Power of women

It was in the month of December 2010, when  one of my very dear students suggested me to write my thoughts as and when possible,I hesitated a little.In the beginning, I never thought that it would be possible to do so on regular basis but without the support of some people and as I often say, my expressions were given a direction and I discovered the pleasure of writing. God has always been by my side to extend His support in different ways. I would like to very humbly thank all those people who encouraged and helped me to improve upon the quality of the subject matter or the topic chosen.But all this would not have been possible without the constant support and timely help of one very important person in my life.If I try to look at my journey in life , it has not been so smooth as it appears to be but has been full of surprisingly difficult situations and episodes which occurred at regular intervals.As I mentioned earlier too that I was lucky to have been born in a family which was much respected in those times. My grandfather was very well known in the area he lived in and many people used to visit him everyday to meet him or to find solution to their problems.I, being the only child in the family at that time, had all the right and privilege to be with him most of the times even when he used to have meetings and certain important discussions with the people of the society. This exposed me to so many situations related to life unknowingly though it was all by chance and I was not able to understand things so easily at that time.After he departed from this world, the things changed ,but  I was still very fortunate to be the son of a mother who bestowed all her care and affection on me and provided me with all possible opportunities to be in the best possible school and college. Though it must have been very difficult for her due to different reasons. As I grew in the company of my grandfather so the impression of his teachings has always been firm and deep on my mind and my mother tried to fulfill all what my grandfather used to do for me.After completing my education ,I started working in one of the best schools of the country and was quite happy with what I was doing. During that time, as it happens with everybody, my mother selected  my life partner and asked for my consent.This is true that I was not prepared for it but as was destined, could not say no to this proposal. After a few months of the marriage once again the things changed to something not very favourable and I had to change my place of work due to some unavoidable circumstances. During this change nobody was happy with me except two people who did everything possible so that I do not feel disheartened,disappointed or depressed.I realised the fact that people who really care for you ,would be known to you only at the time of adversity.Before all this,everybody used to be too close to us, appreciate us, but this change unveiled the truth to us.During this predicament nobody else but these two people in my life saved me from something which would not have been good for anyone of us.
After the sad demise of my grandfather, things went haywire in the family and someone who was responsible to look after and support the family, got tensed because a lot of responsibility suddenly came on his shoulders for which he was not at all prepared. He was none other than my reverent father.Today, I can understand how difficult it would have been for him to manage the worldly affairs of such a big family and that too which was known and respected because of the reputation of my grandfather.Probably this stress made him to behave little differently and he would get angry very soon for even the smallest matter.As a child, I was not used to this anger and always felt bad and was nostalgic of the days spent with my grandfather.After our marriage, when I was finding it difficult to manage self and others,I also experienced the same frustration and tension .In those difficult days when everyone had a different impression about me,she stood by my side without ever showing or expressing what she was going through because she had to manage me as well as other members of the family.Anyway, she could get me through that difficult time and the life started sailing smoothly.When I sit and look back and think of those days,I always wonder if she was not around with me, what would have been my fate. She went through all difficult situations without ever expressing in actions and gestures.Rather she was always so comforting, caring and compassionate.She even sacrificed her own career for the sake of the family and made the life of others around comfortable(she got many opportunities to work in better capacities than what I was at that time but did not take up any of those jobs for the sake of the family and specially me because she wanted to see me being successful in life).
As I mentioned above, after the loss of my grandfather, my mother and my wife helped me to become what I am today. When people appreciate any work done by me including the thoughts which I have been able to express in my blog ,I wonder, if I should be given any credit for this or it should be directed to my beloved wife because all this could be possible only due to her benign support,understanding nature and a heart full of patience. I have been only the medium, but the real force behind all this has been my wife Sangeeta;who has always been my greatest strength in life.Undoubtedly, she has proved it so well that women are an eternal source of inspiration, motivation and tremendous power to pave the way for exponential growth and prosperity of the family and society.She by virtue of perseverence,tolerance,forbearance and the many qualities of head and heart, could be my real friend, philosopher and guide. Kudos to my wife for the innumerable selfless sacrifices that she made for me.I owe everything to her, be it my career,my family or my passion for the profession.Though words can not suffice my innermost thoughts but I wish her a big god bless.


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