is that while helping the children for the hard times, do the teachers not have the right to be apparently annoyed with something the children had not done right? In the society everybody asks for the rights and do not talk of their responsibility, but in the case of teachers everybody talks of their responsibility and not the rights.Why should it happen so?This reminds me of many cases in which the teachers had done everything for their students but one day if some harsh words were spoken even for the good of the child, that was blown out of proportion and all the sacrifice made by the teacher in the past was forgotten by everyone. I shall mention about one great teacher who despite being insulted by the child in the class a number of times kept trying her level best for the child including the visit to the child`s home and asking him to come to her house after school hours.This teacher came in contact of the child two years back and the head of the school shared it with the teacher that this child had been having problems, mostly self created, for the last many years and despite the efforts of many people involved he had not shown much of improvement.This teacher took the responsibility gladly and promised to herself that she would do everything possible so the child improves his behavior and does not involve himself in any quarrel etc.The teacher has been trying her level best for the last two years and did find some improvement in the behavior of the child some times.But that was temporary and this child again started doing certain things  which are neither good for him nor the other children.His actions are unpredictable and he catches fight with others for no reason.He himself accepts that he gets angry very soon and cannot control that.The teacher counselled him and was always  prepared to listen to his problems and give the solution for the same.The other children also could feel that she was more helpful to that child.Initially they did not feel bad but now after two years, they are grown up and feel that they were not being given the same love and affection as the other child.But the problem is that this child does not respect this teacher also and insults her in front of the whole class.As the teacher still does not say anything to the child which makes the other children feel as if this child is the real son of the teacher and that is why she is trying to help him so much.The other teachers are not able to help him because he had not been behaving well with them.This teacher is worried not only that she could not improve this child but because the other children have also started feeling negative about her.She overheard the other children saying that when she cannot tackle her own son(this boy is being mistaken by them as her own son) then how can she improve other children? The teacher is in a difficult situation because despite her efforts  she has not been able to do much for the improvement of this child.Also the parents of this child are not supporting her much but given an opportunity they will try to blame her(not accepting their own fault).The teacher is confused and seeking the advice about her approach in future though she still wants to do everything possible for the sake of this child.I would like to appreciate the efforts of this teacher and many other teachers who are doing great for their students without expecting anything in return but the respect.   


  1. Respected Sir
    I agree with you sir that this is one of the most difficult situation.I just hope that the parents understand this plight of most of the teachers.In the case you have mentioned I think the parents should have had 100% trust on the teacher who was doing so much for this student.


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