Violence among the children

Times have changed and so has the mindset.This mindset gives rise to an indifferent behaviour.In the last few years a number of cases of bullying or dominance or any kind of violence have been reported so often by the parents, teachers and the children who suffer this menace.Has this number increased so fast or the reporting of these cases is making us believe that such incidents have increased as felt by most of us? We all know that it was almost the same in the past also but the number of cases reported were probably less.Earlier the parents would leave it to the discretion of teachers and the school to take care of such problems and would not at all support the child who might have been at fault. Bullying or any other kind of indiscipline was neither approved earlier nor is approved at present.The concern in the past and now too, is how to take care of such  children who are not very well behaved. Though the number in comparison to the ones who are very well behaved is less. Let us try to understand the nature  of most of the problems which are observed in the inappropriate action and behavior of the so called indisciplined children.
Most of the cases reported are on account of impulse and immaturity of which the child would not have any estimate and knowledge. He may not even realise that something wrong was done by him/her.This may be like throwing a pencil or chalk or any other thing on the other children. If this is not taken care of at initial stage, such actions might become the habit  of the child leading him/her to indulge in more serious offence of throwing heavier objects like water bottles, which may severely hurt the other children.The other case may be of taking the pen or the pencil of the other children per force without asking them to show supremacy and superiority.The same may happen  in the games field when one child teases the other innocent one just for fun because the second child may not be  physically very strong in comparison to the other one.Then there may arise any problem in the school bus because of seat or even within the classroom when the children provoke each other.For example, one day two children were arguing on some issue and all of a sudden one of them got so angry that he threw his water bottle on the other child which hit him on his face.Though the child who threw the bottle might not have intended to hurt the other child but it so happened.There may be many more example where the children unknowingly got involved in such acts which harmed others and themselves too.When you look at these incidents, these seem to be of simple nature but should not be ignored by the parents as well as the teachers.
When we seriously analyse the indiscipline, I think the children are behaving almost in the same manner as they used to, in the past. But now even the toys available to them are  different than before, like aliens, guns etc. and the video games which most of the times are full of violence, whereas in earlier times the children resorted to outdoor games and activities. Also in the past the children were not exposed to the  slang language which they hear outdoors and the violence that they witness on TV or read in magazines and the newspapers .The access to the Internet at a very early age is adding to the violent activities of the children.Let us try to see how the children can be helped to improve their behavior in the school and at home.
The parents can play a very important role in this endeavour as they are the ones with whom the children spent maximum time. When they are told by somebody or reported by someone else regarding the improper behavior of their child, they should not reject this outrightly. I do not say that one should believe it blindly but try to know the truth without being biased. If done so, the parents will be able to know the real situation and if  the child is found involved in something which is not desirable then he/she should be made to realise the same and counselled about not indulging in such activities. I am sure if the parents have the desire and patience, the child will definitely improve.If need be, the help of the school teachers and the counsellor can also be sought.And also if  some improvement(may not be very significant) is observed then that should be appreciated and the child should feel that the parents are now happy with him/her.Sometimes the parents and teachers keep nagging the children for the wrong he/she might have done  in the past though the same has not been repeated by him.The parents should first try to correct and improve their own child before raising a finger on any other child.If all will follow this, then the problem will be solved to the maximum extent.The teachers should also try to understand why one or two odd children are behaving that way and disturbing others.After this, with the help of the parents, make the children realise the wrong done by them.The teachers should involve these children in one or the other activity which might help in channelising their energy in the right direction.The most important thing is that adults, like the teachers and the parents. should not do anything  which they do not want their children to learn.This is the key to make the children learn good manners and not get involved in any kind of negative behavior because many a times, it is noticed that the children use such abusive language about which they do not have any idea and this they learn  from the elders.The children are so tender and innocent that you give them love and affection and they will reciprocate more than that and also if exposed to negative behavior or language will do more than what they were exposed to. Everyone should have unprejudiced and positive thoughts about these children and treat them with love,affection and care.They reflect the influence of their surroundings in their actions,words and deeds,so,the evil of misconduct and misdemeanour should be nipped in the bud,thereby curbing the instinct of incessant violence among children right at its inception.        


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