In the classroom

The role of a teacher is not only to teach the children but motivate them to learn so that they become independent learners.We all have been students in a school and experienced certain things while being taught by different teachers.If you sit back and try to analyse your experience and behavior there will be some teachers who will come to your mind instantly and for some you will require to think a lot.A teacher who can make a positive impact on his/her students is remembered with a lot of respect and many actions of him/her have indirect or direct influence on the overall performance and achievements of the students in later life.The learning does not take place in the classroom only but  it seems to be one important place for the teacher and taught to be together and learn.
Another observation is that there are some teachers for whom the students wait eagerly  in the class and the children do not realise when the class gets over and they like to continue the class with the same teacher but for other teachers this may not be the same.They are not welcomed by the students and if this is the case, then we can understand what kind of learning will take place in the class.I have been trying to understand it from the teachers and also the students what factors are responsible for such behavior of the students and it has been observed that there are many reasons for this.When a survey was done by some educationists it was found that the children do expect the teachers to behave in particular manner and possess different qualities. Before I mention these, let us try to understand the behavior of different teachers in the classroom.There are some teachers who feel enthusiastic while entering their class and the same is radiated to the children also and they also enjoy their company with the students.For them this is just not a duty but something beyond the boundaries of a classroom. For such teachers the children are equivalent to their own children.There are other teachers who go to the class with an attitude to perform their duty to teach the class and complete the syllabus as decided by the HOD or the Head of the school.They are neither bothered about good or average children and are happy performing their duty.The third category of the teachers is the ones who are tensed even before they enter the class. They are not very much bothered about the important task they are to perform rather they think negative about the class and find themselves inadequate to analyse why is it so. They do not ever try to understand what do the children expect from them and what is wrong with their attitude.Even if somebody tries to talk to them, they find fault in the class only and do not look within. Such teachers neither can be happy themselves nor can make their children happy.The first category of the teachers have wonderful rapport with the class and even those students who are academically not very sound,respect them.Such teachers appreciate the efforts and the achievement of all the children. The second group of the teachers are almost indifferent and carry on the same way year after year.The third category of the teachers must be taken care of because they cast a negative impact on the children and this may not remain confined to their class only but might affect other teachers also.There may be so many reasons for such behavior of these teachers but all children have a fundamental right to be exposed to good teachers only and everyone will agree that the first category of the teachers seem to be the best.All those who become teachers either by choice or by chance should ensure that they prove to be in the first category otherwise they will be doing a lot of harm to the children and the society.
A few things which the children expect from the teachers are mentioned here for the reference of the concerned. There may be many more which can be added to the list.First thing which the students asked for is that the teacher should enjoy teaching the students, the next, they expect the teacher to enjoy the subject being taught.Third, they expect teachers to give them the examples from daily life. Also they want the teachers to have a laugh in the class but they are equally concerned that the teachers should be able to bring the class back in order.The children do not like the teachers who shout in the class.They also want that no child is ridiculed and all students have an easy access to the teachers.Also they do not feel comfortable to be compared with others specially the ones better than them. If these things are taken care of then the learning environment will be created and all will be happy to be in the class, the teachers as well as the students.This may not be easy for all the teachers but must be done for the sake of this noble profession because one mistake on the part of teacher might result in something very negative.So, those who feel they cannot meet these expectations of the children should not come in this profession.Rather those who wish to give it broader horizens and perspective should join this service to build a noble mankind. 


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