Multiple roles played by the schools

It is a great relief to the children, parents and the schools to see that the strike by the bus operators has been called off and as it usually happens in such cases it did not continue for long .All concerned behaved and acted with maturity and the misconceptions which were in the mind of the bus operators are now clear and we hope that such situation will not be allowed to come in future.This should be a lesson to be learnt by everyone.Non availability of transport to the children for merely a day created a kind of mess and most of the parents and the schools found it difficult to manage it .
One person asked me a very important question a day prior about, what alternate arrangement was made by the school and for a  moment I could not respond to the question because we never thought of any such arrangement. When I told him that no such arrangement could be made by the school, that person was not very happy with the answer. Since then I have been thinking what can be done by the school administration in such situations except seeking the help of the parents.And the parents of our children were really a great help during this time.But then as nobody was prepared for such situation hence it was a predicament to everyone.Though the morning hours were all right but the real problem for the parents was to take the children back from the school in the afternoon because most of the parents are working and they might not have been in a position to leave their office or the place they work at.The major problem was for the parents who had to travel long distance because the school of their children might be located on the outskirts of the city.
In the earlier days when the schools were situated close to homes , the children used to come to the school on their own and the schools did not to get involved in their transportation .That time the parents were also at ease and were able to drop and pick-up the children in some cases.Now everyone is so much busy and the life style has also changed that it has become almost impossible for the parents to handle this situation hence the schools had to take this responsibility.The safety of the children is the prime responsibility of all and whatever  time the children spend in the bus or the auto they come by, is very crucial.A very small mistake of the bus driver or the conductor might cause serious problem to the children.That is the reason the transporters or the bus operators should not consider it just as the bus plying on the city route(though there also they have got to be disciplined and very careful) but a very important assignment of theirs because the schools and the parents have given them the most important responsibility of the safety of their children. Most of the bus operators take it very seriously but there are a few who pay a little attention towards the safety norms. The administration and the transport department have been trying to ensure the safety of the children and all concerned must help in that endeavour because we can not allow anyone to play with the safety of our children.That is the reason the schools and the parents will have to act in a responsible manner and take all possible measures to ensure that the children do not suffer. This should not be the problem of my child only but the problem of our children. The bus operators must take this very seriously, but at the same time the parents and the schools should also realise, appreciate and try to solve some genuine problems raised by the bus operators(though the strike by them should never be supported or appreciated). We have come across some cases where the parents also behave in an immature manner and this in no way help the cause I am talking about. Everyone has got to be treated with respect and dignity whosoever he or she may be,even if it the bus driver or the conductor. Losing temper or unnecessarily scolding someone does not make any sense.
When we discuss about the safety,another very important aspect that emerges is the safety in school. The children are children and at times might indulge in some acts which may question their own safety as well as the safety of other children. So, the teachers and other staff of the schools should be very careful and vigilant to take care of any mishappening in the school. The school needs to have a proper facility of the clinic and the doctor/trained nurse with all possible first aid facilities including the oxygen cylinder etc.Here I do not mean that the school should be converted into a hospital but definitely the basic facilities must be made available so that the children could be looked after in an emergency (because it does not happen everyday).The children must be counselled and motivated not to inflict any injury because of their own actions. The parents should also inform the school and the class teacher of any serious illness or problem the child suffers.This will not only help in proper care of the student but also give a relief to the parents and they will be assured of the well being of their child.The times have changed and so have the expectations of the society and the parents.Unlike the past,now the school is expected to cater to all the basic needs of the children.Things for which only the parents were responsible earlier have now slowly and gradually shifted in the jurisdiction of school,ranging from catering to health problems, moral and psycho-social needs to academic excellence.The schools these days are involved in multifarious activities and all this is possible only on account of the cooperation of parents,teachers and the school authorities.


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