Virtues and values

While going through the magazine of a reputed school which was sent by the principal,I was really impressed by the quality of the photographs which motivated me to scan through the whole magazine and read it carefully.It was good to see that it did not have many articles but the reports related to the activities held in the school during the year.The achievements of the students in different fields including academics were shared with all readers.All those involved in the publishing of this quality magazine deserve compliments.At the same time, I read another school magazine and the newsletter which also had detailed information regarding the achievements of the teachers and the students.Twelfth issue of our school magazine was also published recently and I read that also carefully. It is good to share the accomplishments of the children because it encourages them to perform better and the other people including their parents feel good.While I was happy with all what I read and did write and congratulated the principal of the school. One thing which I found common in all these magazine was that the achievement in academics were more prominent than any other area(though there is mention of achievements in extracurricular activities also) which seemed to be quite natural because schools are considered to be developing these aspects of the children`s personality.Then I thought of reading the vision and mission statements of the schools and again there was one thing common in almost all schools and that was all schools promise to produce global citizens having values and compassion towards others, so that they are able to contribute to the peace and harmony in the society and the world.I read the magazines once again and was slightly sad not to have any mention of such reports or achievements(except one in which the school staff had organised a blood donation camp)  and that made me to realise that we were missing on something very important which is the base of the vision and the goals of the schools.I am trying to recall whether our school magazine ever had the mention of any incident where the children had done some great thing for the society.There are a number of good things the school going children do apart from the regular activities and the academics but these things rarely find any mention any where.When we talk of saving environment or preserving our culture and heritage, school going children are considered to be the ambassadors for the same.Then why do not we write about present students or the pass out students, who might be serving the society silently?Why are we so much impressed by their academic achievement or winning a prize in some reality show?I would try to know how many schools have the information about their old students who might have contributed for the cause of the society and the nation.These achievements should also be shared with other people specially the students presently studying in the schools and the colleges.For example, the people should know which school Mr. Arvind Kejrival and Ms. Kiran Bedi had studied in and those schools should be proud of the contribution of this young man and this brave woman who have shown the right path to thousands of the young people of the country.Why should people not know how many children from a particular school proved to be an asset to the society and how many proved otherwise. While rating the schools and colleges on a scale, this factor should also be taken into consideration in addition to other parameters which are considered nowadays.The parents also should judge a school on this parameter as well.They should try to find how the students of the school or the college were behaving and what are their feelings towards the society and the country.Achievements cannot be judged in isolation but if they are combined with values,they state a more glorious fact that our children are being taught the virtues needed to create and maintain a utopian society.By this, I am not undermining the field of academics or extra curricular activities, but at the same time they prove to be hollow without the sparkle of values.With the support of basic human virtues,an individual can reach newer heights whereas without them they crack down in adversities or when they are under pressure.
Thus,the schools must rethink about the contents of the school magazines and should definitely highlight the students contributions towards society and humanity at large.Even if a child donates a sum of money or a few things in kind,in the orphanage,it certainly is an act of benevolence and kindness,so it should be recognized by the school and highlighted through the school magazine.Though the schools inculcate values among their students, but at times,many schools do not highlight their contributions towards society.Here, we should understand the fact that today's age is the media age and as the achievements are shared,the contributions also must be shared.By this the children get motivated and inspired to do more for the society,as they read about the glorious contributions of many like them, in the magazines or see on the television.Remember friends, virtues do not come from wealth but wealth and every other good thing which men have come from virtues and values.


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