The best performance comes in the situation of crisis

Last few days had been quite stressful but at the same time productive and useful also.The days spent in front the TV and watching how the people of the country responded to the call of Sh. Annaji.As everybody else, I was also concerned about the health of this great man.We used to pray to the Almighty that nothing wrong should happen to him otherwise the country would lose somebody who has reminded us the way our freedom fighters and the people at that time would have fought and suffered for the cause of their country. Not only it would have been a loss but the country would have been in deep trouble because of the repercussions in such eventuality.We respect and appreciate the government and other political parties which ensured the faith of the people in democracy. Though the response was a  bit late but rightly said by somebody that it is better late than never or in hindi-" Der Aaye Durust Aaye". The people of the country specially the youth has made very clear to all that they are not passive observers of what is happening in the country but are very much active to come forward and lead this country towards a better future or a utopian society. Before this movement the feeling was that nobody was bothered about the country and if something was discussed that remained within the four walls of the drawing rooms of the people but this again has been proved that when there is need people will talk about the same outside on the streets also.
The other stress we were through was an internal one related to an activity to be conducted in the school. This activity was the Annual Inter DPS  Cricket Tournament in which nine teams from west zone were to participate.The Rain God has been very kind to this part of western Rajasthan this time though the rains  came a bit late.All were very much tensed whether the matches will be possible in such conditions when it was  raining almost everyday. The other problem was the number of days. Twenty matches were scheduled to be completed in three day and the inaugural and the valedictory function was also to be taken care of in these days only.The school had to hire three more grounds so that twenty matches could be played in three days. Now the problem was of shifting the teams and other basic necessities including the food,commutation etc. The school was working as usual hence transporting the teams by buses was also an issue.Then stay arrangement of the participants and the related issues were also a concern. The uncertain weather had added to the problems and the worries of all of us.But I am really happy writing about the very successful conduct of the tournament without any problem despite the fact that the rain did play some mischief.When the condition of one of the grounds became very poor, shifting the venue immediately and completing the match in time was a great task done by the organises and the persons responsible for the smooth conduct of the matches.I am not writing all this for self praise but if we seriously analyse the two aforementioned situations, they teach us a wonderful lesson of the life.The lesson is that the people of our country give their best in difficult situations.They are competent enough and have the courage to accomplish any task given to them which may not be visible to us during comfortable times.During the matches nobody was bothered about the timings and their own family but the only worry was how to complete the given task successfully.Everyone of them, whether these were the teachers,students or the support staff worked day and night without any grimace on their face and that was the reason the Almighty also helped them.We heard the same in our childhood that  God helps those who help themselves and this appeared to be so very true here.
These two recent episodes made us to believe that nobody can stop us from performing to the best of our potential( and this is in plenty in Indian people) in the times of crisis and that gives a lot of confidence to me as a teacher and the citizen of this great country.
I would like to salute all citizens of this country for reminding us about the importance of non violence.Also my sincere gratitude and thanks to the members of the organising team of the above mentioned cricket tournament and other members of staff and the students for calibrating  their potential and strength to make this event a grand success.


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