Unity in diversity

I read an article in one of the Hindi newspapers in which the writer talks about the problem of distrust and hatred among the people in Pakistan.The other information shared by her is regarding the percentage of the people speaking different languages.She mentions that the official language of the country is English and the national language is Urdu.Interestingly Sindhi language is spoken by about forty five percent people  and only ten percent of Pakistani speak Urdu and there are some more languages spoken by the people.In addition to this, there are many dialects which change at a distance of about eight kilometers.Her contention was to know, why should there be divide amidst people of the country based on language or the dialects in which they communicate?If we see the situation in our country the number of languages spoken or the dialects used by the people to communicate is more than what it is in Pakistan.Though we are two different countries but the roots are the same and we behave nearly in the same manner.The only difference appears to be due to religion followed by majority of the people.Our country follows the path of secularism and Pakistan declared itself as the Islamic country.While reading the article, I realised that almost the same incidents take place in our country also.The people fight in the name of language and the region they belong to.For many of them the language spoken or the state they belong to becomes more important than the country.All know the problems created by one of the political parties in the name of the language and the region, and the people were asked to communicate in the language of that region even if they knew the national language Hindi.The country has been suffering from the politics of caste,creed and clan and that has not let the state of harmony develop between different castes.In the name of helping the people belonging to a particular caste the political parties have been putting the unity of this country at stake.I do not know how many political parties have tried to bridge the gap between different castes but apparently they all have fueled the divide fire.The fight among the so called low caste people and the so called high caste people is not new in this country.In addition to that, the divide based on the lines of religion is also a problem.Though our country was declared secular in nature but most political parties have been playing with the feelings and emotions of the public based on religion.Within religions you have a further divide and when it comes to caste there are so many bifurcations that it becomes difficult to count them.The unfortunate part is that people start supporting and behaving on the lines of caste,region and religion as the case may be.All are aware of the resolution passed by one state assembly in the name of region, requesting the president to reconsider mercy petition of the murderers and the other state assembly is in the process of doing the same in the name of religion.One of the chief ministers of the most populated state of the country starts crying when she is interrogated in any case.Her repetitive statement has been that the high caste people are conspiring against low caste people and she gets the support of the people on this basis only.They do not think in terms of the wrong done by her but  caste is the deciding factor.Recently one case is in the headlines of the media and you all might be aware of the same.One ANM disappeared from her home on first September 2011 and even after twenty days there is no clue about her whereabouts, though the police claims to have been trying its level best.We are worried about the safety of the woman whose husband and the children are under a lot of stress and  tension.As the name of the minister is appearing in the media reports and he belongs to a different caste.Initially the people belonging to the same caste of the woman, started talking about the low caste theory and were blaming everyone and not really trying to solve the case because she belongs to the so called low caste.When these people protested, the people belonging to the caste of the minister are also paying back in the same coins, in favour of the minister.The basic question is, why should everything be associated with caste or religion?Why should we forget that a woman is missing and the government and its agency are morally and constitutionally bound to find her and help her family members.Why should it be given a caste colour and divide the people further?We have already seen the result of the divide and internal fight which has never been good for the people nor for the country.People ask a question to all  the political leaders and the religious leaders.The castes and the religion may be important but why should the nation not be put above all this?If we respect our nation more than any other thing ,then many of the problems will be taken care of and then only this very strong and most famous expression-' unity in diversity' will prove its real worth otherwise it will fade away with the tide of time.


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