Believe in the power of youth

It has been heard so many times that the youth of the country is not that much concerned as is expected but if everybody looks at the thinking and the desire of the youth, despite all odds around they do have a lot of respect for the nation and are really concerned for the welfare and the progress of the country.Few examples can be quoted which came to our notice very recently(and when thought and analysed seriously it was found that it was the same earlier also). The case is that whenever the children of even the age group of 13 to 16 years were given an opportunity to do something which would involve the people around them or help to solve the problem of pollution or save water or any other community service task, they come forward with a lot of energy and enthusiasm. Very recently children were told about the concept of helping those who are in need, in terms of providing them the notebooks etc; by recycling the paper waste like the used newspapers,notebooks or the books which are not in use.They were asked to collect such waste and give it to an agency which will  recycle them,make them of some use and give it to the needy children who are not able to buy these otherwise.The children were so excited to take up this task which was quite evident in their eyes. The other case was, when they were asked by the teachers to bring their old clothes to be given to the people who were in the need of them and once again they did it so sportingly that it made us feel so proud of them. I know it can not happen so for every child but then, are these the children to be blamed or our parents and the teachers who have not taught them this very important lesson of life.Majority of the children want to help others but there may be a few around who would not be wanting to do the same for many reasons.However, the negative things in the society are talked about more than the positive incidents  and in this process the good work done is not appreciated and recognised as much as it should be.
The other important issue in this regard is the thought and actions of the adults that influence the children and the youth.In some cases, it has also been observed that some parents object to things which are so important for the children to learn at a very early age like ensuring that the place around the child is clean. For example, if a child has used an eraser or torn the paper or spilled some food(either at home or in the school) we should encourage the child to learn to clean that place and throw the waste in the dustbin or wherever it is supposed to be thrown.But in some cases, parents might not appreciate it and if so then the child will never learn to do the same.Such cases are very few but sometimes this only becomes an issue at home and  in the school.Here  the parents and teachers are required  to motivate the children for such small but very significant learning,like being particular about the cleanliness and becoming independent in some tasks.
Always encourage the children to keep their surroundings clean.This may start from the room of the child and study place etc.They should be able to make their beds, arrange their school bags, polish their shoes and most importantly pick the used plates after the food has been finished and place them in the sink and basins. Their habit should not be spoiled for the sake of making them comfortable by providing help and support for everything they should do themselves.The children should be encouraged to do their own home work and the tutor should not be made available for that because in some cases it has been found that there are different tutors for different subjects because the parents feel that the child may not be able to do them on their own . Another simple example of helping the elders at home and even the younger one who may need the help of the capable ones.In the families where these things are followed, the children there are always prepared to do things not only for themselves but also for others as well.There may be so many things which otherwise seem to be so simple and insignificant but can help the children develop the habit of being  concerned and responsible citizens of the country.In the end, I would like to emphasize that the young children and the youth of the country is very much aware of their responsibilities and the ones who are doing it so well should be recognised and appreciated and the others who have not learnt it this way should be encouraged to develop this in their personality.This also reminds me of an ancient proverb which says, "The greatest of the walls were built with the smallest of the bricks." So, the onus of guiding and channelising these youthful bricks to form the greatest of the pillars lies on us. If we earnestly desire to progress,these smaller areas and issues should be addressed.It will not only give us solace and satisfaction but also help us to achieve prosperity.The ability and power of youth should not be undermined as it is immense and we have to believe in it.


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