Kids with healthy selves
The children who are able to take decisions for themselves are able to own the consequences of the same so well and in the other case when they are asked to perform a task by others specially the elders, they feel depressed if they do not get the desired results. In the second case, the result was not necessarily desired by the kids but the adults and in the first case the children had thought of the result themselves.What does it mean ? The simple answer is that the children should be allowed to take their own decisions and not always be forced the desire and the will of the parents and the teachers. The self esteem of the child is very important but the psychologist are of the opinion that self- efficacy is equally important.They say that the self-efficacy is the belief that we can successfully impact our world.Unlike self -esteem which is concerned with the knowing of self worth. Self-efficacy is the judgements of personal capabilities.Though most of the times self-efficac...