Concerted Cultivation

While reading about the the people who have been very successful in their life , I came across many factors which contributed in their doing better than others. Different people had different IQ level and also the area of interest.Some were into games and sports ,some entrepreneurs,some computer professionals,some lawyers and various other fields.If observed carefully, it would be found that they had something exceptional in them but this is also true that all people are born with some talent, then the question is what makes some people successful than the others? As mentioned earlier, there are many factors responsible for that and a few basic ones are; the opportunity,the appropriate age,the will to achieve,the circumstances at local and global level and the other one which is important is parenting.
It has been observed that many successful personalities about whom people are curious to know seem to the ones from an ordinary family background. But if studied in detail, it is also found that the percentage of such successful people is less than the ones who were from middle class or upper middle class family background. Some people tried to seek the reason behind it and it was not what was anticipated by many, that they had the advantage of being from an affluent family and they did not need to work hard. Everyone must understand that one cannot be successful without working hard but other factors do make a significant difference.When studied in detail, it was found that the children from middle class were helped by their parents and they were always there to support them as and when required whereas, the situation was altogether different in case of the children who were not that fortunate to have born in those families.During the research it was observed that the parents from the middle class had the advantage of being helped by their parents in developing their confidence and the skills. On the contrary, the other group of the children were left to themselves because their parents neither had the resources nor the time and the knowledge to help them.So, success of these people was achieved in more difficult situation than the other group.One example shall make this point clear to all.One fortunate child had a very concerned mother who was fully involved with the child`s progress in every field he was interested in.She would go to his school on regular basis and meet his teachers. She would share all what she felt would help him to do better. She inculcated one very important quality in the child and that was to question, if he had some doubt whether it was at home, in the school or anywhere else.One day when she took him to the doctor for general check up, the child asked the doctor about some serious problem which he was facing.Many children of his age would not have talked or questioned the doctor if not encouraged by the parents.The parents who support their children in anything creative and logical,they do contribute in making them successful in life, be it the case of taking them to hobby class or parent teacher meeting in the schools , they are always there with the children.
If we consider the other group of the children ,there it is clear that the parents do not have the confidence to go and suggest anything to the teachers because they feel it is the responsibility of the teachers to look after the children and take care of their problems.These children will have to make their place on their own, hence probably to be appreciated and encouraged more than others.The parenting care and support is very important in the success of the person. Try to look at the list of the successful people and you will find that many of them had successful parenting. This should not be mistaken with extreme interference in the life of the child which may rather prove to be detrimental in his/her growth .The parents will have to understand, when and where to intervene so that the child does not become dependent on them.In the example mentioned above the mother was working as the support when required. She did not ask question on behalf of her son rather prepared him that he could question himself.The parents and the teachers a play very important role in the life of the children and they have got to play a constructive role in bringing out their potential, irrespective of the family background.
Fortunately in our country the parents are more aware of their role in the present than in the past and now even the low income group parents want their children to be successful, hence the schools should also help them and should not pay more heed only to those parents who come to meet them quite often, but the other parents should also be encouraged and counselled to be more involved with their child. This collaborative and sincere effort will take care of the problem with which these children are born. Therefore,this concerted cultivation will help and motivate all the children to be successful in their own fields.


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