Examination fear
The debate regarding the
common entrance examination for the engineering colleges seems to be over. Now
top twenty percent students of each board will be eligible to appear in the
advanced level test to be conducted by IITs. The organizing agency for the main
test will be Central Board of Secondary Education and based on this the merit
will be prepared for the admission to NITs and other engineering colleges and
universities. I do not know whether it will reduce the pressure on the children
or not but the debate has forced many people to think whether having
examinations is not good at all. CBSE has done away with class X board
examination and the schools conduct this examination as the internal exam.
Somebody shared that he had appeared in the board examination as early as in
class V and then in class VIII and I think all of us appeared in class X and
class XII board exam. The person asked me whether there was stress and the
pressure on me at the time of board examination and frankly speaking I do not
remember having any fear or stress at that time. I have been debating on the issue of
examination and its impact on the children`s psychology. Is it the examination
responsible for the stress or the expectations of the parents and the teachers?
Certainly the great educationists of the past invented this education system
and integrated examinations in it to test the acquired knowledge of the
students.But what are we making of it now?
In a radio show a teacher was asked about her views on the weight of
the bags of the school going children. Her response was very interesting. She
said that this may true in some cases that the children are facing problems due
to heavy bags but in other cases, elaborate and heavy talks about heavy bags
has really made them feel the burden of the bags. Not only this, but the children
also have started taking studies as a burden. This made me to think about the
issue I am discussing today. Is it so that too much talk about the examination
being labelled as the burden has really made examination as the burden and the
stress on the children? The impact of the examination is same whether it is an internal
or public examination. The important thing which changes is the expectations. If
we can change the mindset of the parents, teachers and the society, then
examination may not be held responsible for impeding the progress of a child. In
spite of blaming examination for all wrongs, we have to introspect and try to
understand the real culprit responsible for the problems of the children.This reminds me of Roosavelt's saying-"All we have to fear is fear itself", so unless we do not get good riddance from the fear, we cannot achieve the goals of life.
As per the report in one
of the newspapers, most of the children who scored more than ninety percent in
the practical examinations could not clear their theory papers. Why is it so?
Till the recent past we used to talk about such issues in the school
examination only because there have been cases where the students did very well
in sessional scores (which are internal) and the practical examinations while
they scored very low in theory papers. Everyone may be is talking about this anomaly
but no efforts are being made to remove it. The boards are in the race of
improving their results without realizing that in the process they are harming
the future of the country. We are producing the human resource with a piece of
paper in the name of qualifying certificate and not equipped with the skills
and the knowledge to face the challenges of the future. I have written it before also but would like
to reiterate that examination is important for all to improve and do better. Indeed
the real test is only at the desk. The basic problem is the preparation for the
same. If the teaching learning process is in coherence with the goals, then the
problem of examination stress will be taken care of up to a large extent. What
we have to see and do immediately is the improvement in our learning
environment in the schools and also at homes. To do away with examination may
not serve the desired purpose but bringing some change in the system of
examination will certainly help. Creating an unnecessary havoc in the mind of
the children that examinations are bad and many problems crop up because of it,
is not right. There are a number of reasons because of which the examination
seems to be responsible for every problem the children face. As I mentioned
earlier, every child is distinct in his qualities and potential of doing things
in different walks of life. No two kids can be identical which all of us must
realize and accept. The expectations from the children should be realistic and
as per the potential, aptitude and the interest of the child. The government
should ensure that there are adequate quality schools to fulfill the needs of
the children. Here I would like to suggest that the money which is being spent
in the name of NREGA should be utilized in such a manner that people get
facilities for the quality education. The unemployed educated youth of the
villages should be trained and made capable of teaching well in the village
schools. The capacity building of the youth will help them acquire required
skills to teach the children who are in the dire need of good education. Policy
makers should also ensure that taking popular measures might help them on short
term basis but the long term results would be disastrous. The right to
education act will remain a slogan until the government schools and their
teachers are not looked after well and serious concerns are not focused on
them. Twenty five percent reservations in private schools is a welcome step but
that is just a drop in the mighty ocean of knowledge and education. If the
private sector has responsibility towards the society then government have
bigger responsibility to share. Both the aspects i.e; proper infrastructure and
the good quality committed and skilled teachers are of utmost importance. If
you do not provide these two, then there is no option but to do away with the
examination. We shall have to be realistic in our approach and stop having
double standard.
I might seem to be little tough in my approach
on certain things but these are my thoughts and as a citizen of the country, I
thought it right to share it with you all. As I always say that I would be more
than happy for correction suggested by any one of my esteemed fellow citizens.
I am trying to convey one thing that examination is not the black sheep but the
entire process of education including lack of infrastructure, the quality
teachers and many other factors are responsible. The teachers should not be
ridiculed all the time but environment should be created for better
understanding between all stake holders. Those who are performing their duties
should be dealt with accordingly but all teachers and schools should not be
blamed. Those who are trying their level best should be appreciated and helped
so that others also get motivated. The children who are the ‘instant coffee’
generation should be made to understand that examination and the books are most
important for their growth and progress. Hence in spite of considering them as
the burden these should be considered as the ingredients and recipes for their
coffee of success which cannot be instant. They would have to possess an
inexplicable and incessant zeal to reach the crowing success.
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