Difficult Conversation

It is a well known fact that man is the social animal and he cannot live without communicating his feelings and expressions to the people around.Whether it be a child or an adult,there are gestures used by all to convey their piece of mind.An infant uses his mewling to get the attention of people around,a child expresses through language and emotions so as the adults.The awareness of life and understanding all its nuances is communicated through verbal interactions.Though there is always a purpose of communication but at times the informal communication may not have a specific purpose.Generally, verbal communication is aimed to elicit immediate and desired response whereas written communication aims to facilitate decisions and actions.Communication is such a genre that requires power to persuade and convince the person with whom you are talking.It takes place at home between father-son,mother-daughter,sister-brother,husband-wife and at the work place between employee-administration,colleagues,teacher-student or student-principal and so on and so forth.
Easy conversation as is suggested by the word is quite easy to carry but to initiate a difficult conversation is an uphill task that is why it is difficult, but once done with open mind the results usually are very helpful in solving many differences.Though difficult conversation is not easy but a sensible,mature and intelligent person will make it to be easy.This is useful for everyone in the family and the organisation.Many unsolved or latent issues can be resolved through this kind of conversation.It may require numerous meetings as merely one meeting cannot really give a positive result.One instance of a parent couple will be an apt example here.These parents were totally annoyed and angry with the whole system in the school whether the teachers or the principal or anybody else.They were not ready to listen and understand anything that was conveyed to them.The most difficult task was to initiate a conversation and break the deadlock.One really has to have a demeanour full of patience to start this kind of conversation.The parents were totally rigid about the whole episode.Finally the principal decided to take the initiative and visited the parents to have an informal talk.As a passive listener he allowed them to speak their minds out and gave a patient hearing to all their grievances.Though it took a few months and consistent discussions,till the parents were fully convinced.The principal had to be polite yet firm at a few places while the interaction took place.The result of the whole discourse thankfully was healthy and positive,which was difficult to presume.What was needed here was effective listening and effective communication along with an unbiased approach.In yet another instance concerning a faculty in the school the difficult conversation had to be initiated.Now here also the teacher was quite fixed in his ideas about certain issues.It was again challenging to convince him for anything said or done,but the principal had to break to ice in the interest of the organisation.So once again the difficult conversation was triggered between the teacher and the authority as giving it up would not have solved the problem.It was the concern and maturity that was required to understand the flaws of conduct on the part of the teacher and on the other hand, patience and perseverance on the part of the administrator.After a few talks over the table,the teacher could be made to understand the areas that demanded improvisation and he also accepted the rigidity in his ideas and attitude.Thereafter the results were satisfying as the teacher tried to bring in a positive change in himself.
These instances not only state the fact that communication always bridge the gaps but also develops healthy understanding between people.Notwithstanding the fact that a difficult conversation can turn into a congenial conversation lest it should be dealt with precision,maturity and understanding of human nature.And it also oils the wheels of activity in an organisation,facilitating optimum performances along with good relationships.


  1. After going through your article Sir , I am able to understand why certain conversations become difficult. .I personally feel that adults have an ego state which clashes and makes them feel 'I am right,U are not not' OR I am ok and you are not'.NO one wants to see from the others point of view.SO a matter of 10%becomes a matter of 90%.Talking to difficult people requires patience,experience and a lot of self analysis also, from both sides.Its better to delay a conversation than to make it closed ended


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