Importance of the language

Every year we celebrate 14th September as Hindi Diwas(Hindi Day) and various programmes are organised in the schools,colleges and other organisations.So many promising things are said and claims made for the upliftment of the language which was declared as the Rashtra Bhasha(the official language of the nation) in our constitution.There will be articles in the newspapers and all shall be told about the origin of the language and a few things related to why should we promote Hindi.When people talk of the constitution of the country they usually miss about the status given to Hindi by the great leaders of our country who framed the constitution.The problem is that language in India has been synonymous to English language and the people who are well versed in English are considered better than the ones knowing Hindi .Nobody disputes the fact that English is necessary to communicate with the people when you are living in a global world.But how does that make us to give a step motherly treatment to our own language? It has been observed that even on this day the so called great people glorify Hindi, not in Hindi but in English.This is not a good sign for our national language.Look at some other countries and you will realise that they do consider English to be an important mode of communication but during the official functions and the programmes their leaders take pride in communicating in their own language.The Chancellor of Germany was in our country a few months back.The whole programme was conducted by our people in English but when it was her turn, she spoke in her own language.This shows that the leaders of other countries have a lot of respect for their language.
In the last few years, it has been observed that the schools and the parents of the school going children are encouraging their children to learn as many foreign languages as possible because that would help them in being successful globally.The central board of secondary education has also introduced many languages in its curriculum. But one thing which should be noted is that the number of the language to be taught and to be learnt are increasing but then what is happening to our own national language? In the name of making it easy NCERT and CBSE is reducing the quality and diluting the beauty of the language which has been described by the genius in the field of languages as to be one of the very few languages which has a scientific base and a unique charm while being spoken and heard.This is one language which has culture and moral up its sleeves and the ones aware of this language learn many moral values without being formally taught by somebody.I take one very simple example.In Hindi if you address someone who is elder to you or more respectful, then he/she is addressed as "Aap" and the one who is younger is addressed as "Tum".There are many examples which will prove the point made above.Like in English we have one word "Aunt" and this apply to all whether we address to Chachiji or Mausiji or Buaji and similarly "Uncle" is the word in English used for all whether he is Chachaji or Mamaji . You can very well understand how respectful the hindi words are.Our children have been put under a lot of stress to learn so many other things at an early age but the language(particularly Hindi) is ignored.We must understand that it has taken thousand of years for this wonderful language to develop in its present form and nothing should be done to harm it. We have almost lost our mother language Sanskrit and we do not want Hindi to go the same way and have the same fate as Sanskrit.Hindi is the lifeline of the nation and without the lifeline, the survival for us will become difficult.My request to all concerned is that languages should be given the same respect as any other subject in the schools and the colleges.My worry is that in the name of making language easy are we heading towards diluting its very essence, to a situation that will take us back to the sign language.Hindi is a pious language which is equivalent to our own mother and motherland.Let us realise on this day that Mother,Motherland and the language Hindi are the ones which show us the path to live and serve the humanity.


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